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Israel Again Refuses to Apologize for Attack on Turkish Ship


Dec 27, 2009
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VOA News
26 December 2010

Israel has once again rejected a demand from Turkey that it apologize for its attack on a Turkish ship last May that killed nine people.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told a gathering in Jerusalem on Sunday that it is Turkey which needs to apologize to Israel for "supporting terror."

The ship, the Mavi Marmara, was sailing to the Gaza Strip with aid supplies when it was boarded by Israeli commandos. Israel said Turkey was breaking a Gaza blockade and that its troops opened fire in self-defense. Eight Turks and a Turkish-American were killed.

Thousands of Turkish citizens were on hand as the Mavi Marmara docked earlier Sunday at the Istanbul port of Sarayburnu.

The vessel had spent the past seven months undergoing repairs and refitting at a port on Turkey's Mediterranean coast.

On Saturday Turkey's foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu called on Israel to apologize for the attack and pay compensation in order for diplomatic relations to resume.

Turkey responded to the attack on the ship by withdrawing its ambassador from Israel.

Turkish and Israeli diplomats held "fence-mending talks" in Geneva earlier this month, but the talks failed to end the diplomatic standoff.
Ever saw Terrorists apologizing for their actions?

Well of course no! when Palestinians launch rockets on populated areas or blow themselves in a club bus restaurant or just any other crowded place they glorify! proud of killing, for what they should apologize? for achieving their goal? The million Armenians were slaughtered, but the responsible ones even don't recognize it! not to speak of apologizing for it....
We can go on and on and on..... But somehow it is difficult for me to comprehend that the soul purpose of IDF on Mavi Marmara was to kill as much as possible innocent peace activist, after all we know well that the IDF specialty is in killing innocent children women men elders, and after all these years of experience by the IDF they managed to kill only 9 out of 700? this is a big screw-up! unprofessionalism!
why should Israel apologize to Turkey for the attack? Did turkey as a country sent that ship? no right? Then they dont deserve anything.

Israel should not apologize for this...
nothing is gonna happen in both casses
wehther they appologize or not

---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

why should Israel apologize to Turkey for the attack? Did turkey as a country sent that ship? no right? Then they dont deserve anything.

Israel should not apologize for this...

as they are ur masters and providing u with weapons only thats y
why should Israel apologize to Turkey for the attack? Did turkey as a country sent that ship? no right? Then they dont deserve anything.

Israel should not apologize for this...
Citizens of Turkey got killed, thats why. Basic Greek Citizenship 101...
So what? If the same citizens of Turkey would have cooperated with the commandos they would have been alive today.
Cooperation is kinda odd in a situation where IDF soldier draws its weapon and shoots you in the back of your head in point-blank range. 5 of the activists on the board reported to be killed exactly like that. You can also find the report in UNHRC findings.
Why would any Turkish citizen cooperate with Israeli commando ?
Because they are heading the war zone. But even if u dont want to cooperate you should not attack soldiers in any case.

Cooperation is kinda odd in a situation where IDF soldier draws its weapon and shoots you in the back of your head in point-blank range. 5 of the activists on the board reported to be killed exactly like that. You can also find the report in UNHRC findings.
Its not true, even according to UNHRC, which is a joke totaly biased organization.

IDF soldies opened fire only after they were attacked by metal rods, chains and knives.
Because they are heading the war zone. But even if u dont want to cooperate you should not attack soldiers in any case.

Its not true, even according to UNHRC, which is a joke totaly biased organization.

IDF soldies opened fire only after they were attacked by metal rods, chains and knives.
Right... everything that praises you credible and honourable, everything that opposes you is a terrorist or biased. I forgot to add, you're an anti-semite if you criticize Israel policies in anyway.

Also, shooting in point-blank range in the back of the head is a clear indication of execution. You can't attack someone who is behind your back.
Perhaps all my Turkish brothers and sisters here could write a simple letter demanding serious action from their government instead of the current circus that they are engaged in, instead of discussing the issue with this bad excuse for a lizzard 500...
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