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Israel helped India turn around Kargil war

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You have missed the point.

Back to topic I doubt Israel would risk Pakistan going all out against them

Stated differently: I doubt Pakistan would risk Israel going all out on them.
India And Israel are close Friend and against Pakistan.........
Aryan B somtimes it just astounds me you are allowed to go around saying the things you do on this thread with apparent immunity.

Abingdonboy -You seem to be selective in what you see. Do you not note the post he is responding to? Why do you not comment on the off topic retarded rant he was responding to? Come come stop being so picky and go through the previous half a dozen posts and then get a feel for the reason he responds in the manner he does. You are normally a fair chap on here so please dont change.
Would be better if Pakistan army were to do what they did in Swat valley and launch a offensive in my view.

Pakistan Army thinks of these guys as strategic asset to be used to conquer Afghanistan once US withdraws in end of 2014 so it won't launch an offensive against them.

Highly delusional.
What many Pakistanis don't realize is that Pakistan being more Arab than Arabs has turned Israel and India into such great friends.

Our relations with Israel should have been similar to Turkey. Have relations with Israel, but condemn Israel when it needs to be condemned.

Why do Pakistanis always want to be cannon fodder in other people's conflicts?

I agree with you on the substantive message. But I things are changing albeit slowly
Pakistan Army thinks of these guys as strategic asset to be used to conquer Afghanistan once US withdraws in end of 2014 so it won't launch an offensive against them.

Highly delusional.

Even before the 9/11 attacks Afghanistan was in a state of war between the Northen Alliance and the Taliban, it is better for all regional parties like Pakistan, India to come on board because it will be in our interest to see a stable Afghanistan so we can promote TAPI which is a game changer for the region.
Even before the 9/11 attacks Afghanistan was in a state of war between the Northen Alliance and the Taliban, it is better for all regional parties like Pakistan, India to come on board because it will be in our interest to see a stable Afghanistan so we can promote TAPI which is a game changer for the region.

The problem is American involvement which only Indians want but no other neighbours
The problem is American involvement which only Indians want but no other neighbours

Dont agree I feel Pakistan and the ISI is also a factor just ask the Afghan's
Pakistan should not care if Israel is our strategic partner, heck even Turkey has bought defence related equipment from Israel.

The reason is they fear our relationship but they can't do anything about it as we will continue to expand defence, trade ties with Israel.
Israelis have always been covertly assisting India even as far back as early 90s when some Israeli commandos disguised as tourists were kidnapped by the Kashmir freedom fighters.
SRINAGAR, India — Six Israelis, kidnaped from a houseboat and told they would be killed for being Jewish, overpowered their Kashmiri Muslim captors, officials said Thursday. One Israeli and two abductors were killed.

"They said it was the last second of our lives," one of the Israelis, Koby Shemesh, said on Israel Army Radio in an interview from a hospital in Srinagar. "They said if we were Jews, they would have to execute us."
The Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, one of a score of Kashmiri guerrilla groups, claimed responsibility for the incident late Wednesday and accused the six Israeli men of being commandos.
Pakistan should not care if Israel is our strategic partner, heck even Turkey has bought defence related equipment from Israel.

The reason is they fear our relationship but they can't do anything about it as we will continue to expand defence, trade ties with Israel.

You understand the meaning strategic partner in the case of Israel. Do you understand Pakistani strategic partners and potential partners because of the strategic location?

China Russia and Iran. I often wonder on other threads when we talk about strategic partners or potential strategic partners Indians do not understand the meaning and cite their transactional nature of their relationships with Iran and Russia
^do enlighten us on transactional relationships..you have significant experience in that regard.

on topic: Indians have no delusions of having higher than mountain relationships with anyone. we think of our own interest first and foremost.
That is western propaganda. Secondly India is the epicentre of hindu terrorism so what??

WTH is Hindu terrorism??, the communal violence or the samjautha express which was a taste of the usual terrorists own medicine by a deluded guy. On the other hand, check this out!!!


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