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Israel Has No Right To Exist

and what right the nation of the OP to exist. or for that matter any other country :coffee:
Sources of those ? Let me guess...From white supremacists websites? :lol:

Ahh...I take it back...They are from Islamists' sources...:lol:...Not much differences, then.

why do i always need educate u on everything

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine



STAND UP FOR ISRAEL…. « Desertpeace

STAND UP FOR ISRAEL….….and fall flat on your faces!

us leaders speak !! If Americans Knew What the evil jews in Israel are Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED! - YouTube

The above are Americans Gambit unfortunately ignorants will always be ignorant


Israel is piece of ****, they are nothing but Nazis.
They create holocaust to try and get sympathy.

They are illuminati satan worshippers that need to be destroyed.
maybe the jews can hold up some ancient texts to say they have a historical tie to palestine, but they can fabricate everything. even if these texts had some ounce of authenticity, the fact is today the jews have no innate phenological, sociological ties to the terrain, to the soil, to the climate of the land they seized after wwii and since occupied. in fact, today the national character of the jewish people has no relationship to any part of this earth - the character is that of rootlessness and a floating population that does not belong anywhere. it is not just that they have no right to palestine but that they have no claim to any place in the world; it is not just that the state of israel has no right to exist but that the jews as a political grouping have none.
not unlike chinas fabricated ownership of tibet , i guess
Israel is piece of ****, they are nothing but Nazis.
They create holocaust to try and get sympathy.

They are illuminati satan worshippers that need to be destroyed.

For them, u r satans...
And the cycle follows!!
nice pics, now lets see if we can get some photoshopped pics of pakistanis & some prominent muslims owing their allegiance to the state of Zion too.

Why is it so hard for you to digest, people support Israel not because of any political lobby, rather because they see it as the right thing to do, irrespective of any role played or not by any jewish lobbies.
:rofl: you are in denial cos your country has decided to throw your lot in and become an American proxy

:rofl: A pakistani :rofl: commenting on an Indian :rofl: about being :rofl: an :rofl: American :rofl: proxy! :rofl:

Remember...It was your country which has brought uncle sam to the region giving them bases and acting as a client state. Just blaming zardari wont help as US has been in this region when zardari was not a president.
Big deal. The Crusader kingdom in Palestine existed for nearly 100 years before the Muslims wiped them out.

When the West loses it's supremacy, so will go this illegitimate state to the dustbin of history.

Keep dreaming.
Well terrorist have no right to exist and Israel is a terrorist faggotic state that lives on donation of the world's lone supa pawa faggots, the US.The day all muslims countries kick out their corrupt puppet goverments israel will cease to exist. Inshallah that day will
come one day.
Whether Israel has the right or not to exist is debatable. However, they are here and exist now. So the question for the people who don't think Israel should exist is....What are you or any country going to do about it?. :usflag:

Mate, the world of 2030 will be very different to what it is now.

Unless something goes very terribly wrong, China is likely to be stronger than the whole of the West combined.

Now factor in Muslim countries like Turkey, Indonesia and Iran with Multi-trillion dollar economies and indigenous military industries and we have a Muslim world that could kick some serious ***.

No need for China to fight anyone else's battle, they just need to keep the West out of the Middle-East and problem solved.
I think those that worry about how to make Israel cease to exist, should worry more about when Israel starts questioning their right to exist.

Samson Option...:azn:
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