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Israel approves 1,800 more settlements in the West Bank


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Israel approves 1,800 more West Bank homes | The Times of Israel

The Israeli government on Thursday ordered officials to move forward with plans for another 1,800 settler homes, just hours after issuing tenders for 1,500 housing units, an official said.

“The political echelon has ordered the Civil Administration to advance 1,800 new (housing) units,” the Israeli official told AFP on condition of anonymity, referring to a Defense Ministry unit responsible for all West Bank planning issues.

The order relates to construction in 10 settlements across the West Bank, all of which are at different stages of the planning process.

Israeli media reports said the plans had been frozen by the government some three months ago.

The announcement came just hours after Israel’s Housing Ministry published tenders for the construction of more than 1,500 new homes, 400 of them in East Jerusalem and the rest in the West Bank.

Housing Minister Uri Ariel said after the first announcement that it was only the tip of the iceberg and chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat also said he saw the building tenders as a harbinger of more Israeli moves.

“We believe this latest announcement is a clear sign that Israel is moving toward a major escalation, such as new settlement construction, the annexation of occupied territory and forcible transfer,” Erekat said. “In light of the Israeli announcement, we are carefully studying and weighing our response.”

Israel said the move was in direct response to the establishment of a new Palestinian unity government, backed by the Islamist Hamas movement which calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.

US ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro denounced the plan.

“It is time for the American administration to take serious steps against what the government of Israel is doing,” Nimr Hammad, an adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, told AFP.

The PLO pledged to appeal the Israeli measure with the UN Security Council.

“The executive committee of the PLO views this latest escalation with the utmost of seriousness,” Hanan Ashrawi, a senior PLO official, said in an English-language statement.

Will there be any Palestine left to make by the time they come to an agreement? o_O
Will there be any Palestine left to make by the time they come to an agreement? o_O

Seriously ....

This is getting out of control. The US must pressure Israel this year to end it's occupation and a Palestinian state must be created.

Or else hell will break loose. This is why I always say Hamas is a force for good, they actually get things done.

If the international community does nothing and allows this to continue there need to be military operations.
I don't agree with Hamas and I don't even believe in two state anymore. Time for one state with equality for all and full right of return for all refugees.
I don't agree with Hamas and I don't even believe in two state anymore. Time for one state with equality for all and full right of return for all refugees.

I don't care if you don't agree with Hamas, I agree with reality. Reality is that justified violence must occur in order to liberate our territory from foreign occupiers. There's nothing wrong with Hamas in any way at all. Even Christian Americans are starting to realize they're a force for good. Palestinian Christians already support them.

Two state nor one state solution won't work because they don't want it to. It's not a complex situation anymore. Either the US gets the job done within two years at most or else hell will break loose and the whole people's of the region will demand change for the Palestinian people.

Netanyahu and the extremist Israeli government want to do keep delaying things up until the end of Obama's term. This way they'll wait for a hawk or Israel supporter to be elected in the US and avoid peace at all costs.
I don't care if you don't agree with Hamas, I agree with reality. Reality is that justified violence must occur in order to liberate our territory from foreign occupiers. There's nothing wrong with Hamas in any way at all. Even Christian Americans are starting to realize they're a force for good. Palestinian Christians already support them.

Two state nor one state solution won't work because they don't want it to. It's not a complex situation anymore. Either the US gets the job done within two years at most or else hell will break loose and the whole people's of the region will demand change for the Palestinian people.

Netanyahu and the extremist Israeli government want to do keep delaying things up until the end of Obama's term. This way they'll wait for a hawk or Israel supporter to be elected in the US and avoid peace at all costs.

I think we need to create pressure groups to force the change to occur, if we create a one state solution and ask others to sign on we can get enough support to force the government to be more assertive towards Israel. There is not one person who would not agree to a state where all are equal and live in peace even if that means one state.
I don't agree with Hamas and I don't even believe in two state anymore. Time for one state with equality for all and full right of return for all refugees.

I agree, except with the "full" right of return. Palestinian "returnees" must accept second class citizenship, just as will the present non-Israelis living in the West Bank.. Hamas' philosophy and methods are a disaster for both the Palestinians and the Israelis. As for the continuing development of the West Bank settlements, the Palestinians should accept that they have been defeated by the Israelis; and negotiate a real peace with the Israelis, even if the terms are, at present, hateful. Then, over time, the Palestinians should work for full equal status with Israelis by non-violent protest means.
I agree. Hamas' philosophy and methods are is a disaster for both the Palestinians and the Israelis. As for the continuing development of the West Bank settlements, the Palestinians should accept that they have been defeated by the Israelis and negotiate a real peace with the Israelis, even if the terms are, at present, hateful. Then, over time, the Palestinians should work for full equal status with Israelis by non-violent protest means.

I believe they need to just learn to live together, even if Palestine is created a state with two wings separated by another country is not viable.
I think we need to create pressure groups to force the change to occur, if we create a one state solution and ask others to sign on we can get enough support to force the government to be more assertive towards Israel. There is not one person who would not agree to a state where all are equal and live in peace even if that means one state.

Everything has already been done. Now it's up the US make sure a two state solution is viable.

Oh my Lord, how many times do I have to tell you Israel will NOT allow a one state solution? You make it sound as if we're against that. What world do you live in?

We aren't the problem here.
Everything has already been done. Now it's up the US make sure a two state solution is viable.

Oh my Lord, how many times do I have to tell you Israel will NOT allow a one state solution? You make it sound as if we're against that. What world do you live in?

We aren't the problem here.

Wtf does pressure group mean? I know they do not want to except it hence the need to create a pressure group in the US to force our politicians to make them see the light. Afaik there is no such group fighting for one state solution, if there is point them out to me?

As for the bold don't put words into my mouth.
I agree, except with the "full" right of return. Palestinian "returnees" must accept second class citizenship, just as will the present non-Israelis living in the West Bank..

Refugees aren't even mentioned, Israel is against the right of return.

Hamas' philosophy and methods are a disaster for both the Palestinians and the Israelis.

You mean the Palestinian struggle for freedom is a disaster for Palestinians since Israel wants to put down any uprising. They've killed thousands before this. Israeli's don't suffer in any way. Which is why they keep encouraging a harsh policy against the Palestinian people.

As for the continuing development of the West Bank settlements, the Palestinians should accept that they have been defeated by the Israelis;

What??? Get out of my thread you mass murder supporter. Ignorant statements like shouldn't be tolerated,

and negotiate a real peace with the Israelis, even if the terms are, at present, hateful.

You are so foolish, as if it's the Palestinian people stalling peace talks. Nothing, not a single fact points to that. Every fact points to Israel standing against any solution to this 'conflict'.

Then, over time, the Palestinians should work for full equal status with Israelis by non-violent protest means.

Then, over time you'll die off and we'll have one less occupation supporter.

Wtf does pressure group mean? I know they do not want to except it hence the need to create a pressure group in the US to force our politicians to make them see the light. Afaik there is no such group fighting for one state solution, if there is point them out to me?

As for the bold don't put words into my mouth.

How easy do you think that is? And how will that influence US policy which doesn't give a damn about the American people's opinions? The American people don't want to go on with this policy. You can do a poll on it and most people would support an end to interventionism and foreign aid. That won't change the policy of the American government.

Unless hundreds of millions took to streets.

I don't put words in your mouth, you're giving a perspective that implies we need answers from the Palestinian people. No, we don't. The Palestinians have conceded to every condition and have made it very clear what they seek. It's the Israelis we MUST be questioning. It's about time they start giving answers to the international community. The problem with the international community is that their governments are lead by pro-Israel Christian hawks.

If atheists were in power it wouldn't be this way.

I believe they need to just learn to live together, even if Palestine is created a state with two wings separated by another country is not viable.

We can do it, the Israeli's need to choose between co-existence or their current path. Now, the vast majority will choose the current path. Because, why not? They're openly violating international law. the world supports them in it. They've held the longest occupation in modern history. They get encouraged by Western nations to continue this policy with billions of dollars in Western aid, political and ideological support(which is funny).

So they don't need peace. They will get whatever they want, unless the world stops assisting their policy.
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The European Union (EU) on Thursday condemned Israeli announcements earlier in the day and on Wednesday night to build another 3,200 housing units in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem.

The EU said it is "deeply disappointed" by the Israeli plans to build more Jewish homes in the Biblical heartland of Israel.


So the actual number is 3,500. And people keep telling us to wait and watch.

This extremist Israeli website considers Palestinian territory 'Biblical land'. So does the Israeli government, no one bashes them for that.

And it' not 'biblical land', Jews don't believe in any Bible or in Jesus.
Oh well, their country their rules. I don't understand why does EU have to meddle in everything. Haven't they learnt from the Syrian experience?
Oh well, their country their rules. I don't understand why does EU have to meddle in everything. Haven't they learnt from the Syrian experience?

Since when was it 'their' country?

And your analogy made no sense at all. You can't make correlations between those two.
Since when was it 'their' country?

Duh, they live there. What do you call that?

I just noticed your flag. Perhaps we have a difference of opinion.

And your analogy made no sense at all. You can't make correlations between those two.

The EU should focus on its own citizens getting beaten up by their police for protesting on austerities. That's what I said.
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