Might be some predators there. Predators go to the places where there is prey for them to prey upon.
In the places you mention fat white guy stuffs his face at the restaurants and pays money at the tourist attraction girlie bars. fat white guy is just a sacred cash cow to be milked of money. He isn't grooming anybody, he can barely groom himself. (perhaps my white guy isn't white enough for you.
In the Philippines, it is Filipinos who for some reason set the age of consent at 12 and thus have HUGE numbers of teen unwed mothers. "Young poor pregnant." Bet most fathers are young Filipino classmates. If we look at who the tourists and expats are we see a very diverse group. East Asians, Americans, Indians, and Europe all have in the 8k-30k expat range. East Asians and Americans reallly flock to the Philippines. Maybe they are all predators but where are the criminal cases?
Filipinos are the men who send their women around the world to work shit jobs, in very subservient positions, all the while doing little or nothing back in the Philippines. If Filipinos run women as borderline slave workers they are probably also running the sex slave rings.