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Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

ICRC says Gaza in 'full-blown' humanitarian crisis

January 6, 2009

GENEVA: The Red Cross said Tuesday that an ambulance post was hit during what it called the most terrifying night of violence yet in Gaza, while the U.N. reported a half-dozen Palestinian medical workers dead amid a worsening humanitarian crisis.

The military offensive against Palestinian rocket squads launched by Israel Dec. 27 has left up to 600 dead and as many as 3,000 injured in Gaza so far, said Pierre Kraehenbuehl, head of operations for the International Committee of the Red Cross.

"The main message coming out of Gaza this morning is one of fear and frustration," Kraehenbuehl told reporters. "This past night was described to us over the phone this morning as being the most frightening of all to date."

With civilian casualties mounting and clean water supplies nearing breakdown, Kraehenbuehl said: "There is no doubt in my mind that we are dealing with a full-blown and major crisis in humanitarian terms."

An agency spokesman, Florian Westphal, said a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance station in the northern town of Jabaliya was hit, injuring one medical worker. No further details were available.

Today in Europe
Gazprom dispute entangles EuropeGaza crisis may be fomenting violence against Jews in EuropeAntwerp's Jewish enclave adjustsSix Palestinian medical personnel have been killed since the start of conflict and several more have been injured, the U.N.'s World Health Organization said.

One person was killed Monday and two others suffered injuries when a shell hit an ambulance near Al-Hawa, said WHO spokesman Paul Garwood. A nurse suffered severe head injuries in a separate incident at the Al-Awda Hospital, he said. The agency is working to ensure medical facilities have enough fuel for the generators, which they depend on for electricity, he said.

The Red Cross said fragile power supplies, already weakened by Israel's 18-month embargo on the Hamas-controlled territory, threaten to leave up to half a million people without clean water and at risk of disease.

Israel denies there is a humanitarian crisis in the densely populated strip.

Israel has given the Red Cross permission to bring medical supplies including blood and vaccines into the sealed-off territory, and a team of war surgeons was allowed in Monday to assist doctors treating the wounded at Gaza's main Shifa hospital.

But Kraehenbuehl said medical access is worsening as the campaign continues.

The U.N. refugee agency urged Israel and Egypt to open its borders to civilians wanting to flee Gaza

"We are talking about the protection of human beings, of families, of children," said Ron Redmond, a spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. "We're talking about saving lives."

ICRC says Gaza in 'full-blown' humanitarian crisis - International Herald Tribune

Musalmano ki Madad Kar !!! ..

Israel ko Tabah or Barbaad Kar ...
:tup: Venezuela expels Israel envoy over Gaza attacks
Updated at: 0309 PST, Wednesday, January 07, 2009

CARACAS: Venezuela expelled the ambassador to Israel on Tuesday in protest over the offensive in Gaza only hours after leftist President Hugo Chavez called the attacks a Palestinian "holocaust," media reported.

The socialist Chavez, a harsh critic of Israel and the United States, in recent years has frequently withdrawn Venezuela's diplomatic envoys amid bilateral disputes and last year kicked out the U.S. ambassador over a conflict involving allied Bolivia.

The OPEC nation's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Israel's campaign constituted "flagrant violations of International Law" and the use of "state terrorism."

"For the reasons mentioned above, the government of Venezuela has decided to expel the Ambassador of Israel and part of the personnel of the Embassy of Israel," the statement said.

The Israeli embassy did not respond to phone calls requesting comment
shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim word first we are Muslims than we are Pakistan we have an army of 619,000 compare to Israel army is 128,000 and no action still again shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim world
:tup: Venezuela expels Israel envoy over Gaza attacks
Updated at: 0309 PST, Wednesday, January 07, 2009

CARACAS: Venezuela expelled the ambassador to Israel on Tuesday in protest over the offensive in Gaza only hours after leftist President Hugo Chavez called the attacks a Palestinian "holocaust," media reported.

The socialist Chavez, a harsh critic of Israel and the United States, in recent years has frequently withdrawn Venezuela's diplomatic envoys amid bilateral disputes and last year kicked out the U.S. ambassador over a conflict involving allied Bolivia.

The OPEC nation's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Israel's campaign constituted "flagrant violations of International Law" and the use of "state terrorism."

"For the reasons mentioned above, the government of Venezuela has decided to expel the Ambassador of Israel and part of the personnel of the Embassy of Israel," the statement said.

The Israeli embassy did not respond to phone calls requesting comment

Doubt any of the gutless Arab states (Jordanians, Egyptians or the Khaleejis) have the guts to do this.
shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim word first we are Muslims than we are Pakistan we have an army of 619,000 compare to Israel army is 128,000 and no action still again shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim world
I second to that comment. Heart breaks down to see the cowardice response of so-called Muslim leaders. Why can't we realize that there isn't any WOT and it is a practicing Muslim's genocidal campaign throughout the world? In 2001, it was Afghanistan, 2003 it was Iraq then Hezbollah and now Hamas. After this PAK and Iran’s turn will come. But still we try to match the nexus of the war criminals of US, UK, IND and ISRO individually without realizing sheer disparity of power. If 52 Muslim nations unite under one Ummah and declare attacking any of its parts would be considered attacking all then there wouldn't be any WAR at all. History proves that WEST hasn't gone to war against equally matched enemies. Like NATO never fired a single missile toward Soviet Union. When will we get out of the narrow nationalistic mentality that actually helps enemies of mankind and we play on their hands?
Demonstrations across the World Calling on Muslim Armies to move to Defend Gaza
Over many months, the regimes in the Muslim world have been silent over Israel's siege of Gaza. The Egyptian regime even blocked aid to Gaza and the Saudi regime has appeased the murderous occupiers by promoting a so-called 'peace process', which is nothing more than a process to strengthen Israel's grip on the region. Their appeasement has been repaid by this massacre.

No amount of negotiations, UN resolutions or condemnations will liberate Palestine from occupation. While the sincere Palestinians continue to bravely struggle against occupation, it is only when well resourced armies from Muslim lands, currently confined to barracks by treacherous agent rulers, are released that this land will be defended. Egypt has the military capability to defend the people of Gaza if it used its 220 F-16 fighter planes and 450,000 strong military.

Published figures show that the Muslim armies combined outnumber the Israeli forces by a ratio of 68 Muslim soldiers to one Israeli soldier. The Muslim countries spend almost 17 times more on their military budgets than Israel. So it is clear that a united Muslim armed force is the dominant military power in the region. Even with their advanced military technology, the Israelis cannot overcome such a large military force. The war which Isreal lost two years ago against hizbollah showed the world that they are not invincible. If a small group of Muslims can face them for almost a month and defeat them then what can be said about the numbers below?

Population 7,112,359
Military Manpower 3,353,936
Muslim - (Middle East)
Population 431,356,727
Military Manpower 230,582,445

Please take time to read the article below:

Let us remember the Al Ansar

The Ansar: Those who gave Nusrah to Islam

The event of the hijrah was a turning point in the history of Islam. Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, in his book Fath Al-Bari, records that the Khaleefah Umar is reported to have remarked:

"The Hijrah has separated truth from falsehood; therefore, let it become the Epoch of the Era."

However, the hijrah only became possible once the Ansar gave bayah (pledge of allegiance) to the Prophet (saw). With the beginning of the new Islamic year, we should take this time to reflect on the example of the Ansar and recognize how their role was vital to the establishment of Islam as a political force that provided the launching point of the Islamic dawah – that spread from the borders of China to the borders of France within less than a century.

Virtues and Merits of those who provide the Nusrah

In the Glorious Quran, Allah (swt) has described the Ansar with qualities that every true believer aspires to attain. The Ansar are those who gave Nusrah (i.e. material support and protection) to Rasul'Allah (saw). Allah (swt) was pleased with them and they were pleased with Him (swt) and He (swt) has prepared Jannah as their eternal dwelling. Allah (swt) has revealed:

"And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhajirun (those who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah) and the Ansar (the people of Madinah who gave Nusrah to Islam) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success."
[TMQ 9:100]

In the saheeh hadith, it is narrated that we are obligated to love the Ansar:

"Love for the Ansar is a sign of faith and hatred for the Ansar is a sign of hypocrisy."
[Bukhari & Muslim]

"None but the believer loves them, none but the hypocrite hates them. He who loved them loved Allah and he who hated them hated Allah."

"No man who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment hates the Ansar."

Furthermore, the Messenger of Allah (saw) loved the Ansar:

"The Prophet saw the women and children (of the Ansar) coming forward. (The sub-narrator said, "I think that Anas said, 'They were returning from a wedding party.'") The Prophet stood up and said three times, "By Allah! You are from the most beloved people to me."

"A woman from the Ansar came to the Prophet (saw) along with her child and spoke to him, so the Prophet (saw) said: "By the one who has my soul in His hand, you (the Ansar) are dearest to me of all people" he said this twice."

Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh (ra)

Amongst the Ansar, Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh's (ra) acceptance of Islam was pivotal in allowing Madinah to become the Islamic State. Before Musab ibn Umayr (ra) invited Sa'ad to Islam, his host from the Ansar, As'ad ibn Zurarah (ra), said:

"O Musab, by Allah the leader who is followed by his people has come to you. If he follows you, no two of them will remain behind."

After accepting Islam, Sa'ad (ra) returned to his tribe and asked them:

"O Banu 'Abd al-Ashhal, how do you rate my authority amongst you?" They replied, "You are our chief, the most active in our interests, the best in judgment and the most fortunate in leadership." He said, "I will not speak to a man or woman among you until you believe in Allah and his Messenger."

As a result, every man and woman amongst the Banu 'Abd al-Ashhal embraced Islam!
Before the Battle of Badr, Rasul'Allah (saw) consulted the Sahabah (ra) about whether they should confront the Quraysh. Some of the Sahabah (ra) gave their opinion and he (saw) said: "Give me advice O men!" (which he meant the Ansar who had pledged allegiance to him at al- 'Aqabah). When the Ansar sensed that he (saw) meant them, Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh (ra) said:

"It seems as if you mean us, O Messenger of Allah." He (saw) said, "Yes." Sa'ad (ra) said, "We believe in you, we declare your truth, and we witness that what you have brought us is the truth, and we have given you our word and agreement to hear and obey; so go where you wish, we are with you; and by He who sent you, if you were to ask us to cross this sea and you plunged into it, we would plunge into it with you; not a man would stay behind. We do not dislike the idea of meeting our enemy tomorrow. We are experienced in war, capable of fighting. It may well be that Allah will let us show you something which will bring you joy, so take us along with Allah's blessing."

Truly, Sa'ad ibn Muadh (ra) played a vital role in supporting Rasul'Allah (saw) and in establishing Islam as a way of life. Indeed Allah (swt) elevated his status. Bukhari narrates on the authority of Jabir (ra) who says: "I heard the Prophet (saw) say: "the heavens trembled at the death of Sa'ad bin Muadh." When the Muslims were carrying the body of Sa'ad they said, "We have not carried a dead body lighter than this." And the Prophet (saw) replied to them: "Nothing made his body lighter, but it was such and such number of angels who descended and carried him along with you. Those angels had never before descended." This is narrated in Tabaqat ibn Sa'ad. When Sa'ad's soul was carried to the Creator, Jibreel (as) came to the Prophet (saw) and said: "Who was this good soul who died? The gates of the heavens were opened for him and the throne moved." [Ahmed]

Seeking Nusrah: Shara'i Method to Assume Authority

The Ansar attained their special status by giving nusrah to Rasul'Allah (saw). However, the support did not come from a vacuum. Rather, Rasul'Allah (saw) had worked tirelessly to call the people of power to give him nusrah. Rasul'Allah (saw) approached over 15 tribes, but none of them accepted his (saw) call.

It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas (ra) in Ibn Hajar's Fath ul Bari, which quotes Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) who says:

"When Allah (swt) ordered the Prophet to approach the Arab tribes, I and Abu Bakr accompanied the Prophet (saw) to Mina until the court of the Arab tribes."

It is therefore established that the command to approach the Arab tribes and seek their support, as well as the timing of this approach came from Allah (swt), as is evident from the above narration of Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra). The timing of this command coincides with the loss of protection & support of the Prophet (saw). Rasul'Allah (saw) was no longer safe and protected, the Quraysh would not allow him to carry the call of Allah (swt), and at the same time the Prophet (saw) had no hopes that the society in Makkah would accept his authority since the public opinion itself in Makkah was not favourable to Islam. Thus the Prophet (saw) was ordered to seek nusrah at that point in time in order to encourage the da'wah and bring Islam to a position that befits it in terms of ruling, authority and a comprehensive implementation of its Ahkam. The Prophet (saw) began this task of seeking nusrah from Ta'if which was counted among the most powerful tribes in the Arabian Peninsula at the time. In fact, it rivaled the Quraysh in terms of strength, prestige and position. This was stressed by Walid ibn Mughairah when he questioned why the Quran was not revealed to the elite from Makkah and Taif – (i.e. instead of Prophet Muhammad (saw)):

"And they say: "Why is not this Qur'an sent down to some great man of the two towns (Makkah and Ta'if)?"
[TMQ 43:31]

Where are the Ansar of today?

As we watch with horror, we see the streets of Gaza flowing with the blood of this noble Ummah. However, the underlying problem is a global problem that is in need of a global solution. We are once again in need of leadership of the likes of the Ansar who were willing to follow the Prophet (saw) – even if he (saw) led them into the ocean. The condition of the Muslims today is similar to the situation of the Muslims prior to the hijrah – the Muslims have no security and the enemies of Islam have the upper hand. Just as Sumayiah and other Muslims were brutally killed in Makkah, we are slaughtered in Gaza, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, and many other places. However, once Rasul'Allah (saw) got the nusrah from the Ansar, he (saw) was able to provide sanctuary for the believers. Similarly, once the Ansar of today rise up and see Islam as more important than their wealth, family, and lives – they, by the Will of Allah (swt), will provide protection to the Muslims from the war machine of the disbelieving colonial powers.

The Muslims must work to convince these influential people to give nusrah to Islam. We must convince the people of power and influence that attaining Jannah is more important than their military ranks and medals. We must make them aware that such things have no weight on the Day of Judgment – unless they were used for Allah's (swt) cause.

May Allah (swt) help us to work as the Sahabah (ra) did and invite the people of power and influence to Islam. May Allah (swt) guide the influential people amongst the Muslims. May Allah (swt) change our state of poverty and fear to one of security and prosperity.

"Call to mind how He gave you shelter when you were a few in number and were oppressed in the land, ever fearing lest the enemy would kidnap you. He made you strong with His help and provided you a safe asylum and gave you pure things for sustenance so that you may give thanks.
[TMQ 8:26]
Reuters reports that the headmaster of a UNRWA school was revered by Islamic Jihad for his rocket-makings skills. The Israelis claim that the school casualties today occurred because the compound was booby-trapped to blow up when they replied to mortaring from Hamas teams inside.


Israel’s attack proved not only that Hamas couldn’t defend Gaza, but that Gazans only enjoy whatever peace they get at Israeli sufferance; Israel, after all, has demonstrated that it could take over Gaza whenever it wanted to, Hamas or no. Hamas, then, is the cause of the attack now, and the sooner it is destroyed or neutralized, the sooner the horror will stop. The more Gazans pick up their phones and call the number the Israelis gave and start reporting to them with accuracy and precision, the sooner the conflict will end, with less chance of the Israelis hitting the wrong people.

Doubtless the Hamas core will survive, as its top leadership brays from Damascus and its second tier cowers in Gaza's hospitals. But hopefully not only their capacity to attack Israel but also their ability to terrify Gazans will be much reduced.

Remember, it isn’t Islam or Zionism that is “the enemy” but the forces of tyranny. Unless, of course, you want to legitimize the tyrants by aspiring to become one yourself or doing nothing.

Why aren't Pakistanis fully supporting Israel in its struggle? That's my question. If you can't answer directly, if you respond only with another question or a distraction, I have to assume there is no good reason and you secretly agree, or are just too embarrassed to face the truth squarely.
shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim word first we are Muslims than we are Pakistan we have an army of 619,000 compare to Israel army is 128,000 and no action still again shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim world

Not our business.

You don't leave your family to die of starvation and lack of shelter, or leave them unprotected to be devoured by ravenous beasts , just because you want to go play 'Jihadis and robbers' - as a Muslim you have more immediate and urgent obligations closer to home.

Pakistan and Pakistanis are like that family. We need to ensure that our own house is in order, and our family protected and provided for, before we go out fighting for a people when the degenerate Arab monarchs and dictators sit around in their palaces or vacation in Monte Carlo on their yachts that probably cost enough to feed all of Gaza for a year.
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Venezuela expels Israeli ambassador over Gaza

Wednesday, 07 Jan, 2009 | 03:54 AM PST |

President Hugo Chavez delivers a speech before supporters of the governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela, in Caracas on January 5, 2009. AFP

CARACAS, Venezuela: Venezuela ordered the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador and some embassy staff on Tuesday to protest Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

The decision by President Hugo Chavez, a longtime critic of US and Israeli policy, to kick out the diplomats appeared to be the strongest reaction yet to the Gaza offensive by any country with ties to Israel.

Venezuela's Foreign Ministry announced the move in a statement, saying it 'has decided to expel the Israeli ambassador and part of the personnel of the Israeli embassy.'

Venezuela's Foreign Ministry said its UN mission is joining with other countries in demanding the Security Council 'apply urgent and necessary measures to stop this invasion.'

Officials could not immediately be reached at the Israeli Embassy in Caracas, which had closed by the time of the announcement.

Chavez earlier condemned the Israelis carrying out the military campaign as 'murderers' and urged Jews in Venezuela to take a stand against the Israeli government.

'Now I hope that the Venezuelan Jewish community speaks out against this barbarism. Do it. Don't you strongly reject all acts of persecution?' Chavez said.

'How far will this barbarism go?' he said in an appearance on state television. 'The president of Israel should be taken before an international court together with the president of the United States, if the world had any conscience.'

While many countries have protested Israel's offensive, none so far have expelled the ambassador.

Chavez's condemnations of Israel's offensive have grown gradually more severe in recent days.

He called on Israelis to 'stand up against' their government. As for those leading the offensive in Gaza, he said, 'they are cowards _ bombing innocent people. What great soldiers they are, how brave the soldiers of Israel are.'

DAWN.COM | World | Venezuela expels Israeli ambassador over Gaza
shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim word first we are Muslims than we are Pakistan we have an army of 619,000 compare to Israel army is 128,000 and no action still again shame on you me and Pakistan and the whole Muslim world

Pakistan is no superpower that it can guard its own borders, fight againt the talibans, make sure India doesnt attack and send an army to protect Palestine. The shame lies upon the arabs who are more directly involved into the whole matter, yet apart from slamming verbally we have heard nothing.
Now i am in no manner saying that we shouldnt help our brothers there, but not in a manner that you described above. IMO we should help Hamas covertly, in the same fashion Israel does to India. Getting involved directly into the conflict can have some serious repercussions for a country such as Pakistan.
Sarkozy says Israel accepts Gaza truce plan

Wed Jan 7, 2009 8:18am EST

PARIS (Reuters) -French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Wednesday Israel and the Palestinian Authority had accepted a truce plan for Gaza announced by Egypt on Tuesday.

"The president is delighted by the acceptance by Israel and the Palestinian Authority of the Franco-Egyptian plan presented last night in Sharm el-Sheikh by (Egyptian) President (Hosni) Mubarak," said a statement from Sarkozy's office.

"The head of state calls for this plan to be implemented as quickly as possible for the suffering of the population to stop."

(Reporting by Estelle Shirbon; Editing by Charles Dick)

Sarkozy says Israel accepts Gaza truce plan | International | Reuters
Zawahiri urges Muslims to attack Israel, West

WASHINGTON: Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Muslims to attack Israeli and Western targets in response to the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip in a message released online Tuesday.

‘O Muslims everywhere: fight the Zionist crusader campaign. Strike its interests everywhere you can reach them,’ Zawahiri said in an audio statement made available by SITE Intelligence Group, a US-based monitoring company.

Zawahiri said the Israeli offensive, which has killed 660 Palestinians since it was launched on December 27 to halt rocket attacks launched from Gaza on southern Israel, was part of a Western campaign targeting Islam and Muslims.

He also accused US president-elect Barack Obama of being complicit in the attacks. ‘What we face today ... is a link in the chain of the Zionist crusade against Islam and Muslims,’ he said.

‘These raids are Obama's gift to you (Palestinians) before he takes office. This is Obama whom the American machine of lies tried to portray to the world as the rescuer who will change the policy of America. He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection,’ Zawahiri said.

Zawahiri, who is Egyptian, also called on Muslims in Egypt, the most populous Arab country, to ‘organize and participate in a campaign of strikes, demonstrations and protests that do not stop until the siege on our brothers in Gaza is lifted.’

He called Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak a ‘criminal and traitor.’ Egypt, which has a peace treaty with Israel, is a long-time broker of negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis.

The Zawahiri message, produced by Al-Qaeda's media arm, As-Sahab, was broadcast over a video entitled ‘Gaza massacre and siege of the traitors’ featuring a still photograph of the Qaeda deputy and a Palestinian child receiving emergency treatment after apparently being hit
Sarkozy says Israel accepts Gaza truce plan

Wed Jan 7, 2009 8:18am EST

PARIS (Reuters) -French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Wednesday Israel and the Palestinian Authority had accepted a truce plan for Gaza announced by Egypt on Tuesday.

"The president is delighted by the acceptance by Israel and the Palestinian Authority of the Franco-Egyptian plan presented last night in Sharm el-Sheikh by (Egyptian) President (Hosni) Mubarak," said a statement from Sarkozy's office.

"The head of state calls for this plan to be implemented as quickly as possible for the suffering of the population to stop."

(Reporting by Estelle Shirbon; Editing by Charles Dick)

Sarkozy says Israel accepts Gaza truce plan | International | Reuters

Only when Israel felt it has delivered enough punishment and can now dictate conditions. So my question is what purpose will this so called truce plan serve? Will it bring back all those women,children being killed no it wont and the loss of a dear one can only be felt if you have experienced one, so this so called truce is nothing more then putting salt over the wounds of Palestinians and making sure that they live in shame for the rest of their lives.
Only when Israel felt it has delivered enough punishment and can now dictate conditions. So my question is what purpose will this so called truce plan serve? Will it bring back all those women,children being killed no it wont and the loss of a dear one can only be felt if you have experienced one, so this so called truce is nothing more then putting salt over the wounds of Palestinians and making sure that they live in shame for the rest of their lives.

Brother, this truce is basically mockery to the poor Muslim in palestine. The zionist enemy of humanity get away with this inhumane action yet OIC nations digesting it quitly. The wortless OIC should be dismantle now as it's not serving the cause of poor Muslim. :angry:

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