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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

I don't know what to say about this Turkish 'escort' of future Flotillas to Gazas (Gosh! The word 'Flotilla' will be etched in my memory till my dying days from now on, I guess!). I don't think the Turkish and Israeli militaries are going to allow another 'casual encounter' near Gaza--the stakes are way too high now.

Let's diffuse the situation where Gazans life is better and where there are no Kassams launched into Sderot. I don't think that kind of 'understanding' is too hard to reach, especially now that Israelis are much more likely to 'eat the humble pie' in face of the international condemnation AND of a potential Turkish involvement.

At the same time, let the 'Fayyad Plan' be executed: A unilateral declaration of independence of a Palestinian State along the 1967 Borders to be immediately recognized by the world powers. The rest should fall in place before too long because the Settlements will become a part of 'foreign' occupation needs to be dealt with in a landswap or removal.

There is no point in working overselves up to a 3rd World War. Israelis as well as the Palestinians are equally human beings and both need to be accommodated in a fair way.

It all depends on how Israel wants to keep playing. They full well know the capabilities of the Turkish naval fleet and that their own pales in comparison. They don't have much of choice but to except that aid will come into Gaza because after this they don't have much say in the matter. We just need to keep pushing this along with other countries and Israel will give in.
You watched that video I gave you right?

Comeon, as those solders were entering the boat, the people there grabbed them, beat them, threw one off the boat.

That's the evidence I showed you.

You gave me this report of a video channel saying Israeli forces killed 10.

Anyone can talk. I am but talking purely based on the evidence I gave you. And till there is a video of proof contradicting that, I stand firm on my stance.

Not just Al-Jareeza but 100's of other channels say the same thing. But not one posted any other evidence other than what the Palestinians "claim".

Bed time now :D I gotta go to school tomorrow morning.

I will look for more online, tomorrow and if you guys find anything please do post =)

@Black Ice, for the last time, I don't want these people to die!

getting tired of you **** sucker
If a thief comes into your house are you gonna serve him tea? The soldiers came in the ship in international waters. Every single one should have been shot.
sparklingway..Move on for God Sakes! almost every western and eastern source from media are spreading hate. If some one posts a source.videos pass it and carry on. I can provide you a long list of indian media/Western media that are fanatically extremist in their hate for Islam/Pakistan

Oh please do post the sources, substantiate your claim. I along with many of my compatriots are very interested to see what sources you are talking about.

Rather start a thread and post these sources.
Solomon is back. Yeah !
No more Facebook or Wikipedia block! :cheers:

I can provide you a long list of indian media/Western media that are fanatically extremist in their hate for Islam/Pakistan no one seems to discuss them -
If nobody acts on the basis of these reports, how important can they be? It's not like there is a terrorist arm that obeys the will of (non-Muslim) Western "fanatical extremists", is there?
I don't think Pakistanis are well-equipped to make such judgments.

Humanitarians are allowed to pass judgments over Israel's actions.

America bribed Israel to refrain from destroying its enemies by promising to maintain Israel as the strongest military power in the region.

There is more than just maintaining status quo in the region. There are sympathies that go deep into the echelons of power.

However, the Jews kicked out by most of the Arab countries, where were they supposed to go? When the world is prepared to discuss not just how small Israel should be but how big Israel should be, then I think there will be a greater chance for peace.

Let us create homelands for every religious group in the world. Mongols ruled half the world. Let them claim the whole world as their own, for their ancestors had ruled over it and I had promised them the land.

If the Jews returning to the promised land were oppressed and deserved promised land, so do the Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank. Israel's territorial expansions aren't justified.



Moving on, Israel is a reality and every rational person accepts that. What is to be discussed is Israel's constant expansion and the fact that it is swallowing Palestinian territory.

They aren't. Read Totten: the flotilla was never about aid.

Even if the message was entirely political (it was party political and partly humanitarian), does that mean that Israel has the right to launch an armed assault on a civilian ship flying the flag of a sovereign state in international waters and murder a dozen activists.

I believe that judgment should be a matter for courts, and courts should follow law, not the opinion of the majority. The difference is that the accused gets a hearing and alleged violations are judged by their evidence and context of events, not hot-headed emotion.

There are yet to be any hearing over the last war that was launched on Gaza.

I hope Turkey takes Israel to ICJ this time. We'll see.

How can blood feuds end? If one party wants peace and the other doesn't, is that sufficient?

Debate over feuds can't be summarized in single pages either.

No, TL. This incident ranks as a depraved plot, one certainly not of Israel's making. (Israel didn't make the flotilla set sail, nor compel its passengers to attack the boarding party with clubs and knives.)

Israel did attack it.

You're not out of the woods yet. And I think re-considering Pakistan's views towards Israel, Jews, and its own minorities will be a big part of it.

As far as I see it, Pakistan has created an ideological enemy in Israel on its own without any justifications and only to create Islamist sentiments. I am all for diplomatic relations with Israel for we do not pose any threat to each other as long as both sides remain sane (i.e Pakistanis shed their unrealistic pan Islamist wish to liberate Gaza and take active part in Intl diplomacy rather than saying our nukes are for Israel).

In my opinion, it is a similar legacy Pakistan must face and acknowledge if it is to move forward, rather than succumb to a barbaric and destructive mentality.

Here the issue isn't Pakistan. You have dragged our problems into the debate to avoid talking about Israel's barbarianism.

I am copying verbatim an earlier post:-

I'm not taking the BS of the people being armed. It can most definitely be imagined that a couple would have gotten agitated and perhaps tried to manhandle an armed IDF soldier, perhaps even with some rod or stick, and the soldiers being trigger friendly and having no concern whatsoever of human life killed the people in response. It is utterly beyond comprehension that the soldiers feared for their life and that demanded killing nearly two dozen activists. Had they been trying to send a message to the supposedly "attacking" activists, they would have fired a couple of warning shots or perhaps shot one or two people in the leg. What did they do? They shot dead 19 people on a civilian ship in international waters flying the flag of a sovereign state that happens to be a NATO member. Will NATO manage to grow the balls to tackle this offensive from a country that seems to be the first priority of our unmatched global power.

Israel isn't a kid with a bad temper. It's a country, a sovereign state and should have the brains to deal with such a situation peacefully and tactfully. Clearly they did not. It can mean one of two things (generalizing by a big brush)

1) Israel thought it could get away with an armed assault. They might have thought that there would no civilian casualties but they thought that they would get away with such an armed assault courtesy some big players in the intl community who are more than willing to suck their genitalia.

2) Israel committed an utter, utter mistake. Perhaps even a failure of the chain of command. Such a big failure is unlikely to happen though.

Israel committed this act knowing fully the repercussions. They perhaps did not imagine such high or even any casualties but they clearly knew that they would get away with an armed assault in international waters, maybe with just a slap on the wrist.

Let me take Iran example out of the equation. Say, Sudan cuts off all international access to Darfur and blocks the land passage (just imagine although Darfur is on the Chad and CAR borders). Now, if Sudanese military attacks and kills intl aid/political activists, will it get away with it? Clearly no.

Just imagine during the independence struggle of East Timor, had Indonesia attacked an aid convoy, it would have faced dozens of economic sanctions and strained relationships besides the threat of military action.

Israel is getting away with killing 19 people in international waters. This is an act of war. Geo-political clout and sympathies seem to have taken the better of logic and reason. I'm baffled as to how one can justify Israel's attacks.

In the eyes of criminal law provocation and murder are entirely different things. This was not criminally inciting murder either. Are you suggesting that if I walk into a gang alley and get stabbed then I should be as criminally liable as the person who stabbed me for I provoked him by going through a nobody's-owned area that happened to be by his den (analogy being roads as municipal owned and hence not private property and intl waters being out of Israel's sovereign boundaries). I might extend this logic to the wearing-skimpy-clothes-gets-you-raped argument as well. Utterly fallacious logic being used to condone violence based on sympathies for a nation with one of the worst human rights record on the planet.

The humanitarian mission had a clear message. They could have taken another route but Israel had to be given a message that the International community will not take more of its BS and let Israel control the situation entirely and dictate the routes taken by foreign aid missions.

They were in international waters. Had they been just a micrometer outside Israel's territorial or contiguous zones or exclusive economic zones, they still would have been under the sovereign jurisdiction of the flag they were flying.

A ship flying the flag of a NATO member state has been attacked. Will NATO send forces?
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I don't think Pakistanis are well-equipped to make such judgments.

That might be true for Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and a few other countries, but is it really true for Israel? American aid was not a major factor until after the Six-Day War. In 1973 when Syria and Egypt attacked Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish year and Israel responded by crossing the Suez Canal into Africa and closing to artillery range of Damascus, America bribed Israel to refrain from destroying its enemies by promising to maintain Israel as the strongest military power in the region.

You aren't talking about the flotilla any more.

Herzl was a journalist. Sir Herbert Samuel was a British cabinet minister. Abdul Hamid II and Mehmed VI were Ottoman Caliphs. The League of Nations was an assembly of the victors of WWI, and in 1947 the United Nations was an assembly of the victors of WWII, mostly democrats but some dictators and communists as well. All of these helped "found" Israel - indeed, I doubt Israel would exist without them. Do you consider all these people and entities "terrorists by any definition"?

By "snatch" do you include "purchase"? The issue is more complicated than that. If you want all "snatched" lands returned to the victimized peoples, do you support returning lands taken from the Jews as well? I don't hear anybody offering to give the Jews Medina or a quarter of Baghdad in exchange for Tel Aviv - and the Israelis wouldn't want it, either.

The Jews were promised a homeland in Palestine as part of the great de-Imperialization movement after WWI. Many nationalities, which had been mixed up before, were separated into nation-states: Greeks, Hungarians, Poles, Arabs, etc. The provision for the Jews, however, had a key difference: the existing civil rights of the Arab population was to be maintained. The Zionists agreed to accept this and as proof of their good faith over 20% of the population of Israel is Arab.

However, the Jews kicked out by most of the Arab countries, where were they supposed to go? When the world is prepared to discuss not just how small Israel should be but how big Israel should be, then I think there will be a greater chance for peace.

Many of these still support the existence of Israel. This is an exercise in freedom of debate that Pakistanis, it seems, do not care to experience.

I urge you to study world history more fully to understand how laughable your words are. That an intelligent person like you stands by them without entertaining the possibility of error - is there a better indication of how demented Pakistan has become?

Are you interested in justice or enforcing your own sense of righteousness?

Are you so certain it is unconnected? Isn't it the same sort of thinking?

They aren't. Read Totten: the flotilla was never about aid.

I believe that judgment should be a matter for courts, and courts should follow law, not the opinion of the majority. The difference is that the accused gets a hearing and alleged violations are judged by their evidence and context of events, not hot-headed emotion.

Wow, you've really bought "the narrative", as Arabs describe it, hook, line, and sinker.

How can blood feuds end? If one party wants peace and the other doesn't, is that sufficient?

No, TL. This incident ranks as a depraved plot, one certainly not of Israel's making. (Israel didn't make the flotilla set sail, nor compel its passengers to attack the boarding party with clubs and knives.)

Who is more likely to have a better perception of such matters, you or I? It frightens you even to approach the line of thinking that what Israel does is usually right and just, doesn't it?

True. Nevertheless, public disorder and miltarism has gotten worse, hasn't it?

I think it was under 600,000 - still a large fraction of America's population.
Um, no you're not. East Pakistan broke away forty years ago. Rump Pakistan has been slowly fracturing since. The P.A.'s efforts of the past year may have reversed that, but as Nadeem Farooq Paracha put it, "Anything to do with Allah, or the prophet, and everyone keeps quiet. That's the problem with our country." link

You're not out of the woods yet. And I think re-considering Pakistan's views towards Israel, Jews, and its own minorities will be a big part of it.

Consider Germany. Nobody doubts that Germany is a civilized state today (one where civil law applies, not prejudice.) Germany just awarded its highest civilian honor to a man working at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum who spent years of his life in a successful quest to open sequestered Holocaust records. That may be because when the records were unsealed, it was discovered that less than half of them had to do with Jews; the majority dealt with crimes committed by the Nazis against Germans and non-Jewish minorities.

In my opinion, it is a similar legacy Pakistan must face and acknowledge if it is to move forward, rather than succumb to a barbaric and destructive mentality.

Oh please do post the sources, substantiate your claim. I along with many of my compatriots are very interested to see what sources you are talking about.

Rather start a thread and post these sources.

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. . .
Imagine if Iran had done smtg like this!!!

I love Jews but damn, you're digging your own graves, yet again!
I won't cry though, you deserve it. Sooner or later somebody in the Middle East will go Nazi on their *****. Imagine a ME where the Arabs finally free themselves from the Yankees and a strong Iran+Turkey.

Okay, the 'Bullshit' amplifier detector animation by @Black Blood (I often disagree with him, btw) made me laugh my head off!!
gubbi...while the post was for someone else i have not invited you to engage with me on any topic you are waste as on Chinese threads I witnessed with flawed statements. Get over with it obsessed..
prove my claim is it not enough to whatever tom dick and harry takes place the indian media and their honored babbles rant about Pakistan and Islam. Easiest links for people like you go to youtube check out all fanatic video by indian media and their babblers. Do i have to honor your media to start a thread they are garbage i will not waste bandwidth on india media ****.
. .
Hmm, while I crafted my reply, four pages of comments were added.

I revise what I said earlier. In addition to censorship, truth can be drowned out by sheer volume. Indeed, I recall the story of one fellow who visited a Pakistani madrassa experienced just that when he tried to discuss Islam with the students; they started a chant and drowned him out.

How different is that from the coverage Israel has experienced today?

Listen stick to the topic stop bringing Pakistan in it ... :angry::tdown:
gubbi...while the post was for someone else i have not invited you to engage with me on any topic you are waste as on Chinese threads I witnessed with flawed statements. Get over with it obsessed..
prove my claim is it not enough to whatever tom dick and harry takes place the indian media and their honored babbles rant about Pakistan and Islam. Easiest links for people like you go to youtube check out all fanatic video by indian media and their babblers. Do i have to honor your media to start a thread they are garbage i will not waste bandwidth on india media ****.

I stand by my statements. You cannot. Stop BS'ing.

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