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Israel converts historic mosque into bar and events hall

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Beware there's a gypsy in the thread.

oh don't worry too much about him, he is just a scared specie he sees writing on the walls on Europe. Let him imagine the life of his grand kids while he can
I can only wish that they would dare to turn it back into a mosque(pigstyke)....that s the day when they signed off as an existent country
Hi retard.
Long time no see?

So feeling the warm season to crawl out of your hole?

Quite amazing to see u around after all the insults you did since day one...
Mods are... really doing their job...
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Muslims , use the mosque to pray but we can also pray in the open sky
We can also pray at home.

Israel merely changing the role of mosque and converting it does not prevents Muslims from Praying , sure it is a mosque from 1200 years ago but end of day we will still continue to Pray to Allah and of course acknowledge Prophet Mohammad as the last Messenger.

Islamic prayers do not stop at a mosque or building or facility

What ever changes Israel will make , will matter not because at end of day no one in Muslim world recognizes Israel's existence

A grand mosque in Pakistan

An even grander Mosque being constructed in Bahria Town

we in Canada pray in church sometime :)
All the fuss is useless because at end of it all , Palestine will get a free state hood and reclaim the lost land

The properties will be reconverted back to mosques as before
Lol I didn't know gypsies had computers.

Pakistanis don t have computers? You know the difference between you and a gypsie?.....Look at gypsies! There is none! DNA is thicker then blood after all...as they say
Pakistanis don t have computers? You know the difference between you and a gypsie?.....Look at gypsies! There is none! DNA is thicker then blood after all...as they say

You want to talk about DNA bro? you are the cesspool of Europe. No one gives a shit about your country and you an insignificant people. Pakistan has done more in 70 years than your sh!t stain of a country can do in your entire history.
So get involved in someone else's problem? Watch your language, I can report you, you know.
It is not someone elses problem, Israel is an existential threat to Pakistan. They tried to destroy our nuclear program in the past, they directly supported India on several ocassions in wars, they recentlu were involved in post pulwama scenario. They have tried to use proxies in Fata and Balochistan through third parties to fuel terrorism in Pakistan and fck the Palestinians, Al Aqsa is our second holiest site, we have a duty to Allah to oppose those who occupy it and when the time is right fight them. Pakistan is an Islamic Republic by essencr of base ideology and the constitution, we are not a nationalist state that will see the Israeli occupation of Palestine as some conflict between two nations and report me already, dont bark, act!!!!
Other than hiding Osama with no avail,getting droned with no impunity and having more deaths due to malaria than Malawi due to no access to modern vaccines,remind me please why your hellhole ,that you call a country,matters? :))......You see,we killed some turks on the battlefield for our indepence some 140 years ago,you WERE GIVEN ypurs ,courtesy of a Hindu,70 years ago....See THE TIME GAP ALI??
The whole world still think you guys are Called "Roms"... and are filling the street of Europe... keep your head down and buried...
You are nothing...neither achieved something... You fought nothing and never you will... keyboard eunuch
For example, one poster saying that this story is not "his" problem.

Well, its not. Pakistan is a different nation on the map last time I checked.

Maybe you lot should have believed in the "problem" yourselves and not backstab like you did (and have temerity to screech 3 million to everyone and more recently things like "burning women alive is a Pakistani thing to do")...before you start this high and mighty preaching for ppl from Pakistan?

Pro-tip: practice what you preach out there as the full identity you claim before you start the identity politics charade for others.

The whole world thinks that you muzzies are terrorists,but that's not my problem.As per keeping my head down,sry sand $$$$$,I know my history,it has nothing to do with some sclaves imported punjabis some 400 years ago....my head is high
High in the ground.
Well, its not. Pakistan is a different nation on the map last time I checked.

Maybe you lot should have believed in the "problem" yourselves and not backstab like you did (and have temerity to screech 3 million to everyone and more recently things like "burning women alive is a Pakistani thing to do")...before you start this high and mighty preaching for ppl from Pakistan?

Pro-tip: practice what you preach out there as the full identity you claim before you start the identity politics charade for others.


Is the neighbour my problem? no
Is the city my problem? no
Is the country my problem? no
Is the earth my problem? no
Is the universe my problem? no

You can chose to live in your compartmentalised box and pretend nothing exists outside the vision of your eyes.

Some people like to have interests outside of them selves.
Interestingly the same crowd that cheers the mosque desecration condemns:
  1. Taliban blowing up the Buddah for rubble consumption
  2. Converting the ex-church to a mosque in Turkey

Nevertheless... So be it.
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