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Israel Defense Forces

Apache and Supra Cobra looking beastly..
Longbow in Israeli colors looks super sexy:





I have a interesting question....Is the hebrew name of the APC "Namer"..the same as arabic word for tiger that is "Nemar" ???
I know this for the fact that two languages have same abrahamic roots...and pakistan tested a air launched cruise missile name "Ra'ad" arabic word for thunder.....while Israeli F-15s have a designation of F-15 Ra'am...which as far as i know is hebrew for thunder...so was guessing maybe its the same for Namer APC ?
I have a interesting question....Is the hebrew name of the APC "Namer"..the same as arabic word for tiger that is "Nemar" ???
Yes, Hebrew "Namer" and Arabic "Namir" have same root: N-M-R

I know this for the fact that two languages have same abrahamic roots...and pakistan tested a air launched cruise missile name "Ra'ad"
I dont know, since last later is different. There is another word in Hebrew "Ra'ad", wich means "tremble", probably related to Arabic "Ra'ad".

Basicaly Hebrew and Arabic are related to each other like English to German. There are many common words, here numbers for example:

---- Hebrew --- Arabic
1 --- ehad ---- wahad
2 -- shtaim --- tnin
3 -- shalosh -- talate
4 --- arb'a ---- arba'a
5 --- hamesh -- hamse
6 --- shesh ---- site
7 --- shev'a --- sab'a
8 -- shmone -- tamanye
9 -- tesh'a ----- tis'a
10 - eser ----- ashara
Video is extremely innacurate and biased. But seems it was not enough for those who uplodead it to youtube, so they changed the title.

Despite Merkavas were hit by barrage of most modern anti tank missiles Hezbollah was unable to stop them and reached their objectives (Khiam on 10 august and Randurieyh in 12 august). As result after the war Israel increased the Merkava production.




If the Merkava did so well why are the Israelis fitting them with expensive trophy systems. The Merkava's were toasted in South-Libanon that is the reason why Israel is updating the Merkava's with an anti-tank system.
If the Merkava did so well why are the Israelis fitting them with expensive trophy systems. The Merkava's were toasted in South-Libanon that is the reason why Israel is updating the Merkava's with an anti-tank system.
1) Tanks are constantly upgraded, thats natural since technology is advancing. For example Merkavas modifications: Mk1, Mk1B, Mk2, Mk2B, Mk2D, Mk3, Mk3B, Mk3B Baz, Mk3D Baz, Mk4, Mk4M. And these are only major modifications, there are many minor.
2) "Trophy" costs about 200-300 K per unit, while tanks costs 5-6 mln. So its not so expensive.
3) "Trophy" is being developed since late 1990-es, long before the second war in Lebanon.
4) Number of tanks destroyed in that war is much lower than in previous wars. For example in 26 days of Yom Kippur war 460 Israeli tanks were destroyed, in 33 days of second Lebanon war were destroyed 5 tanks.
5) Video you posted is innacurate. I brought example: they claimed that Israeli tanks advancing from Metullah at Al Khiam were stoped 3.5 km from the border, but in fact they reached Marjayoun, which is behind Al Khiam:

YouTube - Lebanese Soldiers Serve Tea To Israeli Soldiers in Marjayoun

6) First pic you posted is not Merkava, its Magah tank which turned on the road in West Bank 2002. Third pic is also a driving accident before the war. Second pic is Mk2 one of 5 tanks destroyed by Hezbollah in that war.
1) Tanks are constantly upgraded, thats natural since technology is advancing. For example Merkavas modifications: Mk1, Mk1B, Mk2, Mk2B, Mk2D, Mk3, Mk3B, Mk3B Baz, Mk3D Baz, Mk4, Mk4M. And these are only major modifications, there are many minor.
2) "Trophy" costs about 200-300 K per unit, while tanks costs 5-6 mln. So its not so expensive.
3) "Trophy" is being developed since late 1990-es, long before the second war in Lebanon.

Fitting a system of 200.000-300.000 dollar on a tank of 5 million dollar is very expensive. If a Merkava tank can sustain hit after hit as you claimed why trowing so money away on a system? Israel just do not want to admit the failure of the Merkava, because that would harm the image of the IDF.

4) Number of tanks destroyed in that war is much lower than in previous wars. For example in 26 days of Yom Kippur war 460 Israeli tanks were destroyed, in 33 days of second Lebanon war were destroyed 5 tanks.

Dozens of tanks were destroyed or heavily damaged, but still you believe that only 5 were destroyed.

The Iranian IRNG reported 170 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

The US Stratfor reported 120 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

The CCTV reported 150 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

The Japanese Kanwa reported 110 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

If we take all these numbers the Israeli forces lost on the batlefield between 110-170 tanks.

Furthermore in 1973 you were fighting fully armed armies with tanks, airplanes and modern SAMS and you did not controle all the airspace as in 2006. That is why you lost during Yum Kipor so many tanks. If Hzb Allah had an airforce, thousands of tanks, modern air defence systems they would have destroyed IDF army totally.

5) Video you posted is innacurate. I brought example: they claimed that Israeli tanks advancing from Metullah at Al Khiam were stoped 3.5 km from the border, but in fact they reached Marjayoun, which is behind Al Khiam:

YouTube - Lebanese Soldiers Serve Tea To Israeli Soldiers in Marjayoun

Israeli forces took up some positions in Marjayoun just days before the ceasefire after they failed to reach their objectives. To take some positions does not mean you controle the village. The IDF failed to go straight to Khaim after meeting heavy resistance and suffered a lot of casualties. They went to Marjayoun because it was a Christian village with a low number of Hizb Allah fighters defending it. And Marjayoun lies only a few hunderds meters North-west of Khaim.
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Fitting a system of 200.000-300.000 dollar on a tank of 5 million dollar is very expensive.
Its not. Fire control system costs about 3 million, battle management system another half million and so on.

If a Merkava tank can sustain hit after hit as you claimed why trowing so money away on a system?
No armor guarantees you 100% protection. First Merkavas were designed against frontal attacks and all around protection against RPG-7.

Merkava 2D and Merkava 3D added strong side protecton for turrets. Merkava 4 added improved coverage for turrets and roof protection. But its hull side, rear are still vulnerable to modern ATGMs. In order to protect it you need 200 tonn tank. Thats why active protection was developed.

Israel just do not want to admit the failure of the Merkava, because that would harm the image of the IDF.
No tank in the world has all around protection.

Dozens of tanks were destroyed or heavily damaged, but still you believe that only 5 were destroyed.
I dont believe, I know.

The Iranian IRNG reported 170 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

The US Stratfor reported 120 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

The CCTV reported 150 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

The Japanese Kanwa reported 110 Merkavas killed/heavily damaged.

If we take all these numbers the Israeli forces lost on the batlefield between 110-170 tanks.
Nonsense. Here a Stratfor quote for you:

The Merkava design is based partly on findings from studies after the Yom Kippur War, when retired Maj. Gen. Israel Tal orchestrated an expert investigation into every single incident involving a hit on an Israeli tank (a similar study is under way in the aftermath of the summer 2006 conflict). Though more than 50 tanks — nearly 15 percent of the Israeli tanks that crossed into Lebanon during the Israel-Hezbollah conflict — sustained damage, most crew members survived (the foremost goal of and testament to the Merkava design).

The Merkava design ultimately lessened the effectiveness of Hezbollah’s anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). Fewer than 20 tanks were heavily damaged, and the two tanks that were destroyed were not hit by ATGMs but by anti-tank mines. Even the modern AT-14 Kornets could not penetrate the Merkava’s heavy frontal armor. Some of the casualties from ATGMs were tank commanders standing exposed in the turrets and not a result of missiles penetrating the tanks’ armor. If Israel employs better training for tank crews and better tactical maneuvering, Hezbollah ATGMs are likely to become less effective — especially if Israeli tanks stay out of Lebanese villages, where they were most vulnerable because of the dense urban environment.
As u can see it says even less than I do.

Furthermore in 1973 you were fighting fully armed armies with tanks, airplanes and modern SAMS and you did not controle all the airspace as in 2006. That is why you lost during Yum Kipor so many tanks. If Hzb Allah had an airforce, thousands of tanks, modern air defence systems they would have destroyed IDF army totally.
Woulda coulda shoulda. They can borrow tanks from Syria.

Israeli forces took up some positions in Marjayoun just days before the ceasefire after they failed to reach their objectives.
Israeli tanks started their advance to Marjayoun in 10th August and reached ot on same day.

And Marjayoun lies only a few hunderds meters North-west of Khaim.
About 4 km north to Khiam.
Mk2 driver's place:

Mk3 driver's place:

Mk3 loader's place:

Mk4 loader's place:
Israeli airforce is amazing only country after singapore have both deadly killer F 16 and F 15 dont know why Saudis dont want to have that killer combinations with them if they get atleast 100 F 16 with F 15 and EF they will be very very hard to be beaten

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