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Israeli minister: Iran wants to be superpower


Jan 27, 2010
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UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Israel's deputy prime minister said Tuesday that Iran wants to revive the Persian Empire and once again become a major superpower with a nuclear bomb.

Silvan Shalom told reporters after meeting U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that Iran would like to change the types of regimes in the Middle East and take control of all the oil fields in the region as part of its quest for power.

The ancient Persian Empire encompassed millions of miles (kilometers) in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Shalom said if Iranians can change regimes in the Mideast, control its oil wealth and produce a nuclear bomb, "they believe that they will be once again a major superpower in the world."

Alireza Miryusefi, spokesman for Iran's U.N. Mission, said: "This is a nonsense statement by (the) representative of a regime that killed thousands of innocents all over the world. This is a unique regime in the Middle East that has a stockpile of nuclear weapons. This regime is pursuing a policy of creating rift among Muslims in the region."

Israel views Iran as a threat to its existence, citing Iranian calls for Israel's destruction, Iran's missile technology capable of hitting Israel, and its support for anti-Israel militant groups. Israel, the U.S., and many other countries believe Iran's nuclear program is aimed at producing nuclear weapons, though Tehran insists it is purely peaceful and aimed at producing civilian nuclear energy.

Israel is widely believed to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons but has never admitted it, pursuing instead an official policy of "ambiguity" hoping to deter potential attackers.

Four rounds of U.N. sanctions have failed to get Tehran to suspend uranium enrichment and return to negotiations with world powers on its nuclear program.

Shalom said Iran believes nuclear weapons are an "insurance policy to keep the regime in power," but he expressed hope that tough new sanctions by the European Union, the U.S., and others might lead Iran to give up its nuclear program. These new sanctions banned the purchase of Iranian oil and froze the assets of the country's central bank.

Shalom was pessimistic about reviving peace negotiations with the Palestinians following the recent power-sharing agreement between Hamas leaders who control Gaza and refuse to recognize Israel's existence and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement which controls the West Bank and advocates a two-state solution.

"How can we have a dialogue with a government that half of it is asking to destroy us?," Shalom asked.

Shalom said it's unfortunate that in every country that experienced a popular uprising, including Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, Islamist groups that are "more hostile toward Israel than their predecessors" came to power.

The Associated Press: Israeli minister: Iran wants to be superpower
There was a lot of scaremongering regarding North Korea getting nukes as well. Doomsday scenarios of "suitcase nukes" and all that.

I wonder what happened there?
Actually the old Persian empire included present day Iran, Afghanistan ( aka Khurasan in the old days ) and parts of Pakistan. These three countries can become a federation and revive the old Persian Glory one more time. They could truly be a Superpower.
There was a lot of scaremongering regarding North Korea getting nukes as well. Doomsday scenarios of "suitcase nukes" and all that.

I wonder what happened there?

Even it is true, i see nothing wrong here, everybody could have its goal and ambition as long as you work hard and don't steal from others. :coffee:

Most Iranians are just proud of their ancient civilization as much as we do.
Actually the old Persian empire included present day Iran, Afghanistan ( aka Khurasan in the old days ) and parts of Pakistan. These three countries can become a federation and revive the old Persian Glory one more time. They could truly be a Superpower.

Most Iranians i known are nationalists, not some religious fundamentalists.

If i am Iranian, i would also miss the glory of the ancient Persian Empire. :coffee:

Iran has this in their favor Strike won't work because they can't hit all sites without the USA, and even if they were hit Iran could rebuild them again including Iran attacking back, Endless cycle, the West is going overboard and it's not helping.
well one thing is pretty clear that iran and israel are on their way to become one of the most powerful military blocs of the middle east , especially after what iran did in delhi and what mossad has been doing for years , i am convinced that they can go till any extent to safeguard their national interests , unlike the indian gov which sits like a peace loving duck despite having a billion dollar defence budget .
Israeli are already a world super power...no other country can control the foreign policy of a nation like USA!!!!
and Iran..they have just started acting like superpower by showing their influence on countries like Iraq.
Iran has done well under sanctions if they did not have any sanctions they would have been the superpower of the Middle East.

The sanctions helped Iran the same way they actually helped China.

During Shah's day, Iranians couldn't tie their shoes without the white man. Now they are free and independent.
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