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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

fine , don't buy it , but keep in mind you are buying from Israel :lol:

Sir, I don't need to hear from the Israelis about Hezbollah ,because we experienced their terror in the 1st place back the 80s as well as Al-Qedea. The issue that I have with the Israeli regime is solely and squarely a political one and will never politicize my faith or theirs in it. Also, if the Mullah regime continues its bloody approach in the region, I can't guarantee the survivability of the Islamic republic.
take a seat and wait for God actions
Just be patient :partay:
Good is that we have our own responsabilities ... if Israel won the war as said Surenas, you were better organized
and now with better technology too

Hezbollah is not a country army but still opposite to many kind of "private" armies , they have a professional organization
Even if both we don't like them, we can agree that they are different than these stupid other groups
Is Lebanon able to get a professional army? If it was so, Hezbollah would not exist anymore

Of course it all depends on which side is more organized, smarter and has better strategies in war. But we, the Jewish nation, believe in G-d, as we believe that he protects us and has protected us. From a secular point Israel won through pure strategic genius. From a religious point Israel won because Israel is protected by G-d.
Sir, I don't need to hear from the Israelis about Hezbollah ,because we experienced their terror in the 1st place back the 80s as well as Al-Qedea. The issue that I have with the Israeli regime is solely and squarely a political one and will never politicize my faith or theirs in it. Also, if the Mullah regime continues its bloody approach in the region, I can't guarantee the survivability of the Islamic republic.

Thank you for supporting the iranian people , Sir . I was merely being informative on that incident , I was news a lot and what the news was implementing was that it was "al-Qaeda" and not Hezbollah , you are entitled to your own opinion Sir.
Thank you for supporting the iranian people , Sir . I was merely being informative on that incident , I was news a lot and what the news was implementing was that it was "al-Qaeda" and not Hezbollah , you are entitled to your own opinion Sir.

To be quite honest with you, the Iranian people are fed up with their current religious establishment, I know many of whom I spoken with, complaining about ugly it really is. I'm also aware of the fact that many Iranians are suffering from the harsh sanctions and that gets me a lot ,especially when it comes to issues like medicine and such.
If I can bring a nation to its demise with my fart , so be it

The creation of Hezbollah in Lebanon was fueled by the Iranian political elite back in the day ,as a retaliation for the providing Sadam with Chemos and the massive Iranian casualties as well.
This is your best contribution from a country which produces terror.

Well you can judge for yourself how we're not that capable , anyhow they don't hang gays in iran , only pedophiles who rape kids , spend enough time online and I can assure you you can find your own very male partner in northern Tehran ;) or southern for that matter

The creation of Hezbollah in Lebanon was fueled by the Iranian political elite back in the day ,as a retaliation for the providing Sadam with Chemos and the massive Iranian casualties as well.

I don't see how iran creating the Hezbollah is related to saddam and the iran-iraq war , anyhow that is true but you should bear in mind how the creation of a shia iran was possible only with the help of Lebanese missionaries in the first place.

The creation of Hezbollah in Lebanon was fueled by the Iranian political elite back in the day ,as a retaliation for the providing Sadam with Chemos and the massive Iranian casualties as well.

the iran-iraq war was a very static one and not much dynamic and "smart" if you will , so I still don't see how the creation of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon could have been a distraction from the war with Iraq , although you can see it obviously ;
I don't see how iran creating the Hezbollah is related to saddam and the iran-iraq war , anyhow that is true but you should bear in mind how the creation of a shia iran was possible only with the help of Lebanese missionaries in the first place.

I think you are one of the few sensible Iranian members on this forum but you are wrong with what I highlighted in "black".

Safavid conversion of Iran to Shia Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also articles in Arabic and Farsi.
Well you can judge for yourself how we're not that capable , anyhow they don't hang gays in iran , only pedophiles who rape kids , spend enough time online and I can assure you you can find your own very male partner in northern Tehran ;) or southern for that matter

I don't see how iran creating the Hezbollah is related to saddam and the iran-iraq war , anyhow that is true but you should bear in mind how the creation of a shia iran was possible only with the help of Lebanese missionaries in the first place.

the iran-iraq war was a very static one and not much dynamic and "smart" if you will , so I still don't see how the creation of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon could have been a distraction from the war with Iraq , although you can see it obviously ;

No, Khomini was angry at the west and he found how to unleash his anger at them by training and supplying Hezbollah with whatever means necessary to twist their hands.
I think you are one of the few sensible Iranian members on this forum but you are wrong with what I highlighted in "black".

Safavid conversion of Iran to Shia Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also articles in Arabic and Farsi.

yes , that's the article i'm pointing to , I can't open it right now , but doesn't it say Lebanese missionaries helped convert iran?

No, Khomini was angry at the west and he found how to unleash his anger at them by training and supplying Hezbollah with whatever means necessary to twist their hands.

Of course ayatollah Khomeini knew the fact that Lebanon was a battleground including very western elements i.e Christians of Lebanon , so he ordered assisting militias overthere , that's why I say it didn't have much to do with saddam and the Iraq war , unless you see saddam as western puppet.
yes , that's the article i'm pointing to , I can't open it right now , but doesn't it say Lebanese missionaries helped convert iran?

Not sure about that but I would not rule it out. I think mainly Shia Arab clerics from Iraq and the Northeastern Arabian Peninsula (current day Eastern Province in KSA) were imported but I do not really know that. I actually think that the Shia Twelvers in KSA in the Eastern Province became Shias at the same time as Arab tribes in Iraq started to embrace it so it must have happened not more than 300-150 years ago.

But I guess this is a controversial topic in Iran. I have to see what they say about the Eastern Province in KSA though but I think it is connected to Bahrain/Iraq and when they started to embrace Twelver Shia beliefs.
Yes, the west backed Sadam unconditionally to punish Iran for holding the US diplomats, trust me on that.
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I think you are one of the few sensible Iranian members on this forum but you are wrong with what I highlighted in "black".

Safavid conversion of Iran to Shia Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also articles in Arabic and Farsi.
western media are all against Iran, so they can write anything about us, the only people would believe them are people like you, but look what they have written about KSA, their number one ally in middle east:
Wahhabi Movement, Ted Thornton, NMH, Northfield Mount Hermon
deny as much as you like, this is you.
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