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Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

slaves should know their place -----
Unbelievable , coming from a 21st century guy , who celebrates the independence of his ancestors every year..................you would think that would put some sense of humility in you.........

On the Topic: This is probably a reaction to Iran's increasingly tough stand, against Israel..................On the whole , I am surprised that it took Israelis this long to integrate the nuclear missiles in the submarines...............No surprise on the German help though.............Sensing the worsening of the financial crisis, they are probably trying to warm up to the US , by helping it's closest
its very sad to see a pakistani brother saying these to Turks , Canada changed you alot probably , i dont see you as real representator of Pakistan

I hate seeing this stated by Turkish members on this forum.

NATO will never help you in a real war that is in Turkey's own interest. They will only help you if the war is in their interest.

In an Israeli-Turkish war (putting this up as an example), NATO who should be obligated to help Turkey in this scenario will not even move a chess piece in Turkey's favour.
Too Much of Pallywood.

Turkey can only get Nuclear Weapons from Illegal Sources like Pakistan. Otherwise Turkey Doesn't have the Capability to Anything in the Nuclear Field.

Being a responsible nuclear power is the key. It is said that we Zionists have been in possession of nuclear weapons since the last 40 years. Had we so wished, we could have pulverized the entire middle east in the conflicts that were fought since then. But no, we Zionists were merciful towards our adversaries. Though the adversaries threaten to wipe out Israel every now and then and would like nothing more than nuking Israel had they the power to do so.

I do not see how these nukes can be of any threat to Turkey. Turkey Israel relationship has historically remained good. The present government has downgraded the relationship but military ties are still fully on. It is a matter of time before Turkey Israel relationship improves again.

its very sad to see a pakistani brother saying these to Turks , Canada changed you alot probably , i dont see you as real representator of Pakistan

Truth hurts.
And that's what i call small, tactical and single warhead on a moderate range cruise missile. It's a child's toy compared to trident and typhoon and other fancy stuff.

You don't need those surely, israel has more than enough aircraft to deliver the same payload. You are no global player, you will never sail for blue seas and you don't have enemies overseas. It's pointless. I'd say you should spend your money on getting better surface ships you may get your arses kicked if you pick a fight with us :)

What is illegal with Pakistan? Anyway, we are under NATO's nuclear umbrella, hopefully we will never need to get our hands on nuclear weapons if we did the source would most probably be Pakistan. But using a nuclear weapon is a crime against humanity under all circumstances.

We have a well-disciplined and well-equipped armed force that is sworn to protect this country. I don't even want those B61s in incirlik base. They should be returned to USA and dismantled after cold war's ending.

What are your qualifications ? who are you to call a 200KT nuke a ""small TACTICAL warhead"" Or a Child's Toy ?

Typical Keyboard warrior
its very sad to see a pakistani brother saying these to Turks , Canada changed you alot probably , i dont see you as real representator of Pakistan

Mate, i understand your sentiment fully..But what she says is true..Please just think about it..If push comes to shove, would US of A( or call it Nato ) choose Turkey or Israel? The answer is so transparent..And just remember how Holland, our Nato ally, sent those Patriot systems to Turkey unwillingly in 2nd Gulf War

But, of course, Turkey and Israel war scenario is never going to happen..After all we are not fanatical lunatics
ASELSAN HIZIR Torpedo Defence System is invited to a tender in Bangladesh

Aselsan’ın savaş gemileri için en büyük tehdit kabul edilen torpidolara karşı milli imkanlarla geliştirdiği Hızır ve Zargana, Bangladeş’in açtığı uluslararası ihaleye davet edildi.Aselsan’ın 2006 yılında başlattığı deniz savunmasına ilişkin çalışmaları meyvelerini veriyor. Deniz Kuvvetlerinin su üstü ve su altı platformlarında önemli görevler üstlenen Aselsan, su altı akustiği konusundaki çalışmalarını artık yurtdışında pazarlamaya başladı.

Hızır için talepler var

Su üstü gemilerini torpidolara karşı korumak üzere geliştirilen Hızır sistemi milli imkanlarla üretime geçti. Hızır sistemi MİLGEM, TF2000, TF100, çıkarma gemisi ve havuzlu çıkarma gemisi gibi platformlarda kullanıma hazır hale geldi. Her türlü gemide kullanılabilmesi için modüler yapıda geliştirilen sistemin en önemli parçası olan ve “çekili sonar” olarak da kullanılabilen yüksek performanslı “çekili dizin” için yurtdışından talepler gelmeye başladı. Denizaltıları torpidolara karşı korumak üzere geliştirilen Zargana’nın akustik karıştırıcıları ve aldatıcıları da üretime geçti. Dünyada yaygın kullanılan 209 sınıfı denizaltıların su topundan atılabilen Zargana Uzakdoğu ülkeleri deniz kuvvetleri tarafından tercih ediliyor.

Torpidoya karşı takım çalışması

ASELSAN, torpidolara karşı tedbir çalışmalarını da üniversitelerle ortaklaşa sürdürüyor. ASELSAN, bu çalışmaları, Bilkent, ODTÜ, İTÜ, Anadolu, Yıldız Teknik, TÜBİTAK ve çok sayıda KOBİ ile birlikte kurduğu milli takımla gerçekleştiriyor. Çalışmalarıyla sualtında ihtiyaç duyulan yeni nesil milli sonar projeleri geliştiren ASELSAN, birikim sahibi kurum ve kuruluşları da değişik projelerde takıma dahil etmeyi hedefliyor.



you can check this thread for more info about the system

I don't understand how this is related to Turkish Defence forum... Israel cannot use nuclears against Turkey because of nuclear umbrella...

Altough Erdogan/Davutoglu and Netanyahu/Liberman are b'tchng at eachother non-stop I see no military conflict with Israel...

For 1- We don't have the military and economical power to damage Israel more than they can damage us...

2- Israel cannot afford to make a war with a Nato country specially when she has to deal with Hezbuallah and Iran and Turkey while she has to deal with PKK...

3- War between Israel and Turkey is against US interests...

4- Israel/Turkey economical ties are pretty good...

5- I don't know abou Israeli people but Turks don't want any war with any country... war with any country will be a political suice for any goverment...
Mate, i understand your sentiment fully..But what she says is true..Please just think about it..If push comes to shove, would US of A( or call it Nato ) choose Turkey or Israel? The answer is so transparent..And just remember how Holland, our Nato ally, sent those Patriot systems to Turkey unwillingly in 2nd Gulf War

But, of course, Turkey and Israel war scenario is never going to happen..After all we are not fanatical lunatics

Nato cannot choose Israel even if they wanted to if Israel is the aggressor... Specially when there is huge Chinese threat and growing Russian threat...
Using nuclear weapon in war is like using heavy artillery in a street fight, as everybody knows they can't use them unless they got close to destruction.
Can we please lock this one and anything else that is not somehow related to Turkey and defence?
Iran already has nukes and these nazis know they can't do ****.

we have dozen of fordo like facilities and according to some sources we have one of the top ten Uranium reserves.
do you people really think Iran would just sit there when terrorists like USA and the zionists have nukes around us and we just sit there?

these pussies cannot do anything, that is why they using viruses to harm our facilities.
Israel is getting ever more dangerous , the little israel that we once controlled , We need Nukes urgently Our brother nation Pakistan will surely help us , after this moment even if iran wasnt developing nukes i would want them to , as i believe they have the heart not to nuke a nation even if they have
Israel is dangerous only to those who attack her. For all the rest it can be a good ally.
Israel is dangerous only to those who attack her. For all the rest it can be a good ally.

You know something an Iranian official said? he said the worst Virus in the middle east in not the flame but Israel.

You pussies are only dangerous to innocent people in gaza.
Israel is dangerous only to those who attack her. For all the rest it can be a good ally.

I think the problem is that this big military base attack other countries ... and this big military base is the one who killing peoples ...
this is funny that war criminal acting like a innocent little girls ....
You know something an Iranian official said? he said the worst Virus in the middle east in not the flame but Israel.
Iranian officials curse like girls, thats not a new thing.

You pussies are only dangerous to innocent people in gaza.
We defeated all the armies who attacked us. Thats why Iranians are only cursing but afraid to send a soldier against Israel.
You had money to buy land from somewhere else, why did you insist on settling among the gazillions of Arabs ? :P

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