Or? or i already saw it regardless your current post?
I dont expect from you above average level of deduction...
Someone who you state is not too bright has the intelligence to not only investigate what really happened through a raw video footage but has also lead you into a trap in which you have shown that you do not understand that your government has fed you lies regarding this matter.
Please have a look at this video of what someone who has average intelligence has brought forward to you in the hopes that it would raise the level of awareness regarding this tragic event.
YouTube - *EXCLUSIVE* Raw Footage Zionist Attack on the Mavi Marmara (5 of 6) - Extreme HD
Remember in a court of law
intent is very important and the motive of using non lethal weapons in international waters is used by the IDF in this incident to promote anger from the passengers on board the Mavi Marmara. The video the IDF released are all showing the incident after the IDF troops start landing and not before. It is apparent then that the IDF planned the incident to occur as it did (you can not expect people not to attack when you yourself start using lethal weapons OR non lethal weapons in an international designated zone), the death list may very well be a forgery or a deliberate part on the part of the IDF to further reinforce the passengers feeling that they have no choice but to attack any attempt by the IDF to gain control of the ship.
Propaganda and publicity stunts are carefully orchestrated in a world that has no true barriers thanks to the information age and one who knows how these tools are used can not only trap people into making accusations (such as claiming that I am of average intelligence, when you do not know who I am or what I do) but reveal the lies and disinformation governments and neo political entities employ on a daily basis.
Let us consider the strong points and facts these videos have revealed.
1. Not all shots were the non lethal kind as video 4 appears to indicates.
2. People were killed before IDF troops landed on board the Mavi Marmara/Turkish soil.
3. Non lethal shots were used in conjunction with live ammunition with perhaps the further use of a death list (I admit this may be forged on part of the passengers) to create a climate of absolute fear and a situation were the passengers felt they had no other option but to retaliate.
4. The location (international waters) further reinforces the above point 3 as in Israeli waters it could be assumed by the passengers and crew of the flotilla that the IDF wants to conduct an inspection.