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Israeli crimes against humanity

"Lands back" is not correct way to say since Palestinians hever had these lands before. Israelis dont mind to give lands to Palestinians if they will recognize Israel and provide security gurantees. We all saw what happaned in Gaza when we gave them land and it became a rocket base.

This just makes me :sick:
Sure, Israel was a land of Jews two thousand years ago, but by that logic the US should give all of it's land back to the Native Americans, Australia should be given back to the Aborigines, and all of the world's land should be given back to the dinosaurs :)
Palestinians never had a state just like Native Americans.

To be honest with yourself and tell me who killed more innocent peoples including women or children : Israel or Palestinian peoples?
Palestinians of course. The overwhelkming majority of killed Palestinian civilians are boys who run among their gunmen. On the other hand Israeli civilians are kiled while driving buses sitting in cafe or going to market.

But when one compares the homemade and ineffective Hamas rockets with Israel's smart bombs and guided missiles this argument becomes silly. It's like shooting a neighbor for spitting at you
Hamas rockets have 10 kg warhead with fragments. Thats like 10 grenades, not exactly a spitting. Little numer of casualties from this rockets is due to shelters and alarm systems. And when we retaliate we use only 1% of our strength.
An state which gave it's own people evry human being wants from education to electricity to houses.
why don't you project that!!!
bullshyt thread.
i wish we could do half as much for indians as much isreal was able to do for isrealis!
Any governments primary responsiboility is towards it's citezen .
once a govt is able to serve it's own people only after that aliens, chumma should be thought about.
isreale is doing just fine for it self.
Palestinians never had a state just like Native Americans.
Then who told these jews to take other people's lands while causing mass destruction from the inception of their existence. Israel is completely illegitimate in it's formation. The foundation of an Israeli Jewish state was built on the suffering and hardship of others. Palestinians were left to face a cruel and destructive invasion, losing their homes and even families. The fact of the matter is no legitimate state or country can be built on an unjust invasion. How can one justify killing and violence in the name of a Jewish state

Palestinians of course. The overwhelkming majority of killed Palestinian civilians are boys who run among their gunmen. On the other hand Israeli civilians are kiled while driving buses sitting in cafe or going to market.
Hamas rockets have 10 kg warhead with fragments. Thats like 10 grenades, not exactly a spitting. Little numer of casualties from this rockets is due to shelters and alarm systems. And when we retaliate we use only 1% of our strength.

According to your Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, since September 29, 2000 a total of 7,454 Palestinian and Israeli individuals were killed due to the conflict. According to the report, 1,317 of the 6,371 Palestinians were minors, and at least 2,996 did not participate in fighting at time of death. Palestinians killed 1,083 Israelis, including 741 civilians. 124 of those killed were minors

Source: Your most reading english news paper

B'Tselem: Since 2000, 7,454 Israelis, Palestini... JPost - Israel

Also read and compare the statistics of casualties to get some facts and thanks for using 1% of your strength against kids , children and peoples without any arms or weapons. If you would have used two percent strength then these killing figures could be double

I fully support Israeli forces ,to save nation citizens and its border is every soldier responsibility without any compromise.
Then who told these jews to take other people's lands while causing mass destruction from the inception of their existence. Israel is completely illegitimate in it's formation. The foundation of an Israeli Jewish state was built on the suffering and hardship of others. Palestinians were left to face a cruel and destructive invasion, losing their homes and even families. The fact of the matter is no legitimate state or country can be built on an unjust invasion. How can one justify killing and violence in the name of a Jewish state
There was not any cruel and derstructive invasion. From 1880 to 1948 Jews bought lands and settled in very peaceful way. Building and developing the land. As result of this Jewish settlement Arab population rapidly grew. Cruel invasion happaned in 1948 when 5 Arab armies invaded to destroy Israel.

Today over 20% of Israel citizens are Arabs and they live much better than Arabs in Arab countries.

According to your Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, since September 29, 2000 a total of 7,454 Palestinian and Israeli individuals were killed due to the conflict. According to the report, 1,317 of the 6,371 Palestinians were minors, and at least 2,996 did not participate in fighting at time of death. Palestinians killed 1,083 Israelis, including 741 civilians. 124 of those killed were minors
I explained you that overwhelming majority of killed Palestinians are boys who run with gunmen. Very often boys are used to take weapons from dead, to bring ammunition, to gather intelligence and so on. Very often Hamas terrorists are counted as civilians.

According to Palestinian center of human rights, only 5.5% of killed Palestinian civilians are females:

Palestinian Center for Human Rights

How its possible?

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why is this guy holding an american weapon?
i like this vid..zionists think people who doesnt think like them deserve to die..Rachel Corrie also thought that israel is racist and doesnt kill white people...but she was wrong they can kill anyone who is not zionist.

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why is this guy holding an american weapon?
really why?


i like this vid..zionists think people who doesnt think like them deserve to die..Rachel Corrie also thought that israel is racist and doesnt kill white people...but she was wrong they can kill anyone who is not zionist.
Your country arrests journalsist, censors internet, illigally occupies Northern Cuprus, deprives Kurds from basic rights and kissing with bloody butcherers like Assad and Bashir. So you are the last one who can preach morals here.
really why?


I dont know, thats why i ask, and who is this? :azn:

Your country arrests journalsist, censors internet, illigally occupies Northern Cuprus, deprives Kurds from basic rights and kissing with bloody butcherers like Assad and Bashir. So you are the last one who can preach morals here.

arresting journalists: so what, they talk about my country they get arrested. beside it's just attention seekers that do that! india also does it! why dont you say that to them to?

censors internet: ofcourse, because of kurdish idiots trying to spread their info all around turkey, you who livs in israel can just search the world pkk or kurdistan vs turkey in youtube and see what they dont see.

we dont keep kurds from their basic rights, just ask trmhmt or whatever hes username was, we have discussed this in the turkish tread.

illigaly occupy northern cyprus: we dont illegaly occupy it, our citizens was supressed and looked down by greeks who actually illegally ocpy it, cyrpus was and is still actually turkish! they looked down on our citizens as a second class citizen!

turkey went in and made the life better for them, what is israel doing?

let me put it this way, turkey doesnt go in in the southern cyprus and make buildings ther for turks, they stand in their zone, while yours settle illegally in palestinian soil, and no one has still answered my firs post on this section, wonder why?

we dont lick assad, they lick us! remember when we almost went to war against them back in the 90's? and beside turkey is the only country in the region that assad would listen to, not israel. turkey can make assad back down. not even america can do that!

and we dont kill 100 civilian kurds when one of our soldier is getting killed! unlike you, we can make a difference between a pkk and a kurd! you cant even make a difference between a waiter and a terrorist, no wonder you cant win against them!
Your country arrests journalsist, censors internet, illigally occupies Northern Cuprus, deprives Kurds from basic rights and kissing with bloody butcherers like Assad and Bashir. So you are the last one who can preach morals here.

thank goodness,my country doesnt kill children..:azn:
thank goodness,my country doesnt kill children..:azn:

Ask Armenians please. They will tell you.


P.s Each country defends itself from internal and external attacks. Singling out Israel while totally ignoring Turkish and other countries actions is unfair at best.
....Israel is completely illegitimate in it's formation. ...

This is what Indians say about our beautiful country. Would you then give such statements any credence whatsoever?

Read unbiased history my fellow Pak. Repeating Leftie-commie propaganda brings shame to Pakistan. So please avoid it if you can.

This is what Indians say about our beautiful country. Would you then give such statements any credence whatsoever?

Read unbiased history my fellow Pak. Repeating Leftie-commie propaganda brings shame to Pakistan. So please avoid it if you can.


Who taught you to keep on blabbering about 'Leftie-commie propaganda'? CIA or Mossad? You're a regular false flagger!
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