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Israel attack on sudan details

hehe, "grand vezier" is that you?

and yes, if you are not a little kid , your mental capacity gets overloaded quite fast. I know by answering in your thread about torpedo countermeasures and carrier defense. Your thought process can be clearly seen, lol, and it's lacking.

Its also quite evident from the way you post and formulate sentences. you a dumb bijatch lol....

hahah buthurt kid hiding behind some flags to cover your flags :lol: . I asked a question that i dont know , why else do you ask questions ?
just think of the place i highlighted , ask questions later , how can they ask questions later? isit becauase they are a mighty army invicibile undestroyable or they have a somewhere to lay back to?

No they have effective politics which gives them the immunity. War is not just about the fighting, it is principally about the politics. The Army, Air Force and the Navy are just tools that you use to achieve objectives. Thats how it has been historically. Israel is a country that got away with bombing US Navy ships and embassies, because they have some very good politicians that know how to leverage their advantage. Sadly the surrounding Arab nations despite having been in conflict with Israel havent learnt to be united and conduct effective politics.
hahah buthurt kid hiding behind some flags to cover your flags :lol: . I asked a question that i dont know , why else do you ask questions ?

You asked a question, and then a series of dumb questions to which the answers would be clear if you turned on that thing in between your ears. Like i said, kebapci is a good career move.

btw imperial conqueror, half of my family is from around these parts...further NW actually but seems fitting to rub it in your nose a bit....

You asked a question, and then a series of dumb questions to which the answers would be clear if you turned on that thing in between your ears. Like i said, kebapci is a good career move.

btw imperial conqueror, half of my family is from around these parts...further NW actually but seems fitting to rub it in your nose a bit....

Battle of Sisak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ohhh now i understand your buthurt , your a croat , you waspart of our empire getting ruled aswell under ottoman caliphate hehe , thats why your so against islam aswell , mate let me tell you somin , you should be grateful your still a christian , still speak croation or we would have slashed your necks and converted you by now , so be grateful.


Battle of Mohács - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Decisive Ottoman victory;
Ottoman Empire
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
Kingdom of Bohemia
Holy Roman Empire
Papal States
Kingdom of Poland
ohhh now i understand your buthurt , your a croat , you waspart of our empire getting ruled aswell under ottoman caliphate hehe , thats why your so against islam aswell , mate let me tell you somin , you should be grateful your still a christian , still speak croation or we would have slashed your necks and converted you by now , so be grateful.

no, im not a Croat lol.....hahahahahaha, i said a bit NW, but you fail at comprehension again. You might try that slashing at work, doing kebaps for tourists like me. :lol:

oh and the pic of the Ottoman empire doesnt mean nothing to me, i hold no grudges against Turks, but i do however like to troll dumb members of this boards. Dont take it personally, it's my fetish i suppose, you just happened to be posting the dumbest shit i ran across today....sorry :wave:

and lastly, im not even a christian....religion means diddly squat to me. Now lets return to your failures that are actually on topic, shall we....

that image is false, but one should not expect better from you or wiki, heres a more accurate one buddy, as you can see, Ottoman rule extended only to Bosnia, and not further. sorry again...

no, im not a Croat lol.....hahahahahaha, i said a bit NW, but you fail at comprehension again. You might try that slashing at work, doing kebaps for tourists like me. :lol:

oh and the pic of the Ottoman empire doesnt mean nothing to me, i hold no grudges against Turks, but i do however like to troll dumb members of this boards. Dont take it personally, it's my fetish i suppose, you just happened to be posting the dumbest shit i ran across today....sorry :wave:

and lastly, im not even a christian....religion means diddly squat to me. Now lets return to your failures that are actually on topic, shall we....

that image is false, but one should not expect better from you or wiki, heres a more accurate one buddy, as you can see, Ottoman rule extended only to Bosnia, and not further. sorry again...


The image I posted was a similar image posted by the Turk tarih kurumu a governmental organisations. There are 50 differ maps of different sizes and different areas so obviously it's real it ain't exact but I can't find that anyway it don't matter about that. So what country you from? Seems we didn't slice enough of you like kebabs.
The image was a similar image posted by the Turk tarih kurumu a governmental organisations so obviously it's real it ain't exact but I can't find that anyway it don't matter about that. So what country you from? Seems we didn't slice enough of you like kebabs.

Ofcourse, every source i saw says im right apart from you and yours. Guess who ill believe? And no, you didnt slice enough :rofl:
I have no interest to explain my heritage, i already explained once on this boards, and i dont need to do it again for you, just to dispel the illusions you have. They're funny....

Slovenia Slovakia? Serbia?

im one half of those, now if you engage your brain a lil' more and start thinking about "NW of Sisak" you'll get there. Probably.
Ofcourse, every source i saw says im right apart from you and yours. Guess who ill believe? And no, you didnt slice enough :rofl:
I have no interest to explain my heritage, i already explained once on this boards, and i dont need to do it again for you, just to dispel the illusions you have. They're funny....

Look I don't care about how big the map or anything was, im not kid to think about them, it's you who got involved like your diseased so you get the f out or don't derail the thread.
^^ eh you turned it off again...and i thought we was making progress! :lol: btw, you brought up the maps, not me xD
Audio, let me enter the dragon. :D

Ottoman army under Suleiman I invaded Germany in 1532. German army fall back and hid. Because of logistics, Ottoman army retreated.

Secondly, as a Tatar i prefer to see Crimean Khanate as semi independent State. But if history consider them combined power. Therefore Ottoman power reached till Moscow, even burned it twice.
^^ eh you turned it off again...and i thought we was making progress! :lol: btw, you brought up the maps, not me xD

look f the maps , and stfu because even your avatar is annoying me . and get the f out of this thread if you have nothing to give and just spread your diseased inferior buthurt mentality

Audio, let me enter the dragon. :D

Ottoman army under Suleiman I invaded Germany in 1532. German army fall back and hid. Because of logistics, Ottoman army retreated.

Secondly, as a Tatar i prefer to see Crimean Khanate as semi independent State. But if history consider them combined power. Therefore Ottoman power reached till Moscow, even burned it twice.

aslanim , bak burda osmanliyi felan kotulemeye geldiyse , s git beni sovdurme , senin osmanli dusmanligini bilmeyen yok
Audio, let me enter the dragon. :D

Ottoman army under Suleiman I invaded Germany in 1532. German army fall back and hid. Because of logistics, Ottoman army retreated.

lol wut? Google search with keywords "ottoman army invaded germany 1532" shows only siege of Vienna, to my knowledge the northern most point the Ottoman army reached. That's not Germany...

Some historians speculate that Suleiman's final assault wasn't necessarily intended to take the city but to cause as much damage as possible and weaken it for a later attack, a tactic he had employed at Buda in 1526. Suleiman would lead another campaign against Vienna in 1532, but it never truly materialised as his force was stalled by the Croatian Captain Nikola Jurišić during the Siege of Güns (Kőszeg).[2] Nikola Jurišić with only 700-800 Croatian soldiers managed to delay his force until winter closed in.[2][18] Charles V, now largely aware of Vienna's vulnerability and weakened state, assembled 80,000 troops to confront the Ottoman force. Instead of going ahead with a second siege attempt the Ottoman force turned back, laying waste to the south-eastern Austrian state of Styria in their retreat.[19] The two Viennese campaigns in essence marked the extreme limit of Ottoman logistical capability to field large armies deep in central and western Europe at the time.[20] The army made its way back to Istanbul (former Constantinople) where it was stationed for the winter, so that its troops could attend to their fiefdoms and recruit for the next year's campaigning.

Geography is killing you....Germany is 300km to the north....maybe you meant Holy German empire idk....
lol wut? Google search with keywords "ottoman army invaded germany 1532" shows only siege of Vienna, to my knowledge the northern most point the Ottoman army reached. That's not Germany...

there probably wasnt even germany them times , if im not wrong it was included in the holy roman league , and tens of thousands of german mercenaries supported austria and was supported by Charles V holy roman emperor and spanish empire
look f the maps , and stfu because even your avatar is annoying me . and get the f out of this thread if you have nothing to give and just spread your diseased inferior buthurt mentality

trolololol, you so racist against cows....trolololol
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