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Israel’s Asian Option


Dec 5, 2009
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What a nasty peice of an article by INSANE zionist.
We, Indian, CAN NOT afford a nuclear adventure at all. Iran is a freind country, Pakistan is nuclear adversary and Israel's security is none of INDIAN business.

There is no MUGHALASTAN struggle in India.

Really a brain-f*rt from Stephen Kramer
:argh: :tdown::angry:

Israel’s Asian Option

While looking over the articles emailed to me by the tireless Tel Belman in his excellent daily digest (register at Israpundit ), I recently came across an illuminating article by Professor J.P. Golbert, who specializes in International Law. Citing Israel’s vaunted military technology, Golbert writes: “Israel is not without alternatives or without recourse” [to tepid American, and weak European, actions to interdict Iran’s nuclear weapons development]. Golbert proposes a beefed-up alliance with India as a natural and potent combination. (Israpundit Blog Archive Viewing Israel as an Asian country without US support)

There’s no doubt that Israel’s Western allies are wavering, at best, in their support for the only Western democracy in the Middle East. America’s State Department, and many in the Obama administration, view Israel as more of a hindrance than as the most stalwart ally in the region. The Europeans are even more problematic, hardly disguising their antipathy towards Israel and their fawning, servile attitude towards the Arabs. European support is nearly absent except for some of the smaller and weaker Eastern European and Balkan countries. (Missing from Golbert’s analysis is Russia, which nonetheless is always ready to stir up trouble among its rivals.)

The idea that Israel and India have faced similar problems and complement each other is not new. The two countries have very strong trade and military relationships: Israel is India’s second largest supplier of arms; the two countries share intelligence and expertise on Islamic terrorism; they each have a substantial Muslim minority; both are threatened by movements within their Muslim communities for autonomy in areas that are heavily populated by Muslims.

Most importantly, both countries face large Muslim enemies close at hand. Iran’s wish to eradicate Israel is well known and their proxies on Israel’s borders, Hizbullah and Hamas, are armed to the teeth with sophisticated missiles and low-tech but dangerous rockets. India faces Pakistan, a nuclear-armed nation like itself, whose intelligence services and military are riddled with Islamist allies and sympathizers. Neither Israel nor India can relax with such enemies across their borders and a possible (some say definite) Fifth Column within their borders.

Golbert proposes short term strategic cooperation with India: “In the immediate future, Israel and India might do something of utmost importance together, that being the twin threats of Iranian nuclear weapons and Pakistani nuclear weapons. The former directly threatens Israel. The latter directly threatens India, particularly if Pakistan becomes a failed state, which it almost is already. If Israel and India help each other, it might be possible to eliminate both nuclear threats. To fly from India might not bring Israel closer to the Iranian nuclear plants but it would have the advantage of not having to cross airspace under American control. It is not clear to me whether it is necessary at all to use manned aircraft for the purpose when Israel has both ballistic missiles and cruise missiles that could do the job.”

“Nor is it necessary to destroy the nuclear facilities themselves. The nuclear facilities cannot function without infrastructure. They are useless without electricity and water and raw materials. Israel can certainly cripple Iran’s infrastructure, bomb the Majlis and the mullas and the Presidential Palace and even hunt down the scientists involved in the nuclear project. And the same is true of Pakistan.”

“Of course, the world would be outraged and might even apply serious sanctions against Israel and India. Both Israel and India could withstand those. It would require considerable economic reorientation and restructuring, but it is high time that took place anyway. Both countries would emerge stronger, more independent and more democratic for having done so.

“Israel can expect to meet concerted opposition from the world to these measures. ... condemned, vilified and loathed. Israel can even expect that there might be sanctions imposed. On the other hand, submission and obsequiousness and ‘goodwill gestures,’ ‘confidence building measures,’ territorial concessions, unconditional unilateral withdrawal from southern Lebanon and Gaza and restraint have brought nothing but condemnation, vilification and loathing, deligitimization and calls for Israel’s destruction (meaning genocide) when it defended itself.

“As long as Israel still exists, more concessions will be demanded of her. In contrast, Israeli and Jewish prestige and acceptance were never higher than following the Six-Day War when the nations feared and respected Israel. The same is true of India. Who believes that territorial demands on India would cease if India were to relinquish Kashmir? ‘Mughalistan’ is already an objective with a plan to separate the whole of northern India into a continuous Muslim state incorporating everything from Pakistan to the eastern border of India and even a part of the coast of Myanmar. (200 witnesses listed in 26/11 chargesheet Terrorism Watch 9/01/04/moghulistan/ )”

What is Mughalistan? If you go to the factindiablog site, there is an exhaustive explanation of this term, which is off the radar screen of Western defense strategists and politicians. “Mughalistan (or Mughalstan) is the name of an independent homeland proposed for the Muslims of India. This Mughal-Muslim state in the Indian subcontinent will include all of North India and Eastern India, and will be formed by merging Pakistan and Bangladesh through a large corridor of land running across the Indo- Gangetic plain, the heartland of India. This Mughalistan corridor will comprise Muslim-majority areas of Northern India and eastern India that will be partitioned for the second time in history [first time to India by the British in 1946]. Greater Mughalistan is of strategic significance as it will provide a contiguous, strategic corridor linking the Ummah [the whole Muslim community] into a pan-Islamic Caliphate.”

Imagine the northern portion of India controlled by Muslims and contiguous with Pakistan on the west and Bangladesh on the east. (Bangladesh was originally called East Pakistan.) The Indian province of Kashmir is already a powder keg in the region. Mughalistan would include that entire area and could only be created by a massive war between Hindus and Muslims. With the population of the region numbering well over a billion, and China located just to the northeast, the opportunities for an incredible conflagration dwarf even the dire situation in the Middle East.

Golbert and many other pundits have stated that Pakistan is in grave danger of being taken over by the Taliban and Al Qaeda. With the possible advent of Mughalistan, Islamic militarism would cover a huge swath of Asia. Israel is itself threatened by Iran, its proxies, and possibly other Arab states - even ones that are currently “at peace” with Israel.

The partnership of India, the world’s second largest country (which will probably overtake China in population by mid-century), and Israel, (tiny but a technological superpower), is an undertaking that both countries are hopefully forging right now. With an effete Europe, a wavering America, and troublesome Russia with its own agenda, it’s in the vital interests of Israel and India to draw even closer.

(Stephen Kramer’s new book, “Encountering Israel – Geography, History, Culture,” can be ordered worldwide at:

ComteQ Publishing Home)

Stephen Kramer resided and worked in the Atlantic City area until 1991, when he moved to Israel with his wife, Michal Langweiler, and two sons. He can be reached at Sjk1@jhu.edu.

Israel?s Asian Option | www.jewishtimes-sj.com | Jewish Times of South Jersey
A most foolish article i have ever seen in my life.....
1- Pakistan is not falling in hand of Taliban
2- Israel and India cannot distroy Paksitan Nukes Capability - they have already tried once and faild....

Just a foolish person with fart out of his brain...if there is any brain...
"Mughalisthan?"...kind of difficult for that to happen considering that more than 80% of North India is made up of Hindu's.
1. India has a neutral policy in all arab conflict which has been openly stated to Tel Aviv

2. India releation with Israel is purely of business intrest. India has the money Israel has the goodies.

3. When Israel wanted to spy on Pakistan, the Indian refused overflight or landing rights to Il-A
while their is nothing wrong to call Israel an India allies,in reality they r though the India political circle is not ready to publicly accept it due to the obvious reason but what the fart is this Mugilistan,seems the author in in too much hatred with Muslims
"Mughalisthan" Is what the Persians called central Asia and mongol steppes plain. Its literally means "Land of Mongols" LMAO! Dumb terrorists. Remember "Mughal" is Persian for Mongol, because Babur was Mongol of origin. Mughals never called their empire Mughalistan they called it Hindustan..And plus a lot of the Mughal emperors where birthed from Rajput Hindus. Its their lack of knowledge..

Quote from Bahadur Shah II

"Ghāzioń méń bū rahegi jab talak imān ki; Takht-e-London tak chalegi tégh Hindustan ki"

"As long as there remains the scent of faith in the hearts of our heroes, so long shall the sword of Hindustan flash before the throne of London"
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lol israel can't do anything to pakistan if they could they woulda done it by now just like they did in iraq,tunisia and syria .
Writer has mistaken whole of India as pro-BJP or pro-RSS :rolleyes:
Don't bring politics into this. Congress is no angel with its appeasement policies here in the northeast agianst peaceful Buddhist communities that are suffering. BJP is anyday better than what we've been seeing here from Congress. Perhaps belonging to a metropolitan is easier for you to ignore the rest of the country's problems.

But we know better.
Its somehow become cool to hate the BJP and approve of the 'secular' :lol: Congress.

Agreed, BJP has some religious nutjobs (and I don't approve of the RSS) , but the Congress are far FAR from being saints.
lol israel can't do anything to pakistan if they could they woulda done it by now just like they did in iraq,tunisia and syria .

Have you ever thought that may be they don't care for Pakistan.

Why should they? Has there been a single Pakistani Jihadi ever caught in Palestine? What has Pakistan ever done to them except a bunch of Pakistanis making the mandatory noise on the net?

Yeah yeah, there are some claims of a handful PAF pilots having flown some Arab jets in the war that Israel won convincingly. Even if true, that means little in real terms.
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