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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Man, there is so much similarity between the two fascists states, India and Isreal. They both big themselves up yet when push comes to shove, start to cave in within no time.

LMAO, all those Pakistani idiots who have been living under the illusion of mighty israel. Hahaha. This is what you lot are marketing to the rest of Pakistan??? A rag tag militia has caused a civil war in Israel LOL. what a powerful country.. NOT!!!!

It has been surprising how weak Israel is. The only thing they have militarily is their air force. The mighty iron Dome turned out to be a wet fart.
When once Oppressed becomes oppressors, Power.Money/Women can corrupt anyone or any nation, Israel become so powerful with their standing in the west by using Halucaust that now they don't consider others (Arabs) as humans or equals, they just keep eradicating the Palestinians from their homes and bit by bit take over the entire Country, what's more, unfortunate is that our tax dollars are freaking used to pay for the bombs they are dropping on innocent civilians :(

Look how the " Free Media " is so scared to even discuss the issue...
There isn’t a free media. The MSM is heavily censored and controlled. Only a fool would think there is such a thing as free speech and a fair market for ideas in a Zionist controlled America. Even when personalities like Trevor who know all too well the brutal truth of the Palestinian occupation speak, they have to speak in a way that is sympathetic to Israel or at best further confuses the audience more as to what is actually happening: A century long campaign of ethnic cleansing that has given rise to a brutal apartheid state that continues to crush the lives of the palestinian people whose only crime is to exist. That’s the simple truth and it will never be uttered in the MSM because we have no true freedom of speech in this hypocritical society held up by convenient lies.
The silence from Nasrallah and Khamenei to be honest is making me deaf. Not one word is said from anyone in the military sector of Iran.

On top of that they are admitting Gaza weapons were from syria and iran

Now YES, this is absolutely nothing like getting involved directly themselves. One can only hope that this may be a long drawn out strategy to tire out the Israeli Iron dome system and personnel and then for Hezbollah, forces in Lebanon and Syria and maybe Iran themselves to launch something on their own mid-way which would be devastating for Israelis. But honestly if they don't end up doing that then they would have squandered probably the best opportunity to hand Israel a big defeat. How much longer are they gonna go on without retaliating for the last 1-2 yrs of incessant Israeli airstrikes and sabotage in Syria and Iran?

I give the Iranian leadership credit for 1) supplying and arming the Palestinians whereas no one else would 2) not to play neutral and call for peace and cease fire between both parties or staying silent like most of the muslim leaders are unfortunately doing, but hopefully they will take the next step as well and not just stay behind the scenes.
Israel already lost this round and the ramifications will be significant. They don’t have the guts to invade Gaza and Killing more Gazans from the air won’t change anything. This is the result of refusing a two state solution in lieu of more land and settlements. Apparently wisdom is a difficult trait to acquire.
If Pakistan drops a Shaheen or two on Israel and declares to the world that we would not sit by idly and let AL Aqsa Masjid be attacked no one would dare to touch the Holy Mosque
No need to drop it ... believe me a stern warning of using it will be enough
Israel already lost this round and the ramifications will be significant. They don’t have the guts to invade Gaza and Killing more Gazans from the air won’t change anything. This is the result of refusing a two state solution in lieu of more land and settlements. Apparently wisdom is a difficult trait to acquire.
I would say they lost as well, and no matter how many livelihoods and lives they destroy, it won't change the fact that the image of Israel is now vulnerability. This is the most dangerous for them.
One bomb won't destroy all those people. A small warhead to tel Aviv would send a clear message to the world.
You have no idea my friend what a nuke can do for years in the surrounding areas.. Also, when a nuke is used against a nuclear country, it is for total annihilation. It's like killing the first second and nth strike capability in one go, which includes sea based assets too.

If you don't do it, you will get a hit,..

There's a reason why India blindly fires on Azad Kashmir residents while we have to search for the Indian heads all the time.
We will recognize Israel if the US pays us 50 billion $ along with V upgrades for our f 16s free of cost of course.Along with realeasing our CSF(Coalition Support Fund) and our supercobras as well as the engines for TAI Atak then we might put the matter through our parliament otherwise no.
No no Bro we will recognise them without any it when we will be straighting our lines after taking care of yellows and oranges on our right. Hopefully they will not hide that day but perhaps my hope will be futile that day.
Free Palestine????????............I'm more worried about freeing Pakistan from the Zardari/bhutto/sharif nexus. They are 1000s× more deadly and fatal than the Israelis could ever be.......... :(
One bomb won't destroy all those people. A small warhead to tel Aviv would send a clear message to the world.

Our nukes are for india and indians ONLY.
You have no idea my friend what a nuke can do for years in the surrounding areas.. Also, when a nuke is used against a nuclear country, it is for total annihilation. It's like killing the first second and nth strike capability in one go, which includes sea based assets too.

If you don't do it, you will get a hit,..

There's a reason why India blindly fires on Azad Kashmir residents while we have to search for the Indian heads all the time.
You had the chance and resources to free Kashmir. Don't drop crocodile tears now, the sellouts, sold Kashmir long time ago.

Peace Peace ka choran baicho bhai on the corpses of Kashmiri mothers and childrens for Now.

Israel is mostly probably gona use their nukes on Arabs, if you see how things are pictured in Ahadiths. For example if someone has 100 sons 99 will be dead, good natured birds won't be able to land and after flying for miles and miles they will drop after tiring.
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I would say they lost as well, and no matter how many livelihoods and lives they destroy, it won't change the fact that the image of Israel is now vulnerability. This is the most dangerous for them.

Exactly. The amount of rockets intercepted or targets hit, as well as the financial losses that Israel faces, are only secondary in the eventual ramifications. The biggest and most important effect is going to be a dramatic change in Israel's sense of security.
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