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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

Anti-sematism is live and well in this forum, along with Anti-Hinduism, may god bless you all.

That bogus knee-jerk defence is so abused by Israeli apologists, it has lost all meaning.

Let me guess what's next... Holocaust??

Ohh yes, Jews under Islam had it great.

The fact that, even with your hateful enthusiasm, you can only come up with a handful of incidents, proves that Jews were well treated by Muslims. It also shows your nature as an ingrate when you ignore all those centuries where Jews were protected by Muslims from the far worse oppression by Europe's Christians.

Look how the Arabs are being paid back for their past kindness...
This is what was documented, and to even suggest the Islam is tolerable to anything other that Islamic Men is an Oxymoron. The fact you live in Australia, a free country where anyone can speak their mind is proof enough how Islam tolerates all men and women equally regardless of their faith.
I want you to know that while there is breath in a Free man`s lungs, we will never stop defending ourselves from people like you, who believe Islam to be a religion of "peace" so you can continue to hate Zionists and we shall continue to crush you.
Peace be upon you Sohni.
This is what was documented, and to even suggest the Islam is tolerable to anything other that Islamic Men is an Oxymoron. The fact you live in Australia, a free country where anyone can speak their mind is proof enough how Islam tolerates all men and women equally regardless of their faith.
I want you to know that while there is breath in a Free man`s lungs, we will never stop defending ourselves from people like you, who believe Islam to be a religion of "peace" so you can continue to hate Zionists and we shall continue to crush you.
Peace be upon you Sohni.

My living in Australia has nothing to do with Islam.

As for Zionism, I accept the fact that the Jewish people need a safe haven. Where I disagree with Zionists, is that this safe haven should be in Palestine, at the expense of the Palestinians. Even Theodor Herzl was open to alternative locations, in Ecuador and Uganda.

For those who don't know, Zionism is distinct from Judaism as a religion, which I respect. There are Jews who are vehemently anti-Zionist, and there are plenty of non-Jewish Zionists -- mostly evangelical Christians and assorted anti-Muslim bigots.

It is one of the sadder, and lesser known, facts that mainstream Judaism has been so infiltrated by radical Zionists. Jews and Muslims got along reasonably well throughout the ages. There were periods of conflict, of course, but they were either anomalous or involved the victor/vanquished relationship without targetting Jews per se. It was specifically the Zionists' demand for a Jewish homeland in Palestine that has brought about this current animosity.
My living in Australia has nothing to do with Islam.

As for Zionism, absolutely, unapologetically, I abhor Zionists. Zionism is one of most vile and racist ideologies on this planet.

For those who don't know, Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism as a religion, which I respect. There are Jews who are vehemently anti-Zionist, and there are plenty of Zionists who are not Jewish -- mostly evangelical Christians and assorted anti-Muslim bigots.

It is one of the sadder, and lesser known facts, that mainstream Judaism has been so infiltrated by radical Zionists.

While i respect your hatred for Zionism, the feeling is quite mutual. But regardless of that because it seems you yourself do not know, Zionism is the core of Judaism, since Zion is another name for Israel and Jerusalem in the Torah.
Zionism(The ideology) is Jews who took their fate in their own hands and crushed every single Muslim attempt to rule over Israel ever again. I said this before and i`ll say it again, i am very thankful most of our enemies are degenerates, makes their numbers seem meaningless.
Please don't insult Judaism, which all Muslims respect as a great religion, by making such remarks.

The following is by a Jewish person who is not a Zionist. Difference between Judaism and Zionism

You can find thousands upon thousands of Self hating Jews, and Anti-Zionist Jews. I do not insult Judaism because Israel is Judaism, no matter how many people and sites you find to say the contrary.

And there was no Victor-Defeated mentality in Jews under Islam rule, there was vile inhumanity of Islam, simple as that. Islam has no respect for any other religion but Islam because Islam strives to be the dominater.
And while it won`t say "Death to the russians/christians/chinese/indians" in general because they are the dominating forces of the world, they can freely say Death to Jews because after all they are 0.2% of human population.
You are fooling no one.
Your perception about pakistan is really biased and based on media propaganda.
Seems pretty accurate to me.

and you better stop defending isreal because palestines are also human being and that is their land and isreal occupied their land and forced them out.
You aren't answering my challenge, you know; more like parroting what has been crushed into your brain. Here is a perspective you've probably never seen - and don't care to know, I guess:

For those who haven't heard, the first week in March [2009] has been designated as Israel Apartheid Week by activists who are either ill intentioned or misinformed. On American campuses, organizing committees are planning happenings to once again castigate Israel as the lone responsible party for all that maligns the Middle East.

Last year, at UC Berkeley, I had the opportunity to "dialogue" with some of the organizers of these events. My perspective is unique, both as the vice consul for Israel in San Francisco, and as a Bedouin and the highest-ranking Muslim representing the Israel in the United States. I was born into a Bedouin tribe in Northern Israel, one of 11 children, and began life as shepherd living in our family tent. I went on to serve in the Israeli border police, and later earned a master's degree in political science from Tel Aviv University before joining the Israel Foreign Ministry.

I am a proud Israeli - along with many other non-Jewish Israelis such as Druze, Bahai, Bedouin, Christians and Muslims, who live in one of the most culturally diversified societies and the only true democracy in the Middle East. Like America, Israeli society is far from perfect, but let us deals honestly. By any yardstick you choose - educational opportunity, economic development, women and gay's rights, freedom of speech and assembly, legislative representation - Israel's minorities fare far better than any other country in the Middle East

So, I would like to share the following with organizers of Israel Apartheid week, for those of them who are open to dialogue and not blinded by a hateful ideology:

You are part of the problem, not part of the solution: If you are really idealistic and committed to a better world, stop with the false rhetoric. We need moderate people to come together in good faith to help find the path to relieve the human suffering on both sides of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Vilification and false labeling is a blind alley that is unjust and takes us nowhere.

You deny Israel the fundamental right of every society to defend itself: You condemn Israel for building a security barrier to protect its citizens from suicide bombers and for striking at buildings from which missiles are launched at its cities - but you never offer an alternative. Aren't you practicing yourself a deep form of racism by denying an entire society the right to defend itself?

Your criticism is willfully hypocritical: Do Israel's Arab citizens suffer from disadvantage? You better believe it. Do African Americans 10 minutes from the Berkeley campus suffer from disadvantage - you better believe it, too. So should we launch a Berkeley Apartheid Week, or should we seek real ways to better our societies and make opportunity more available.

You are betraying the moderate Muslims and Jews who are working to achieve peace: Your radicalism is undermining the forces for peace in Israel and in the Palestinian territories. We are working hard to move toward a peace agreement that recognizes the legitimate rights of both Israel and the Palestinian people, and you are tearing down by falsely vilifying one side.

To the organizers of Israel Apartheid Week I would like to say:

If Israel were an apartheid state, I would not have been appointed here, nor would I have chosen to take upon myself this duty. There are many Arabs, both within Israel and in the Palestinian territories who have taken great courage to walk the path of peace. You should stand with us, rather than against us.

- Ishmael Khaldi, March 4, 2009 link

Cheers Solomon2, and might i add more than 90% Druze Arabs serve in IDF, and have done so since the Independence, defending Israel with Pride. Jews and Druze consider each other brothers, and there are many Bedouin Legendary IDF commanders who also served Israel with Pride. I.E Amos Yarkoni.
Amos Yarkoni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is not the issue under debate. We all acknowledge that colonization and mass expulsions have happened throughout history. The land of Palestine has been home to Hittites, Babylonians, Syrians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Arabs and others throughout history. In all the examples you gave, in every other country on the planet, when the modern state was created, it belonged to the people physically present on the land at the time of creation. Even in Africa, when the colonial powers bestowed independence, they gave it to the people living there -- if those people wanted to realign themselves along ethnic lines, that was their own choice afterwards.

Last time I checked, regardless of any intent of the Jews to create a Jewish state beforehand, Isreal was planned and voted into existence in 1947 by the UN, on a sliver of land where they enjoyed a small majority.

Israel is the only exception to this rule. It was created as a vacuum state, expecting its eventual population to be shipped in after its creation.
Nope, plenty of people of various ethnicity in Palestine at the time of the creation of Israel. In fact the area under consideration was just slightly more Jewish than Arab. (499,000 Jews and 438,000 Arabs)

The central issue here is whether the creation of a "Jewish" state in Palestine at the turn of the 20th century was justified. It was not. By no stretch of the imagination can anybody justify creating a state for 3% of the population, expecting the remaining 97% to pack up and leave to make room for the eventual arrival of the "preferred" inhabitants.

Justified? Maybe, Maybe not, the ensuing violence by both parties was most certainly not however. I have no idea why you keep bringing up this 97% and 3% stuff, which were the numbers in place years before immigration started, and nothing close to the numbers in place when the British and Arabs finally got around to trying to stop Jewish immigration. Personally, writing from a nation comprised of immigrants, I don't have much sympathy for the "They didn't have the right to move" argument. There was certainly enough space...

Wrong analogy. Pakistan was created to encompass areas which were majority Muslim at the time -- not three decads later, not in some future timeframe. The proper analogy is to declare India a Sikh state and expect all non-Sikhs to pack up and leave India.
Right, again, 1947, in a small region of what is now Israel, the Jews were the majority.

No, sir. The Zionist manifesto, and the Balfour Declaration, both call for a "Jewish" state. A state where every Jew on the planet is automatically a citizen and non-Jews are expected to be a minority at best.
Yep, that sure is Zionism, never said I was a proponent of it.

Ah, the Nazi canard again....
Let's review the history: Starting late 19th century, when the Zionist manifesto was devised, Jews start migrating to Palestine with the pre-determined aim of establishing a Jewish state. The Arabs, unaware of the ulterior motive, welcome the Jews and give them refuge from European persecution. Even through WW1, the Arabs haven't caught on the Zionists' plan. It is only after the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and massive Jewish migration coupled with Jewsih terrorist attacks on Arabs, that the Arabs finally realize they've been duped by the Zionsts. It is only at that point that the Arabs find cause with the common enemy.
The Zionist cause was fairly clear, I don't know which terrorists attacks on Arabs you are talking about, going to have to cite instances there.

Yet another Israeli lie. Even Israeli historian now acknowledge that the Arabs did not leave volunatarily, but were forcibly evicted from Israel.
A matter of some debate, does anyone leave a war zone "Voluntarily"? I would suppose not, but which of the belligerents bear the responsibility for this? Unless you can show that one side or the other rounded people up and put them on trucks, it is pure speculation.

No, they are not allowed to return because this was the plan all along. They are not allowed, purely and simply, because they are not Jewish. Their return will destroy the Jewish nature of Israel, which has been the primary raison d'etre of Israel from day one.
Not going to disagree with you on that point, if you think about it, the end result is the exact same as what I suggested.

But this begs the question in the first place: was there any justification for Isreal's creation in Palestine? It was the Europeans who persecuted Jews' for centuries (and the Arabs who gave them refuge). It was the Germans who executed the Holocaust. It was the Americans who felt guilty about the whole thing. Any of these countries should carve out a piece of their land and give it to the Jews.

Why should the Palestinians pay the price for the Europeans' crimes and the Americans' guilt? It's easy to be compassionate when someone else is paying the price.

I can assure you that neither the US , the USSR, or Britain felt a spec of guilt over the Holocaust. There decisions at the time were based on logic. The Jews as you said had long planned to establish themselves in Palestine, and carried out the migrations against the desires of all the major players involved. In order to avoid ethnic cleansing (which ended up happening anyway) the UN passed resolution 181. Of course, the Jews were not happy with the borders, and the Arabs were incensed over the existence of any primary Jewish state in the middle east.

Nobody wants the Jews to stop breathing. They just want them to breathe somewhere else. As stated above, let the compassionate Europeans and Americans (and Indians) find some empty land for the poor, victimzed Jews.

Right, and the world is supposed to let an established nation of 7 million people disappear to be replaced by a state run by terrorists?
This is a nonsensical statement. Just stringing together words does not make a sentence meaningful. (Emphasis Mine)

No, the big difference is that Muslims were already the majority in the lands that became Pakistan; they didn't have to be shipped in from elsewhere. Whatever migrations happened did so because of ethnic strife, not to rig the demographics post facto.
Right, same situation applied in 1947, if not 1917.
I am going to stop commenting on the matter now, as I am not going to change anyone's mind one way or the other. The simple fact from the perspective of the rest of the world though is that Israel is a state, a state which is prejudiced, but mostly open and democratic, especially by the standards of it's neighbors. It's GDP is greater than the rest of the middle east combined. (excluding oil revenues) It produces more scientific research papers and doctoral degrees than the rest of the middle east combined. It has a military more powerful than that of the rest of the middle east combined. This all despite the fact that it comprises about 8% of the middle east's total population. (I am not including Turkey or Egypt in these counts) It is not going away any time soon.

The rest of the world does not particularly like the game that Israel plays with the peace process, it does not particularly like the way it treats it's Arab minorities or its Palestinian neighbors. The simple fact though is that it beats the hell out of the alternative, which is a weak quasi-democracy heavily influenced by terrorists, with no short term or long term goals in particular, just another breeding ground for human misery.
I have to agree with Tang0. There is much to be criticised about Israel's behavior towards displaced Arabs, its neighboring states and the occupied strips, not least the blatantly illegal building of settlements on Arab territory on the West Bank, but it is quite unrealistic to think of persuading the Jewish population to move elsewhere (or expelling them). Israel has a legal right to exist and there is nowhere else for the population to go (unless of course Pakistan is kindly offering a new homeland).

If one could put the clock back to 1916-17 it is quite clear that events such as the Balfour Declaration might, in retrospect, have been best avoided, but we are where we are. The Muslim world has to come to terms with Israel and could in fact learn much from the way the Jewish population has developed their country. Israel has many admirable qualities, as well as some rather unpleasant ways of behaving towards Arabs. Every country and people has a right to defend itself and it is understandable that Israel with its small population and limited land area is very sensitive to terrorism and external attack. Unfortunately, it takes the old biblical axiom of 'an eye for an eye' a bit too literally and sometimes fails to see the impression it creates across most of the world by its actions.

Both sides need to compromise and think about the things they need from the other:

Israel needs peace, an end to terrorist and military threats, much reduced defence spending, oil and trade relations with the Muslim world.

The Muslim world needs the return of illegally occupied territories, Israeli expertise in agriculture and technology, some sort of compensation for those who were dispossessed and forced into exile, and better treatment of minority groups within Israel. Given the current problems of the region the Arabs could also learn something from Israel's democratic political system.

Both sides have a lot to gain, but also a lot to lose if the present hostile relationship continues. I am no uncritical supporter of Israel, because I think they have sometimes behaved very badly, but this is not the same as saying the Muslim world is always correct either. A sustained effort to achieve a lasting peace and a more understanding approach by the sometimes fanatical supporters of each side might go along way to achieving the peace in the region we all need.

Those whose posts suggest that the only answer is the destruction of Israel or the expulsion of the Jewish population are, I am afraid, simply being immature and naive. Do we really want another 100 or 200 years of this conflict?
I have to agree with Tang0. There is much to be criticised about Israel's behavior towards displaced Arabs, its neighboring states and the occupied strips, not least the blatantly illegal building of settlements on Arab territory on the West Bank, but it is quite unrealistic to think of persuading the Jewish population to move elsewhere (or expelling them). Israel has a legal right to exist and there is nowhere else for the population to go (unless of course Pakistan is kindly offering a new homeland).

If one could put the clock back to 1916-17 it is quite clear that events such as the Balfour Declaration might, in retrospect, have been best avoided, but we are where we are. The Muslim world has to come to terms with Israel and could in fact learn much from the way the Jewish population has developed their country. Israel has many admirable qualities, as well as some rather unpleasant ways of behaving towards Arabs. Every country and people has a right to defend itself and it is understandable that Israel with its small population and limited land area is very sensitive to terrorism and external attack. Unfortunately, it takes the old biblical axiom of 'an eye for an eye' a bit too literally and sometimes fails to see the impression it creates across most of the world by its actions.

Both sides need to compromise and think about the things they need from the other:

Israel needs peace, an end to terrorist and military threats, much reduced defence spending, oil and trade relations with the Muslim world.

The Muslim world needs the return of illegally occupied territories, Israeli expertise in agriculture and technology, some sort of compensation for those who were dispossessed and forced into exile, and better treatment of minority groups within Israel. Given the current problems of the region the Arabs could also learn something from Israel's democratic political system.

Both sides have a lot to gain, but also a lot to lose if the present hostile relationship continues. I am no uncritical supporter of Israel, because I think they have sometimes behaved very badly, but this is not the same as saying the Muslim world is always correct either. A sustained effort to achieve a lasting peace and a more understanding approach by the sometimes fanatical supporters of each side might go along way to achieving the peace in the region we all need.

Those whose posts suggest that the only answer is the destruction of Israel or the expulsion of the Jewish population are, I am afraid, simply being immature and naive. Do we really want another 100 or 200 years of this conflict?

People like you are amazing, you truly are. You know nothing about the subject but speak as if you`ve been living,studying, and visiting Israel for Years... Which i know you haven`t.
So to answer your long uneducated speech:
1.Israel hasn`t displaced Arabs, they went back to their homelands I.E Egypt,Syria,Transjordan,Lebanon etc.
2.With respect to the Balfour Declaration, i can see your reasoning for changing history by Not giving the most persecuted Minority in History a home it once had and has been taken from them by force by Christians and Muslims. Very humane.
3.The only thing Israel ever wanted was Peace, Arabs did not, but i see you deluded yourself into believing that Israel is somehow withholding peace for so long. Like when The UN wanted to give half of Israel to Jews and the Other half to Arabs, and the Arabs refused while the Jews Accepted it.
4.Israel does not need Oil, actually our whole Energy usage is based for the past 62 years on the Fact that Oil is not Attainable for us and pioneered technologies to replace it. And what we do need, we already get from Friendly Nations.
5.The only compensations Arabs will get from Israel is a TAR Assault Rifle`s Bullet to anyone who dares ask Israel anything after 62 Years of Constant wars and Terror on Innocent Women and Children.
6.If we had any sense at all it would not be an eye for an eye, it would be a hundred Eyes for one Eye, to make it proportionate when there are hundreds of Millions of Arabs, let alone all the Muslims that just "Love" us.
7.Peace will only be achieved when Arabs stop trying strap bombs to their Children and Accept the fact that they have acted as Monsters and Animals for the past 62 Years, Apologize and look to a future where there is no more hate, no more death, no more suffering for either side. We do not want see another innocent life Taken from us, while Arabs are willing to give Hundreds of their lives just to take one of Ours.
And lastly 8.What of the Exodus of Jews throughout the Eons when they were Forced to convert,Expelled, Butchered, and all their Property Seized? What about their damn compensations you European hypocrite.
If Israel is illegal then

SO IS PAKISTAN!! [Brits only created pakistan on INDIAN LAND where majority was muslim]
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 (dated 2 November 1917) was a formal statement of policy by the British government stating that

His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
The declaration was made in a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The letter reflected the position of the British Cabinet, as agreed upon in a meeting on 31 October 1917. It further stated that the declaration is a sign of "sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations."

The statement was issued through the efforts of Chaim Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow, the principal Zionist leaders based in London; as they had asked for the reconstitution of Palestine as “the” Jewish national home, the declaration fell short of Zionist expectations.

The "Balfour Declaration" was later incorporated into the Sèvres peace treaty with Turkey and the Mandate for Palestine. The original document is kept at the British Library.

The anniversary of the declaration, 2 November, is widely commemorated in Israel and among Jews in the Jewish diaspora as Balfour Day. This day is also observed as a day of mourning and protest in Arab countries
If Israel is illegal then

SO IS PAKISTAN!! [Brits only created pakistan on INDIAN LAND where majority was muslim]

Are you indians actually this damn illiterate, or is it because of insecurities?

Muslims of subcontinent created Pakistan. Majority of Pakistanis are native to our own provinces; Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, Kashmir. Our ancestors chose to be apart of Pakistan.

We are not living on indian land. We didnt steal land, like the jews have.

It is india which is a creation of the British. British pretty much forced all the states of modern-day india to join "india" when they created your country in 1947.

Your grandparents werent given a choice of whether they wanted to be apart of india.
My grandparents were given a choice of whether they wanted to be apart of Pakistan.
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