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Israeli Indian Strategic Alliance Under Threat

It seems every time we try and get closer we get a Kargil or a 26/11 and we are back to square 1

Well is it any surprise? The Pakistani military establishment doesn't want these kind of relations with India. They justify their existence and inordinate presence in their nation because of "evil India" and its evil plans.
Zionists cannot ditch each other..Relation of hindus and jews are like of a husband and wife..They can look here and there but at the end of the day will share the same bed.
Let's be honest- Israel and Pakistan aren't exactly freinds...?

Now you are talking like a hard core Islami$ht from Pakistan.

-- Why someone who is born in England to Desi looking parents behave as Islami$ht. I have no idea.


p.s. While the rest of your post points to some truth howeever I disagree that foriegn made components are always bugged. That would be like foreign companies supplying those parts, shooting in their own foot. But that
It seems every time we try and get closer we get a Kargil or a 26/11 and we are back to square 1 but perhaps things may change now. There was some talk in the Pakistani press about finally granting India MFN status that could be a start to improve economic relations between us.

You Sir are putting a bull behind the cart Indian style.
--- The only thing to come out of such style of reasoning is that the "temporal c@rt" getting f^d by the bull.

And we all will be standing around wondering what the f happened here.

How did we get into this mess.

Without ever realizing that two monkey rajas, one small and one very large just did the $hit that has been repeated in this god forsaken place called South Asia, Indian subcontinent or some other politically correct term.

I urge you to not become a mouth piece of trashy tv talk shows, and learn a bit before spreading false rumors and constipated conspiracy theories.

We were as close to achieving peace BEFORE kargil, as we were AFTER that $tupid war.

Let's stop being delusional.

thank you

Zionists cannot ditch each other..Relation of hindus and jews are like of a husband and wife..They can look here and there but at the end of the day will share the same bed.

You Sir are spreading conspiracy theories just like the Indian @Abingdonboy

One Islamist, One Hindu, different names, different words, same old conspiracy theories.

Oh what an irony.
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Now you are talking like a hard core Islami$ht from Pakistan.

-- Why someone who is born in England to Desi looking parents behave as Islami$ht. I have no idea.


p.s. While the rest of your post points to some truth howeever I disagree that foriegn made components are always bugged. That would be like foreign companies supplying those parts, shooting in their own foot. But that

I'm saying there is precedent for such activities- that is all sir. It's is not outside the bounds of reality- is it? I'm not saying this has been doe by Israel for sure.
I'm saying there is precedent for such activities- that is all sir. It's is not outside the bounds of reality- is it? I'm not saying this has been doe by Israel for sure.

You said and I quote " Israel and Pakistan aren't exactly freinds...".

This $hit is always eaten and spread by Islamists.

Which has no grounds in reality. Unless you beleive in the fake papers "Elders of Zion" $hit.

Do you believe in that Islamist reality Sir?

It looks like you do.
You said and I quote " Israel and Pakistan aren't exactly freinds...".

This $hit is always eaten and spread by Islamists.

Which has no grounds in reality. Unless you beleive in the fake papers "Elders of Zion" $hit.

Do you believe in that Islamist reality Sir?

It looks like you do.

Of course not, but are you implying Israel and Pakistan are freinds? All I have ever seen here on PDF and in the news suggests the opposite. Is it not Pakistanis who brag about their pilots fighting in the 1967 and 1973 Arab–Israeli wars, flying Jordanian and Syrian planes?

To this day Pakistan refuses to recognise Israel as a state. Tell me how friendly are Israel and Pakistan?

Please don't call me an Islamist-thinker again- I'm stating blatant and universally accepted facts- you are name calling. Refute my points with evidence otherwise leave the nastiness at the door.

Please don't call me an Islamist-thinker again- I'm stating blatant and universally accepted facts- r.

You are quoting "facts" so often repeated by Islamist.

If you walk like a duck, and talk like a duck, then don't get angry if people call you a "dukky".

Ok my dear dear follower of Islamism, here are you "FAKTS". hahhaahah

1... Of course not, but are you implying Israel and Pakistan are freinds?

2.. All I have ever seen here on PDF and in the news suggests the opposite. Is it not Pakistanis who brag about their pilots fighting in the 1967 and 1973 Arab–Israeli wars, flying Jordanian and Syrian planes?

3. To this day Pakistan refuses to recognise Israel as a state. Tell me how friendly are Israel and Pakistan?

#1. First you say Israel and Pakistan are NOT friends.

What does that mean? Did you read the OP? it says Pakistan bought stuff from israel.

So if Pakistan just bought stuff, paid for it. but did not give a hug in the process.

Does that make that sale of such equipment null and void?

Why we have to discuss "friendship" in a purely business transaction?

Only bad Islamists bring such accusations of non-friendship read "enemy" while talking about Israel.

And you are doing the same in somewhat different way.

And that's pathetic. pathetic style.

#2 - There is no proof, just some Alf Laila stories about big bad Pakistani Pilots whooping someone who attacked Arabs.

Even Israelies have refuted the names and planes mentioned in such threads.

But Islamist Ulluss and their Indian lackies continue to spread disinformation.

And you are doing the same and repeating Islamist lies.

Don't be angry if someone points out things based on your posts.

#3. Ideally there should be diplomatic relationship. Sure.

But absence of such diplomatic nice things, doesn't mean you can't do business with them.

But you love to repeat what Islamists want to do, or plan to do.

So quit doing and spreading Islamist propaganda if you don't want to be called so.

Thank you
You are quoting "facts" so often repeated by Islamist.

If you walk like a duck, and talk like a duck, then don't get angry if people call you a "dukky".

Ok my dear dear follower of Islamism, here are you "FAKTS". hahhaahah

#1. First you say Israel and Pakistan are NOT friends.

What does that mean? Did you read the OP? it says Pakistan bought stuff from israel.

So if Pakistan just bought stuff, paid for it. but did not give a hug in the process.

Does that make that sale of such equipment null and void?

Why we have to discuss "friendship" in a purely business transaction?

Only bad Islamists bring such accusations of non-friendship read "enemy" while talking about Israel.

And you are doing the same in somewhat different way.

And that's pathetic. pathetic style.

#2 - There is no proof, just some Alf Laila stories about big bad Pakistani Pilots whooping someone who attacked Arabs.

Even Israelies have refuted the names and planes mentioned in such threads.

But Islamist Ulluss and their Indian lackies continue to spread disinformation.

And you are doing the same and repeating Islamist lies.

Don't be angry if someone points out things based on your posts.

#3. Ideally there should be diplomatic relationship. Sure.

But absence of such diplomatic nice things, doesn't mean you can't do business with them.

But you love to repeat what Islamists want to do, or plan to do.

So quit doing and spreading Islamist propaganda if you don't want to be called so.

Thank you
I'm sorry but what utter nonsense. Why have you taken such offence to my stating of facts that Israel and Pakistan aren't freinds or even friendly?Do a poll of all Israelis and all Pakistanis- there will be no great affection for the other nation I can guarantee you that.

The very fact that Pakistan doesn't recognise Israel as a state says it all. This is as basic as diplomatic ties get- you can't look past this guerrilla in the room.
I....?Do a poll of all Israelis and all Pakistanis- there will be no great affection for the other nation I can guarantee you that.

So now it comes down to polls. What a desperate attempt. This is exactly how Pakistani Islamists behave.

They also demand polls as soon as one of the Pakistanis want to establish normal ties.

...... facts that Israel and Pakistan aren't freinds or even friendly?

You keep on repeating Islamists myths without ever realizing that

--- Israeli government has never threatened Pakistan.
--- Pakistani government has never threatened Israel

May be one day we'll have full diplomatic ties. but in the meanwhile

Quit spreading the same lies and same propaganda that of Islamists.

Thank you
--- Pakistani government has never threatened Israel

Thank you

Right, just killed their airmen:

Pakistani pilots who shot-down 10 Israeli jets | Rehmat's World
PAF ( Pakistan Air Force ) amazing capabilities in Arab Israel War. Israelis are still in doubt. ~ PAKISTAN DEFENCE BLOG

You guys can't brag about this in one breath and then deny it ever happened in the next.

Mate do what you like, I'm just stating realities- if this is hard for you to swallow then that is your problem.
arey wah...this thread is full of hindi and urdu dialects.. :-)
....., I'm just stating realities- ....

There are realities


then there is "alternate Islamist reality"

And you seems to be the believer of the second, as a hardcore follower.

That's what I am pointing out.

arey wah...this thread is full of hindi and urdu dialects.. :-)


I just realize that bingdon boy has replaced hindguy.


Ok I'll quit and let Bigndon boy suck up to Islamists.

Thank you
There are realities


then there is "alternate Islamist reality"

And you seems to be the believer of the second, as a hardcore follower.

That's what I am pointing out.

Sir, once again, refute my points with evidence and don't just call me names. Call me an Islamist all you like, I'm not a Muslim so it doesn't bother me one iota.

I just realize that bingdon boy has replaced hindguy.


Ok I'll quit and let Bigndon boy suck up to Islamists.

Thank you

u okay and normal? did I say something so wrong that u ve to quit? I just said "arey wah...this thread is full of hindi and urdu dialects.. :-)"
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