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Israel wants a Sunni - Shia war. Syria is the path.


Jun 16, 2013
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Sorry, can't post links, i'm below 30 posts.

Hello, I'm anti Assad, whom I consider a butcher who rather wants to destroy Syria then to give up power. I'm also against Iranian influence in the Middle East. So I'm against Hezbollah's intervention in Syria, wich is a command Nazrallah followed up from Iran.

I'm also against the regimes of mani Sunni states leaders, like Qatar, who's next Emir declared:

Tamim claimed, that Israel is not the enemy, Al-Qaida is.

Syria, in particular, should be extremely concerned about Al-Qaida given the considerable economic problems Syria faces. Tamim said Qatar is investing in Syria specifically because they want Syria to be "a part of us (i.e. the Arab world), not a part of Iran." Petraeus agreed on the importance of getting Syria out of the Iranian orbit.

And we know Saudi Arabia is friends with the zionists and wanted Assad out for a long time together with Washington.

The Saudi government, with Washington’s approval, would provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad, of Syria. The Israelis believe that putting such pressure on the Assad government will make it more conciliatory and open to negotiations. Syria is a major conduit of arms to Hezbollah.

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

The policy shift has brought Saudi Arabia and Israel into a new strategic embrace, largely because both countries see Iran as an existential threat. They have been involved in direct talks, and the Saudis, who believe that greater stability in Israel and Palestine will give Iran less leverage in the region, have become more involved in Arab-Israeli negotiations.

So everythings seems being played out what the enemies and zionists wanted for years. What good can come out of this? Another zionist client state?

And we know Saudi Arabia is friends with the zionists and wanted Assad out for a long time together with Washington.

KSA doesn't take order from anyone. Assad crossed the line long time ago, and he's paying the price for his brutality and poor-decision making. Beside, who the hell is Iran to be seen as a threat to KSA? :lol: Iran is a rouge state, but not a threat. :omghaha:

As for the Jews, oh I mean your Zionists, the Qatari's can deal with them :rofl:, sorry man, we have a prestige :azn:


Thailand is a terrorist state in our eyes for killing our diplomats BTW.
My response to you is that Assad is not the sole "killer" in this conflict, the rebels are very much involved in this civil war, and killed thousands of civilians. FSA have western and Israel's backing, so that should tell you a lot! and most of the people here posting are not Arab Sunnis they are Jews, their job is to create conflict between Sunnis and Shias! :0


BEIRUT: Assad backers reportedly make up 43 percent of dead in Syria - World Wires - MiamiHerald.com
My response to you is that Assad is not the sole "killer" in this conflict, the rebels are very much involved in this civil war, and killed thousands of civilians. FSA have western and Israel's backing, so that should tell you a lot! and most of the people here posting are not Arab Sunnis they are Jews, their job is to create conflict between Sunnis and Shias! :0

There was a peacefull revolution for months, it was dictator Assad that picked up arms against his people, instead of reforming. Even his close ally admits it's all his fault. He needs to go.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could have avoided civil war by responding more quickly to demands for political change, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday.

"The country was ripe for serious changes, and the leadership should have felt that in time and started making changes. Then what is happening would not have happened," Putin said.

What Iran is doing to divide is not pretty either, with ordering Hezbollah to defend the brutal dictator. They have their own stake in their 35th province offcourse.

Syria is (Iran’s) 35th and a strategic province

Hojjatoleslam Mehdi Taeb, head of the Ammar Strategic Base (responsible for handling Iran’s soft war) and a former Basij commander has said in a meeting with university student that “Syria is (Iran’s) 35th and a strategic province of Iran. If the enemy attacks us and intends to occupy either Syria or Khuzestan (Arab minority province in southwestern Iran), the priority is that we keep Syria… If we keep Syria, we can get Khuzestan back too, but if we lose Syria, we cannot keep Tehran… Syria had an army, but did not have the ability to manage a (urban warfare) war inside Syria’s cities… Iran’s front line is located in Syria. It is for this reason the Iranian government suggested that “in order to manage an urban war you must form (your own) Basij …The Syrian Basij was formed with 60,000 Hezbollah members who took over urban warfare from the army.”
There was a peacefull revolution for months, it was dictator Assad that picked up arms against his people, instead of reforming. Even his close ally admits it's all his fault. He needs to go.

What Iran is doing to divide is not pretty either, with ordering Hezbollah to defend the brutal dictator. They have their own stake in their 35th province offcourse.

Syria is (Iran’s) 35th and a strategic province

Now you're talking :)

CIA using Saudi base for drone assassinations in Yemen

Garbage, with all due respect. The base isn't there.
Israel wants Shia Sunni war but it is not there fault for there thinking they are right
it is our fault what is Shia Sunni we are all Muslims
we are suppose to be together if we dont like each other then no need to do anything stay quiet
I just picked something because I had too. My nationality is not of importance, I consider nationalism as kuffar. Got anything ontopic to add?

I believe nationality is important here because we have been getting alot of hate speech from false-flaggers. I don't think nationalism is considered kuffar, A anti-muslim indian here said the samething to me which leaves me curious about you??

On-topic: The elite globalists do want a war between sunni and shias i can agree with you on that but CIA having a drone base in saudi arabia I am not so sure of that but i do find john brennan cozying up to saudis kinda suspicious. Maybe posting links and photos can help your claim.
The biggest CIA military base is located in Saudi Arabia!

Source:Is This The CIA's Secret Saudi Arabia Drone Base?

Looks like American invasion of Sunni land! lol

Define the world biggest military base of the CIA :/?

I hate to burst your bubble but that's an RSAF base.

I believe nationality is important here because we have been getting alot of hate speech from false-flaggers. I don't think nationalism is considered kuffar, A anti-muslim indian here said the samething to me which leaves me curious about you??

On-topic: The elite globalists do want a war between sunni and shias i can agree with you on that but CIA having a drone base in saudi arabia I am not so sure of that but i do find john brennan cozying up to saudis kinda suspicious. Maybe posting links and photos can help your claim.

The Americans have 5 air bases in the GCC, why the devil they need another one :lol:
I believe nationality is important here because we have been getting alot of hate speech from false-flaggers. I don't think nationalism is considered kuffar, A anti-muslim indian here said the samething to me which leaves me curious about you??

On-topic: The elite globalists do want a war between sunni and shias i can agree with you on that but CIA having a drone base in saudi arabia I am not so sure of that but i do find john brennan cozying up to saudis kinda suspicious. Maybe posting links and photos can help your claim.

CIA has the biggest base in Saudi Arabia, it was discovered by a Yemeni reporter couple years ago, and largely ignored by western press, until last year. The drone is used to target people in yemen and other places. Also a good against Iran.

They claim it's against Al -Qaeda but really it's to spy on Iran, Syria, and other countries. al -Qaeda is really friendly towards US interest in that region.

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