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Israel PM Netanyahu's U.N. speech

Somebody actually believes that?

The Iranians' centrifuges aren't always spinning; when they get sufficiently scared they shut them down. Iranians are patient in their plotting.

Except I didn't obfuscate anything: irangirl threw out accusations and rather than quote facts wants us to watch ten minutes of video. Poo! I see she led off with an obvious lie, that Israel is engaged in "ethnically cleansing" - an especially vicious lie since while the Arab population both inside Israel itself and in the West Bank and Gaza has been growing, even displacing (through fair purchase in Israel itself) the Jewish population in some regions, it has been the Jews who have been ethnically cleansed from most of the Muslim countries and no Muslim will do anything about it.

So, demonstrably lacking credibility, Iranigirl has no claim to ten minutes of my time. And if you subscribe to her baseless propaganda, neither do you, yes?

1. Please don't be sarcastic with me.

2. You make the Iranians sound like team Rocket from Pokemon. They're not super villains, they don't plot, they plan.

3. It was a suggestion. If you have a problem with her comment, simply point out her inconsistencies. I am not going to get into an argument about Palestine and Israel, nor will I argue about who ethnically cleansed whom simply because it gets annoying repeating myself over and over again, so I'll just leave you with this little quote.

"“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

― George Carlin"

Have a nice day sir.
The world is slowly understanding what a huge burden Israel and Netanyahu are on global and ME peace.
Like last year, his speech was full of lies, hatred, warmongering and nonsense. Israel wants to stand alone against Iran? Ok be man enough and do it, we have been hearing the constant lying and worthless words from 90s, that since then, Iran is supposed to make a nuclear weapon in the 'next six months' for 20 years.
The world is slowly understanding what a huge burden Israel and Netanyahu are on global and ME peace.
Isn't it more accurate to portray Israel as the invaluable Dutch boy, holding back the ocean with his finger in the dike? A hero to be praised and supported and honored, rather than shunned out of fear, frustration, or envy?
Isn't it more accurate to portray Israel as the invaluable Dutch boy, holding back the ocean with his finger in the dike? A hero to be praised and supported and honored, rather than shunned out of fear, frustration, or envy?

No it isn't. Israel is like the deviant Dutch boy who is drilling the dike and making it worse and worse. An arrogant Dutch boy who doesn't want stability and calmness in his little village, a boy who is holding a gun in his hand, threatening everyone with it. While he hasn't the courage to shoot, but his constant blabbering is annoying the villagers.
If Israel should face extinction, it is their own damn fault. Netanyahoo is pushing for war with Iran while committing genocide against Palestanians.

His other Zionist friends are stirring trouble around the world thanks to assassinations, control of mainstream media and international banking system. Yes, it is real, I hate it when people still believe that they do not have majority control or that it's conspiracy theory. Look at the heads of IMF , Federal Reserve and the media. All Zionist Jews or Zionist controlled.

Israel gets away with genocide against the poor Palestinians and Human Rights Watch "dogs" bark at China for trying to shut up a blind "law" student and a shitty artist. Hypocrisy at its finest.
What do you expect from a military junta. Every Usraeli prime minister or president was an army man in uniform or an intelligence director. don't look at their civilian clothes they are just some way of deception. Natanyahu was a lieutenant in the IDF special forces, his elder brother was a lieutenant colonel in the IDF special forces who was the only Usraeli casualty in the Entebe raid in Aidi Amin's Angola.

No it isn't. Israel is like the deviant Dutch boy who is drilling the dike and making it worse and worse. An arrogant Dutch boy who doesn't want stability and calmness in his little village, a boy who is holding a gun in his hand, threatening everyone with it. While he hasn't the courage to shoot, but his constant blabbering is annoying the villagers.
With a behavior like that and a gun in the bad boy's hand, he gets fatally shot presto in the US...
Why am I seeing a Pakistani flag side by side with an Israeli flag? Who is this Solomon guy? People like him shouldn't be allowed on these forums. Israel is undoubtedly the greatest enemy of the entire Muslim world, including Pakistan.

Pakistan, justifiably, doesn't and never will recognize Israel. It is the country which has conducted the largest number of war crimes and human rights' violation in the last 7 decades than any other nation. It aims to break Pakistan into fragments, not to mention it's the nation which has time and again conspired to denuclearize Pakistan
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girl, I'm not going through ten minutes of video to dissect two accusations. Say it in text. Deliberate obfuscation is highly suspicious.

No point in "good relations" with "allies" if those "good relations" lead to extinction, is there?

Can you please be more specific?

What would you consider "evidence" of a nuclear weapons program, exactly?
Detonation of something big
What does this clown is talking about?!
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are from the Middle East and not ashkenazi from Eastern Europe

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