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Israel is enemy no.1..Says Sudan

It seems ahmedinajad has poured **** into your brain. Who the hell told you Saudi produces 4 times more petroleum ? And as for GDP you dumb iranian, It's because Saudi population is 25 million , yours is close to 80 million. I'm not going to roll up anything. I'm just going to wait for western powers to blast tomahawks at your primitive nuke facilities , then I'll come down there and roll dead bodies. No shoo , go away.
yeah clearly you are an idiot..KSA oil production is 9/8 milion barrels per day while Iran's oil production is 2/5 but our GDP is 3/2 of them which show we export manything else beside oil and we import less than what they do cause we can produce many stuff we need .so shut the garbage you call it mouth before bulshiting more.uh and no problem if a war happen i will do it but now you should go to streets rolling up deed bodies.
bye bye!

as far as you are an idiot.i dont waste my time on you anymore....
Those secular charlatans who claim to be very 'democratic' and 'progressive' are the worst enemies of the Muslim World. They are truly blood suckers.

Yes, It was Khilafah movement and not Ataturk secular idealogy which has turned Turkey into a beacon of advance development among the Muslim world (sarcastically speaking)

Coming from a troll whose own country was the first to shun the facade of ummah and is now considered much more stable in the South Asia.
im so proud if im as dumb as ahmadi nejad but for sure im not as dumb as you.
50% of our economy is based on oil.....and in the other hand we were always reacher than india in any time so shut up!

compare the GDP. Iran is no where near to India. Your govt is on India's feet., India is one of the few country on basis of which your govt can bargain with west. your economy is already crumbling, Think of situation India stops buying oil from you.

Clearly you can not drink oil and eat coal instead of food. Remember the food you are eating might be also Indian. Iran is no more a mosquito. You should keep in mind these facts that Iran and its citizens are totally mercy on India and like countries otherwise westerners might have roasted you by now.
i didnt say they should buy AC.just 10 or 20 balistic missile.
btw sudanian people are much reacher than indians.so worry about your own pooooooor people.

edit:oops you are just a little bit reacher than them but still india is super poooor.but why do you have AC?

No need to worry about Sudan..You will have your time soon..look at the way your economy is draining down, no need to worry about us very soon you ll be in sh!thole.
compare the GDP. Iran is no where near to India. Your govt is on India's feet., India is one of the few country on basis of which your govt can bargain with west. your economy is already crumbling, Think of situation India stops buying oil from you.

Clearly you can not drink oil and eat coal instead of food. Remember the food you are eating might be also Indian. Iran is no more a mosquito. You should keep in mind these facts that Iran and its citizens are totally mercy on India and like countries otherwise westerners might have roasted you by now.
about the GDP and oil production and comparing Iran with India i have said all.no more comment.

we plant wheat for our normal usage in home the reason Iran is buying wheat because we want to collect wheat more than what we want.cause a military action agaist us is possible and collecting more wheat is a wise decision made by gov.if you dont want to sell us wheat.no problem Pakistan is here.

No need to worry about Sudan..You will have your time soon..look at the way your economy is draining down, no need to worry about us very soon you ll be in sh!thole.
ok so shut up and wait for that day....
btw we wont be as poor as India.
A bunch of idiot Indians and Iranians hijack an otherwise good thread .Duffers

P.S- That too on a thread that has nothing to do with either of them.
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