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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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Okay, jocks away. Seriously, If Pakistan haven't established relations with Israel just not to upset Arabs, then she is awfully wrong. Arabs already have great relations with India and pursuing their own interests. Then why don't you do the same? It's Pakistan national interests which should be above everything else.
But there are other injustices that we are in a position to sort out in the world that we ignore.

Take the abuse of women. To varying degrees they are the real nigger in the world. According to AI 9 in 10 Pakistani women in Pakistan are victims of domestic violance. Even in supposed western egalitarian countries like UK according to AI 1 in 4 women are victims of domestic violance. I do not want to go off topic but give this as an example of a wrong that goes on in all countries to varying degrees.

As far as genocide I see that as eliminating ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. How so. Two state solution would solve that.

Selling our morals?? There are many other examples of injustices that hardly register in our world. Lets face it we live in an unjust world.

I'm sorry but I don't buy this for a second.

if I argued
"Lets stop policing because there will always be crime and injustice, so no point in having a police system"
Would you agree with me?

Just because Pakistan has it's own problem (almost all of which are caused by bad governance) does not mean that it gives us a free pass to become complicit in other peoples genocide.
Israel doesn't respect our holy sites. They break into Al Aqsa mosque occasionally when they feel like it, and the drilling under Al Aqsa mosque could possible take the mosque down and cause it to collapse.

well we can take Israel to account on these matters
No he is not. I often find common ground with him.
I was kidding with him. But sometimes he defies "national logic" and goes nuclear on religion, forgetting who we are. We are not A-Rabs.
well we can take Israel to account on these matters

No, You can't

You don't seem to understand
Isreal is above all civilized laws.
They have a free pass to do what ever they want.
They know that daddy America will simply clean their records and no would will be able to do anything about it.
Pakistanis and Iranians have made Israel an enemy of them simply because they feel for their Palestinia brothers.

Well surely Muslim Arab countries should take a lead yet their leaders who should take a lead instead like Egypt & Jordan recognise Israel and Saudi is complicit with Israelin trying to harm Iranians
Please explain to me how so?? Does Israel eliminate any on religion-no, eliminate a race-no, creed-no. In fact with a two state solution even the name of Palestine remains. I do not see this as genocide. But I have an open mind please try convince me.

3 million palestinians are killed. Accepting israel means they were right and palestinians were wrong.
Israel doesn't respect our holy sites. They break into Al Aqsa mosque occasionally when they feel like it, and the drilling under Al Aqsa mosque could possible take the mosque down and cause it to collapse.
Pakistanis and Iranians have made Israel an enemy of them simply because they feel for their Palestinian brothers.
Turkey actually recognized Israel right away, it was the first Muslim-majority country to recognize it. They've had pretty strong ties before the Israeli raid on Mavi Marmara.
Just because you'd met some nice Israeli members and some aggressive Arab members doesn't mean that you support Israel. I've had problems with people of my own country, Egyptians, and I've met nice American members on the internet with whom I have a good friendship. Does that mean I'll support America against my own country?
No, actually no one believes that Pakistan must support them. No one believes that they have a God given right to support them.
Also, do you really think that if you have good relations with Israel they'll give you the goodies?! You have had good relations with America, what did you get? Pressure and drone strikes, killing hundreds of innocent civilians.

We both have relations with Israel. We can't tell them not to. When it was when an Arab leader showed any kind of support to Kashmir? Tell me when? Although it's occupied as the same way as Palestine. Pakistan should do the same.
No, actually no one believes that Pakistan must support them. No one believes that they have a God given right to support them.

Go and check Saudi members posts on here who have suggested Pakistanis are orphans. That may have been deleted. One Saudi member post and it is not been deleted said Pakistan should be nuked by India and he regret if his leaders gave us money to develop a nuke
Well surely Muslim Arab countries should take a lead yet their leaders who should take a lead instead like Egypt & Jordan recognise Israel and Saudi is complicit with Israelin trying to harm Iranians

Aryan, I respect you quite a bit
but seriously?
are you that naive?
You do know that those governments are puppets and are doing so against the will of their people.
We already saw what happened to one puppet, and inshallah the rest will face the same fate.
Don yara, mar gaye to mar gaye. Pakistan mein kitnay log maray hain 80's say? Kitni bar in kuttoon nain poocha? The flipping moron "Arafat" flew OVER pakistan to India many times even without landing in Pakistan - In support of India!!! Did you know this????

3 million palestinians are killed. Accepting israel means they were right and palestinians were wrong.

So now you've become an International strategist, who'll with some fairy dust and a magic Islamic wand will wish it OK? Have you met the public of the nation you're so eagerly defending or are just blinded by a few seminars you may have attended in Toronto?
Aryan, I respect you quite a bit
but seriously?
are you that naive?
You do know that those governments are puppets and are doing so against the will of their people.
We already saw what happened to one puppet, and inshallah the rest will face the same fate.
well we can take Israel to account on these matters
Israel has been taken to negotiations table so many times, did that solve anything? They solved 0 things, and we already told them as precondition for solving the crisis that they must stop settling and taking lands from the Palestinian people, did they commit?! No they didn't, and they still build settlements again and again.
Their conditions for a Palestinian state are really unbelievable, they want it demilitarized, they want control over air space, navy, TV, radio and other conditions that makes Palestine an Israeli colony! Besides, they still occupy Golan Heights.
Hyperion said:
No two state solution is needed. Israel needs to be a perennial thorn in A-Rabs, they need to be kept engaged. Else these band of desert bandits with their grandiose desires of supremacy will become uncontrollable.
Thank you for your kind words.
It's up to Pakistan after all to form relationships with Israel. But think before doing that, what will you really gain?
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