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Israel and the US plan to strike Iran in October…

To Pakistani members suggesting Pakistan directly intervene in a Israel/US-Iran war, bad idea. At the most Pakistan can provide military and weaponry assistance, how much that will make a difference is difficult to determine because there are many factors involved, including utilization and application.

An attack on Iran, isn't an attack on Pakistan, unless Iran and Pakistan sign and uphold an official defense-pact stating so, to this day there is no such binding agreement between the two nations. Besides, Pakistan has it's own problems to solve.
Do you have oil reserves as Iran has which is the basis of their economy. Comparing Pakistan with Iran is stupid.

Look at the current rate of development of Iran, without sanctions you don't come close to them, how are you supposed to do in sanctions. People don't change overnight. Well I wish your wish of having sanctions on your country come true. Also look at the inflation and other problems emerging in Iran. You think your economy can handle this when its already weakening.

Think logically not emotionally. Think about FDI and economic boom. Development, not war.

Look at the current rate of development of Iran, without sanctions you don't come close to them, how are you supposed to do in sanctions. People don't change overnight. Well I wish your wish of having sanctions on your country come true. Also look at the inflation and other problems emerging in Iran. You think your economy can handle this when its already weakening.

Your equation is unbalanced, hence invalid. Though, Iran maybe sanctioned, Pakistan is embroiled in a decade long insurgency against the TTP along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, a very costly war both in terms of economics and stability. In spite of this imbroglio, according to The Economist (June 2, 2012 magazine), Pakistan has a 4.2% GDP growth rate (2012) and industrial production is up by .6%, progress (compare that to Indonesia's .8%) is being regained, though inflation remains a problem. Other sources such as IMF state Pakistan's real GDP is 3.4% (2012) and as for Iran's real GDP 2012 0.4%.

Islamic Republic of Iran and the IMF -- Page 1 of 5

This point unfortunately had to be clarified you were drawing an invalid equation not taking into account the complexities both states are facing, as if conditions in Pakistan are optimal...
PAKISTAN should support IRan If there is A war on Iran, its a serious issue. A brother Muslim Country being destroyed by israel; Pakistan cant stay quiet.
We aren't talking about Iran being destroyed by Israel, but Iran's power to dominate and destroy Muslims and non-Muslims alike being severely weakened. You oppose this, preferring the spectre of an Iran that wields the might and will to kill millions of innocents on a mere whim. Is this not the very worst aspect of radical Islam, the worship of untrammeled power limited not by humanitarian considerations or the Koran but by arbitrary human will?
If the US does go to war with Iran then it is economic suicide for them. They can start the war but they won't know how it will end as they won't know how long it will be or who will be involved so they can try and find out.
We aren't talking about Iran being destroyed by Israel, but Iran's power to dominate and destroy Muslims and non-Muslims alike being severely weakened. You oppose this, preferring the spectre of an Iran that wields the might and will to kill millions of innocents on a mere whim. Is this not the very worst aspect of radical Islam, the worship of untrammeled power limited not by humanitarian considerations or the Koran but by arbitrary human will?
Since when are you worried about Muslims?So you killed 1 milion Iraqis and thousands of Afghans just to protect them?What a good guys you are.
Who told you Iran wants to destroy Muslims or Non-Muslims?
Who are you trying to fool?Maybe in U.S,Americans buy these crap that media puts in their heads,but here,no one believes these lies.Just like the Iraqi WMDs,U.S wants to fool the world again.
Iranian regime has made some really bad mistakes, that put them at odds with the big fish. But hopefully war will not be economically viable. It's clear the US populace has had enough with war and foreign aid. :tup:
Pakistan needs to send in some JF-17s, Al-Khalid Tanks, Anti Aircraft Howeitzers, Nasr, Babur, Abdali, Ra'ad, and Anza missiles.... :woot:

P.S Iran's interest should be our interest because we are both Muslim neighbours. Both have Baloch people and provinces so Pakistan therefore should understand that an act on Iran is an act on Pakistan!

I have a doubt........will you please name a single muslim country which you think will come for help to you when you were under attack.... its just for curiosity, i really dont know
Answer me , is Pakistan and its economy ready to take a war and fight alongwside Iran in such a war. Can you imagine the after effects of it on your country. Not to forget the sanctions which will be imposed on you if you help Iran which is already being isolated from west. Can Pakistan deal with this too ?

I have no problem if Pakistan wants to help its muslim neighbor and brother, but should you do it on cost of your own people's lives ? Don't you think this move of yours will be highly beneficial for India ?

As this war will also affect Pakistan, India don't have to take it as a threat for few years which will help us on improvinf our defenses on east and on our economy. It will be a surprise gift from Pakistan to India if you join them.

Then sit, watch and enjoy. Why do you worry?
Hey Guys ! Look at this SLV !


It can't be an ICBM ??? :whistle:


:tup: :usflag: :tdown:
I have a doubt........will you please name a single muslim country which you think will come for help to you when you were under attack.... its just for curiosity, i really dont know

What Pakistan got :
- Iran gave Pak war supplies and airbases in the 65 war. They also funded for the nuclear program
- Libya gave economic assistance. In 1976 Libyan Central Bank provided Habib Bank with millions of dollars in loan.
- Saudi Arabia provided us with free Oil and they helped us fund the nuclear program
- Turkey helped us maintain political support in the West, on the Kashmir conflict.
- Egypt provided man power (mujahahen) in the fight against Soviet Union.

What Pakistan did in the past :
- Provided Nuke tech to Iran
- Provide Nuke tech to Libya
- Gave military training and manpower to SA. We sent our soldiers down to eliminate terrorists out of Mecca. Weapons are sold to them on regular basis.
- Pakistanis helped turkey at world war.
- PAF sent in pilots to help Egypt and other Arab countries against Israel.
- Pak Army sent down UN forces in Bosnian-Serbian War. Bosnia was re-developed afterwards.
Since when are you worried about Muslims?
Me, personally? For years. Check out my blog sometime. The U.S. as a nation? Ask the Kosavars, the Kuwaitis, the Iraqis relieved that Saddam is gone, etc.

So you killed 1 milion Iraqis and thousands of Afghans just to protect them?What a good guys you are.
More "convenient lies" not based on research.

Who told you Iran wants to destroy Muslims or Non-Muslims?
I met some of the leaders of the current regime when they were still "students" in Washington. They talked. I believe them.

Who are you trying to fool?Maybe in U.S,Americans buy these crap that media puts in their heads,but here,no one believes these lies.
It isn't enough to lie low or behind civilians and hope that when the thunderbolt comes you won't get scratched. It's your collective responsibility that you put up with leaders who endorse genocide. I see your value system, driven by frustrated pride and despair. It's not the U.S. or Israel or even your religion at fault. You have to find the inner strength to oppose the demons around you.

Just like the Iraqi WMDs,U.S wants to fool the world again.
You know that the mullahs set that up, don't you?
Me, personally? For years. Check out my blog sometime. The U.S. as a nation? Ask the Kosavars, the Kuwaitis, the Iraqis relieved that Saddam is gone, etc.

You do not represent the United States of America

On topic
Majority of Americans do not support a war with Iran......Obama will not do it either, I will be very surprised....however if that Romney wins the election there is a good chance that he would do it. He has pledged his allegiance to Israel and has said that he would do it.

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