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Israel PM for a military strike against Iran: report

500, and a millitia defeated you 2006. So... what? Go figure and get a treatment A.S.A.P.
How easily you lie to yourself.
The world`s second superpower supported all the Arab enemies of Israel, what you need 2 perhaps 3 superpowers to be on your side, to beat a country the size of New Jersey that had a population smaller than a Chinese village?
Israel had france that cut ties with Israel after 67' and this started the American-Israeli relationship.

I love the way you isreali skew the figures so it makes you look good,a prime example would be the the 1948 war where the isreali love telling people "a hundred arab countries attacked" then but fail to tell anyone that the isreali outnumbered the arab forces 2-1forces.
1. Why not to build a nuclear bomb?
What threats? These are not threats. Only huff and puff. And we don't know whether Iran is in possession of nukes or not. In fact there are many reasons to believe that Iran is already in possession of nukes. But why Iran doesn't make a nuke now with its uranium? I can give you tens of reasons if you're interested to know.
2. Why not to show off their achievements?
Iran will be under heavier sanctions, it'll have worse international image, it'll get more isolated like North Korea, for what? Iran can never use its nukes against any other country, so why Iran needs to tell the world that I have nukes? What does Iran gain from that except being more isolated? Israel is in possession of nukes but never admits it. What Iran is doing now is some sort of what they call it 'tit for tat'.

Now the difference: all global powers, supported Israel in its war with Arabs but in the Iraq-Iran war, all global powers supported Iraq in its war with Iran. In fact Israel war wasn't a win for only Israel, because it had the support of global powers, while Iran's war can be seen as a defeat for the global powers because they failed to reach their goals against Iran.

I think I get it :tup:
Now the difference: all global powers, supported Israel in its war with Arabs but in the Iraq-Iran war, all global powers supported Iraq in its war with Iran. In fact Israel war wasn't a win for only Israel, because it had the support of global powers, while Iran's war can be seen as a defeat for the global powers because they failed to reach their goals against Iran.
No one supported Israel during Six Day war. France even embargoed us. Iran was supported by US, Israel and China.

please don't enter in ideological . i try to be honest.

No about Iraq it was not because you have nukes. don't you remember that he sent you scuds?
He sent scuds, but did not dare to use chemical.

Maybe for you chemical weapon is a joke because you didn't get one on your cities
but for us it is very far to be a joke
how can i speak to you if you show such unrespect?
If Saddam was dropping tens of nuclear bombs on Iran instead of chemical, Iran woud not exist now. Like it or not, but nuclear weapons are thousands times more powerful than chemical.

500, and a millitia defeated you 2006. So... what? Go figure and get a treatment A.S.A.P.
Yeah. Nasser won in 1967, Saddat won in 1973, Saddam won in 1991 and Nasrallah won in 2006.
We helped Iran in their nuclear program partly so its also our duty and right to help them defend. I'm not sure why you think Pakistan messing with Israel is 'laughable'--- didn't you know that Pakistani air force pilot's scored many kills against IAF during Arab-Israel war? You should wipe that smirk of your face now.

So in a war only the super duper PAF will fight.

Sir get over it air war is only a part of the war.Important but only a part of war.
So in a war only the super duper PAF will fight.

Sir get over it air war is only a part of the war.Important but only a part of war.

The PAF only sent a small group of pilots. David Ben-Gurion did threaten Pakistan during a speech.

And I'd have to say, they performed well.
The PAF only sent a small group of pilots. David Ben-Gurion did threaten Pakistan during a speech.

And I'd have to say, they performed well.
Show me where this has been said, give me a link that David Ben-Gurion said that about Pakistan.
An actual non-biased link. As far as i recall, this statement was disproven right here on this site(Where it has also originated)
Look at the last post:
Show me where this has been said, give me a link that David Ben-Gurion said that about Pakistan.
An actual non-biased link. As far as i recall, this statement was disproven right here on this site(Where it has also originated)

For some unclear reasons some Pakistanis think that Israel as an obsession with Pakistan like some Pakistanis are obsessed with Israel.

Israel and 99% of Israelis could not care less about Pakistan and do not know anything about it.
For some unclear reasons some Pakistanis think that Israel as an obsession with Pakistan like some Pakistanis are obsessed with Israel.

Israel and 99% of Israelis could not care less about Pakistan and do not know anything about it.

Well, it`s nice to know they care. While it is honestly true that most Israelis don`t really care or even know about Pakistan or that they hate Israel so much.
Well, it`s nice to know they care. While it is honestly true that most Israelis don`t really care or even know about Pakistan or that they hate Israel so much.

I think that this hatred in Pakistan is from the same source of hatred in Arab countries: conspiracy theories that are developed to avoid the distressing gloomy reality of most of Muslim societies. This conspiracy theories enables these societies to avoid any real self criticism about their miserable situation and to be able to blame this invented dark powers which allegedly operate behind the screen - the Christian-Judaism connection, Zionism, Mossad, whatever. Just not to look into their own failures and starting with the hard work of improving their situation.
No one supported Israel during Six Day war. France even embargoed us. Iran was supported by US, Israel and China.
Correction. Israel was supported by Iran.

If Saddam was dropping tens of nuclear bombs on Iran instead of chemical, Iran woud not exist now. Like it or not, but nuclear weapons are thousands times more powerful than chemical.
Saddam could've never dropped tons of nuclear bombs on Iran because we would've destroyed its nuclear program completely had it been necessary. Don't forget that the Osirak nuclear reactor was first bombed by Iranian Air Force at the time when the French were giving Iraq full assistance in its nuclear program and had created a strong SAM system around the nuclear reactor to protect their expatriates. Iran and Israel later shared intelligence and co-operated on bombing the Iraqi nuclear reactor because it was a threat for both of us.
Also, when it comes to weapons of mass destruction, the only superiority of nukes is that it can wipe out a large area of a country's infrastructure which can't be done by biological or chemical weapons. Biological and Chemical weapons are also scary and effective if you want to use them in populated cities, saying that Biological and Chemical weapons are jokes in comparison to nukes only shows your lack of information about the impact of them on human population.
Correction. Israel was supported by Iran.

Saddam could've never dropped tons of nuclear bombs on Iran because we would've destroyed its nuclear program completely had it been necessary. Don't forget that the Osirak nuclear reactor was first bombed by Iranian Air Force at the time when the French were giving Iraq full assistance in its nuclear program and had created a strong SAM system around the nuclear reactor to protect their expatriates. Iran and Israel later shared intelligence and co-operated on bombing the Iraqi nuclear reactor because it was a threat for both of us.
Also, when it comes to weapons of mass destruction, the only superiority of nukes is that it can wipe out a large area of a country's infrastructure which can't be done by biological or chemical weapons. Biological and Chemical weapons are also scary and effective if you want to use them in populated cities, saying that Biological and Chemical weapons are jokes in comparison to nukes only shows your lack of information about the impact of them on human population.
Correction: Iran(even the Islamic Republic of Iran) was supported by Israel.
Be grateful that Israel destroyed Iraq`s Nuclear reactor.
Israeli President says attack on Iran 'more and more likely'

Israeli President Shimon Peres warned late on Saturday that an attack on Iran was "more and more likely," days before a report by the UN nuclear watchdog on Iran's nuclear programme.

He told Israel's privately owned Channel Two television: "The intelligence services of the different countries that are keeping an eye on (Iran) are worried and putting pressure on their leaders to warn that Iran is ready to obtain the nuclear weapon.

"We must turn to these countries to ensure that they keep their commitments... this must be done, and there is a long list of options," Peres added.

In recent days, speculation in Israel has grown about the possibility of an pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.

On Wednesday, the Haaretz newspaper reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak were seeking cabinet support for an attack.

And the military last week carried out what Israeli media called a "ballistic missile" test, as well as a large-scale civil defence drill simulating the response to conventional and non-conventional missile attacks.

Officials said both events were long-planned and unrelated to the speculation about military action, but both helped drive talk here about whether Israel is ramping up plans for an attack.

On Sunday, Haaretz reported that US officials had failed to secure a commitment from Israel that it would coordinate any plans to attack Iran with Washington.

Citing unnamed US officials, Haaretz said US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta had used a recent visit to Israel to make clear Washington did not want to be surprised by any Israeli attack, but received only a vague response from Netanyahu and Barak. Still, media reports here suggest no final decision on a strike has been taken and that a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear watchdog on November 8 would have a "decisive effect" on decision-making.

Previous IAEA assessments have centred on Iran's efforts to produce fissile material -- uranium and plutonium -- that can be used for power generation and other peaceful uses, but also for the core of a nuclear warhead.

However the new update, which diplomats say will be circulated among envoys on Tuesday or Wednesday, will focus on Iran's alleged efforts to put the fissile material in a warhead and develop missiles to carry them to a target.

Israeli defence analysts have described the Iranian programme as "alarming," and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has said the report would prove "beyond doubt" its military aims. He said he hoped Iran would be targeted by a new package of international sanctions.

On Monday, Barak was forced to deny media reports that he and Netanyahu had already decided to launch an attack against Iran over the opposition of military and intelligence chiefs.

But he said "situations could arise in the Middle East under which Israel must defend its vital interests independently, without having to rely on regional or other forces." Haaretz said a majority of the 15 members of Israel's security cabinet were still against an attack on Iran. Only that body can take such a momentous decision.

A poll published by Haaretz on Thursday found Israeli public opinion divided on a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, with 41 percent in favour, 39 percent opposed and 20 percent undecided.

Israel has consistently warned all options remain on the table when it comes to Iran's nuclear programme, which the Jewish state and Western governments fear masks a drive for nuclear weapons.

Iran denies any such ambition and insists its nuclear programme is for power generation and medical purposes only.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Thursday that Iran was "prepared for the worst," warning the United States against heading for confrontation with Tehran.

Israeli President says attack on Iran 'more and more likely' - Hurriyet Daily News
Action speaks more than the words.

So stop Bullshitting the world...........if you want to do it then do it and we will see what will happen.

They will never ever attack on iran , they are trying to pressurize Iranian Gov to come to talk table thats it.Which they might be successful in.

But there is quote ,Jo bhonktay hain woh kattay nahi.......................
They are trying to pressure on america to attack. Israelis cant do squat by themselves. In any event they have been huffing and puffing for 30 years and have not been able to to do anything
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