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Israeli filmmaker in hiding after anti-Islam movie sparks deadly Libya, Egy

This guy served time for bank fraud. How did he get $5 million? who would give it to him?
I have a sinking feeling that this guy didn't claim to be an Israeli Jew in order to put blame on Jews (or if he did, it's only a small part), and that instead he did it because he was a tremendous imbecile who wanted to "legitimize" his project -- Evangelicals in America are staunchly pro-Israel and they might have been more likely to donate to a project by a fellow Evangelical or a Jew rather than Copts. In other words -- he was only doing it for money, because he's an incredibly stupid a**hole and didn't realize the other consequences to his actions
I am watching Indian Muslims. If muslims riot in India, They will have to Pay heavily.

@Topic: Some one made movie in hollywood, Muslims are rioting all over world, Pathetic...

Agree with you,
1. No good acting
2. No good dubbing
3. No good cenamatography, look like cheap animation
4. Not even good direction...

They should have made good movie at least..

How would you make the rioting Indian Citizens pay?

You are gonna pull a 1984 or 2012. ?
Dude, are there more like you?

I never met a Chinese that is so vehemently anti-Semitic, judging by your posts.

Chinese people are generally more decent, my guess is that your an aberration and certainly not the norm among the Chinese.

You don't have to blindly trust people's claims about their identity or flag at anonymous forums.

There are several false flags lurking at such places. Most are transparent, some take time to show their real colors.

How would you make the rioting Indian Citizens pay?

You are gonna pull a 1984 or 2012. ?

Indians are in their country and they are safe.

It is people like you who need to worry about the rising "Islamophobia" in the West. ;)

The makers of this film deceived everyone to purposely create a hateful message to incite such a response. If this was truly a political film, then your statement holds water. The actors thought they were filming something else entirely but the makers added the dubs to insult Muslims. But of course, the actors were left to take the blame for anyone seeking out the identities of those in the film.

The makers of this film are probably not Jewish but they have ties to the extremist fringe of the Egyptian Coptic Church, who has already distanced themselves from one identified person.

It has already been proven that the makers of the film were not Jewish. Not that the race of the movie maker really makes a difference IMO. The fact of the matter still stands, even if what the article you mention says is true, it does not justify what was done or negate the responsibility of those who took part of such savage acts. There is no excuse whatsoever for the violence that took place. The reality of the situation is that the people involved needed an excuse to attack a US embassy on 9/11, so they blamed their actions on a movie trailer that was released over 2 months ago.
The movie is cr@p and making Arabs go all crazy and kill each other is like taking candy away from a baby..any moron can kill 100+ people in Arab world if he wants to just by dedicating 30 min of his time for the cause
Keep up the small mindedness. You think people with an opinion differing from yours should be hunted down and killed? You are a sad, sad little man.

Attacking Islam, insulting prophet and Quran is 'differing from opinion'...
I never met a Chinese that is so vehemently anti-Semitic, judging by your posts.
And calling jews 'master of deceit' is anti-semitic

Arabs do not deserve democracy or freedom. Uncivilized creatures that they are.

^^Generalizing Arabs...(This is exactly how Nazis used to think about Jews)

Why make sweeping generalizations about Jewish people?

^^Talking about generalization

Clearly the regime has fooled and is fooling many all over the world

I condemn any attack on innocents, the perpetrators should be booked and punished. And equally i condemn those who justify insult, abuse and attack on any religion, god or prophet. Dual standards and hypocrisy will only degrade you as a human.
This is one heck of extremism..Religion over the head..humanity can go to gutters..and then some people wonder,why the world is turning anti-islam..Dafuq seriously!
what an imbecile......everyone knows that anti semitism gets you sent to the gallows in the west why cant they reciprocate and show some respect? They just attack the religion just for the sake of it, knowing they are crossing red lines and hurting sentiments of over a billion

and of course certain elements in the Muslim countries over-react and resort to hooliganism due to emotions, which is very bad
It is indeed, India has history of genocide on Muslims time and again.

Gujarat Massacre of Muslims Undercoer Footage 1 OF 3 - YouTube

Proven by who? Media that zions are controlling.....sheesh. Zion driven media has no credibility to prove anything.
B itch please,that was invoked due to a massacre(not that i m justifying it),the muslims first set the train carrying Hindus on Fire in Godhra and then the riot broke out.
But what for was the US envoy to Libya killed?What is this hoopla around?A short film?And your emotions are overflowing like a hot burning lava!
It has already been proven that the makers of the film were not Jewish. Not that the race of the movie maker really makes a difference IMO. The fact of the matter still stands, even if what the article you mention says is true, it does not justify what was done or negate the responsibility of those who took part of such savage acts. There is no excuse whatsoever for the violence that took place. The reality of the situation is that the people involved needed an excuse to attack a US embassy on 9/11, so they blamed their actions on a movie trailer that was released over 2 months ago.

Do more research the video was released two months ago but was released in Arabic in Middle East on September 11 exactly. This was a clear pre planned provocation to elicit response (on Jews btw) but it backfired and extremists in Libya used this opportunity to hijack the protest a shoot up the consulate.
Keep up the small mindedness. You think people with an opinion differing from yours should be hunted down and killed? You are a sad, sad little man.

Why oh why people A$$ itches so much that they need to design cartoon, and movie on Muhammad. Didn't they learn from past that Muslim people are very touchy about this topic. But no they keep F@#%^^g with this topic again and again. For no reason American Ambassador died. So many people died, thanks to one moron movie maker.

What is wrong with people in this world, I think most of the people like violence and murder in this world. There is no room left for peace and good life any more.
Why oh why people A$$ itches so much that they need to design cartoon, and movie on Muhammad. Didn't they learn from past that Muslim people are very touchy about this topic. But no they keep F@#%^^g with this topic again and again. For no reason American Ambassador died. So many people died, thanks to one moron movie maker.

What is wrong with people in this world, I think most of the people like violence and murder in this world. There is no room left for peace and good life any more.

You would think that after putting their hand into a fire and getting burned the first time they wouldn't continuously poke at the flames.
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