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Israel attack on sudan details

You know with only 25 F-15Es in Israeli inventory they were to conduct many deep strike operations. Imagine what an Air Force with 154 Of them will do... And even more advanced versions than the Israeli ones at that.
What exactly was their main objective bombing a weapons factory? Either way it is a valid point Israel wouldn't do this so liberally against strong and capable nations; however they don't have to it's their own interests they look after.
How is f-35 strike capabilities compared to f-15?

Can't even be comparable. The F-15E can carry 11 tonnes (12 Tonnes in the SA version) and drop them 1950 KM away (2100 in SA version).

The F-35 can only carry 7.5 Tonnes and drop them 1080KM away. Compare and contrast yourself.
India must also procure aircraft like F-15E strike Eagle, India must buy 75 F-15 Silent eagle aircraft's, we can incorporate Israeli warfare systems in it, It will give an advantage over our traditional adversaries.

It's all of mater of Avionics and Radars.. We have Su 30 MKI's that is highly modified version of other sukhois..Because these machines are integrated with Israeli Avionics...
and our A 50 AWACS the plane from Russia IL 76..But the AEW systems are from Israel....

So Don't worry about our Sukhois...

we have more ongoing Accquire from.other countries The Rafale , FGFA and our Tejas and AMCA and we recently upgraded our Mirage fighters and Jaguar on the way ...So F15 or F35 is no option..

And onemore Nice Flags Mate...
Hindustan and Zionist

India must also procure aircraft like F-15E strike Eagle, India must buy 75 F-15 Silent eagle aircraft's, we can incorporate Israeli warfare systems in it, It will give an advantage over our traditional adversaries.

It's all of mater of Avionics and Radars.. We have Su 30 MKI's that is highly modified version of other sukhois..Because these machines are integrated with Israeli Avionics...
and our A 50 AWACS the plane from Russia IL 76..But the AEW systems are from Israel....

So Don't worry about our Sukhois...

we have more ongoing Accquire from.other countries The Rafale , FGFA and our Tejas and AMCA and we recently upgraded our Mirage fighters and Jaguar on the way ...So F15 or F35 is no option..

And onemore Nice Flags Mate...
Hindustan and Zionist
You know with only 25 F-15Es in Israeli inventory they were to conduct many deep strike operations. Imagine what an Air Force with 154 Of them will do... And even more advanced versions than the Israeli ones at that.

That's why countries underestimate KSA way too much while I said many times you have one of the strongest airforces in the region and even world, so tell me about KSA latest air inventory - 154 f-15 how many ef2000 was it again? When KSA beefs up their navy as well they will be a force worldwide.
To make a point that they can reach very far. Of course they picked the easiest target to make this point since Sudanese Air Defense is non existent. I mean for God Sakes, the minister is talking about how they use the highly advanced "Defense by Visual" which means their soldiers look to the skies to see if there is any plane or not....

And he is complaining about how they switched off their light so they couldn't see them. :rofl: .
Heres some thing about Khartoum's air defences..

What Are the Odds That Israel Just Attacked Sudan?
in a meeting with U.S. special envoy Scott Gration, Sudanese intelligence chief Salah Ghosh acknowledged that anti-Israel weapons smuggling was occurring on Sudanese territory -- but denied that his government was directly involved ("'The Rashaida (tribe in the eastern Sudan engaged in smuggling) in many countries is now beginning to talk about killing Americans and Israelis,'" Ghosh was reported as saying).

Israel might have struck inside the Sudan before: once, in early 2009, when it allegedly destroyed a 23-truck weapons smuggling convoy in the country's east, and again in April of 2011, when Israel might have been responsible for the bombing of a Hamas arms trafficker in Port Sudan. Assuming it was also Israel's doing, the destruction of the weapons facility would represent another level of audacity. "I would say that if the Sudanese government's claims are correct, then this is longest strike -- the farthest strike -- ever executed by the Israeli air force," says Ehud Yaari, the Israel-based Lafer International Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "We are talking about something that is 1,800 or 1,900 kilometers [from Israel], depending on the route. That's farther away than the range from Israel to the main Iranian nuclear installations in Natanz and Qom."

Khartoum isn't just further away and more densely populated than either of Israel's previous alleged targets inside the Sudan. It's probably better-protected as well. According to the 2012 edition of the International Institute for Strategic Studies' The Military Balance, the Sudanese air force still consists of 61 combat capable aircraft, as well as Russian-built Divina 2 anti-aircraft missiles. It's unlikely that the Sudanese air force's rusting collection of Cold War-era MiGs and Sukhois could take out a column of Israeli fighter jets. But an attack on the Sudanese capital is hardly a risk-free proposition, or at least it isn't as easy as attacking remote tracts of desert hundreds of kilometers northeast of Khartoum.
So there....
Lol at "Visual Detection"....Whatz next...listening to the faint roar of incoming jets at night?
Oh sure I would love to see the B-2 shoot down other Air Crafts as well. You know very well I meant in its class. And it is an honor that the only aircraft that can surpass its capabilities are bombers.

The F-15E is a fighter. And I meant what other fighter can accomplish the same feat?
Of course, the B-2 aint no 'fighter'. But talking about long range strike missions, that is THE aircraft for the role. However, had Israel the privilege of owning one, it would have definitely used the aircraft.
However, heres what me thinks. Since their inventory consists of these particular few aircraft, they simply used an aircraft from their inventory which would best do the job. And yes, F-15E is indeed a formidable strike aircraft, but in its design some of the air-superiority capabilities were traded for the strike role. Remember the F-15 was designed from scratch as a "Not a pound to the ground" aircraft. But the bottom line being, had Israel better aircraft, it would have used them.

Oh, btw, Su-30MKI's (including their air-superiority capabilities) or IAF's upgraded Jaguars (sans the air-superiority role) equally good as deep penetration strike aircraft.
how did Israli's got jordanion patrol codes! That" some serious intelligence work done by Mossad back than !

During 6 day war, they found out the exact time when Egyptian pilots take their breakfast after their morning sortie and destroyed most of their aircraft on ground. Sometimes the smallest and simplest of intelliegence goes on to make a huge difference.
That's why countries underestimate KSA way too much while I said many times you have one of the strongest airforces in the region and even world, so tell me about KSA latest air inventory - 154 f-15 how many ef2000 was it again? When KSA beefs up their navy as well they will be a force worldwide.

And according to our new contract for the new F-15SAs we get full ToT of the following: Systems Engineering, Aircraft Structure Engineering, Aircraft Avionics Engineering and Aircraft Weapons Systems Engineering.

We have 72 Typhoons with an option for 72 more. SNEP 3 (Saudi Navy Enhancement Program 3) is still to be signed, it includes submarines and destroyers, Al-Zamil Marine Military Industries said it has ongoing Frigate and Corvette programs that they started earlier this year.
Oh, btw, Su-30MKI's (including their air-superiority capabilities) or IAF's upgraded Jaguars (sans the air-superiority role) equally good as deep penetration strike aircraft.

Umm no. Even though the Su-30MKI is a formidable Air superiority fighter it does not even come remotely close to the F-15E's Deep Strike capabilities in both Range and Payload, Hence the development by Russia for the Su-34 which again comes a little bit short of the F-15E's capabilities.
And according to our new contract for the new F-15SAs we get full ToT of the following: Systems Engineering, Aircraft Structure Engineering, Aircraft Avionics Engineering and Aircraft Weapons Systems Engineering.

We have 72 Typhoons with an option for 72 more. SNEP 3 (Saudi Navy Enhancement Program 3) is still to be signed, it includes submarines and destroyers, Al-Zamil Marine Military Industries said it has ongoing Frigate and Corvette programs that they started earlier this year.

Wow so 72 typhoons and 154 F-15, you also had some tornados. Is F-15 multi role or ground mainly?
Wow so 72 typhoons and 154 F-15, you also had some tornados. Is F-15 multi role or ground mainly?

We have 83 F-15C/D versions, those are pure Air Superiority fighters. Currently we have 70 F-15S which is the Saudi version of the F-15E the Multi-tole version, but by 2015 We would have upgraded our F-15S to F-15SA which is the most advanced F-15E version in the world, And would have started receiving 84 new F-15SA making the number go to 154. So in total currently we will have 83+154= 237 F-15s in total.

We currently have 87 Tornado GR.4. As well as 24 Typhoons with 48 undergoing deliveries. With an option for 72 more.
Umm no. Even though the Su-30MKI is a formidable Air superiority fighter it does not even come remotely close to the F-15E's Deep Strike capabilities in both Range and Payload, Hence the development by Russia for the Su-34 which again comes a little bit short of the F-15E's capabilities.

Like I said before, Su-30MKI is an air-superiority fighter which IAF can utilize, if need be for deep penetration strikes. It can carry up to 8 tonnes of external payload, not to mention newer upgrades allowing it to launch BrahMos from the air. Its range is slightly larger than that of the F-15E. The MKI is very much different from Su-30 variants RuAF fields. They have a need for strike aircraft like the Su-34, IAF has the Jaguars, M2Ks and MiG-27s.

OTOH, F-15E was developed as a multirole fighter with emphasis on the strike capabilities. This design change was from a design which was exclusively for air-superiority role. So there are some tradeoffs. But the Israelis used the aircraft's abilities to their max advantage. Had they have had the Su-30s, we would be reading about those aircrafts in Israeli airforce's strikes.
We have 83 F-15C/D versions, those are pure Air Superiority fighters. Currently we have 70 F-15S which is the Saudi version of the F-15E the Multi-tole version, but by 2015 We would have upgraded our F-15S to F-15SA which is the most advanced F-15E version in the world, And would have started receiving 84 new F-15SA making the number go to 154. So in total currently we will have 83+154= 237 F-15s in total.

We currently have 87 Tornado GR.4. As well as 24 Typhoons with 48 undergoing deliveries. With an option for 72 more.

Wow 237 F-15 and 72 typhoons. Is the tornados going to retire? What is the role of tornados? Also I heard KSA interested in F-35. Imagine a airforce of F-35, F-15 and EF
Israelis trying to send a message.

Sort of like when a bull frog expands to scare his enemies. :lol:
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