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ISPR release Pictures and footage from Indian Drone

When the mumbai terror attack happened and whole world knows the truth, these people want more proof.. but in this case where anyone can buy this toy online, no proof needed, Indian spy drone for sure.. that too "shot down"? It clearly crashed with everything intact... you can probably recharge it and fly again without any major repair...
true.. that pakistanis fools's biggest blunder is that they posted the pics in their official site... now they themselves expose their lies..
Let me give you the simple UAVs capability of IA. Which is public.

I never said India doesn't have good UAVs. I said they wouldn't want to use those for everything because they are expensive and not expendable.

Just because we have artillery doesn't mean we stop using pistols and rifles. The same applies here.
Complain on the Management Boards if you have that much of a problem.

It is upto title-holders to decide what rating they want to give to posts. There are plenty of Indian nonsense posts on this forum that are upvoted and positively rated by Indian members and title-holders. There is an equal opportunity for both sides.

On this forum there is enough freedom for you Indians to freely, constantly bash Pakistan - can I go and bash India in the same way on Bharat Rakshak?

If you still don't like it here, no one is forcing you to stay.

Have to admit, in general people are quite fair and indulgent out here.

Bharat Rakshak is so boring and limited in scope in comparison to PDF.
I never said India doesn't have good UAVs. I said they wouldn't want to use those for everything because they are expensive and not expendable.

Just because we have artillery doesn't mean we stop using pistols and rifles. The same applies here.

This is UAV of BSF, not of IA actually.

Which they made public, means one of the pathetic one actually.
Yes, all Indian army procurements must go through ®MOD clearance. The pens have to be fit for purpose, pen companies put forward their tenders and the finest writers are brought in for testing. Logistics, Spare parts and of course ToT being taken into consideration, the pen is approved

welcome to democracy... its not like your army dictatorship. here every thing needs to be approved by MoD.
There are some rules to follow for ratings, aren't there?
Yes, but at the end of the day it boils down to opinion.
The criteria for a positive rating would be ''high-quality''. Someone may think that a post is high-quality while someone else may disagree.

As for the negative rating I gave, pure trolling and nonsensical statements undoubtedly do fit the criteria for one.
Mujahid forces shot down a crappy indian quad uav... On LOC near bhimber AK...
indians claim it was belonged to Bhimber police... Frustrated and angry ..:lol:

Quad rotor can be just as effective as jasoos kabooter it seems

we just send Kabooter it causes national state of emergency in India. :lol:

welcome to democracy... its not like your army dictatorship. here every thing needs to be approved by MoD.

if it means shit getting done on time - we're all for it and it aint your problem to worry about
Complain on the Management Boards if you have that much of a problem.

It is upto title-holders to decide what rating they want to give to posts, provided they fit a criteria. If you think your post doesn't fit said criteria, you can complain to the mods. There are plenty of Indian nonsense posts on this forum that are upvoted and positively rated by Indian members and title-holders. There is an equal opportunity for both sides.

On this forum there is enough freedom for you Indians to freely, constantly bash Pakistan - can I go and bash India in the same way on Bharat Rakshak?

If you still don't like it here, no one is forcing you to stay.

the way i see these kind of things are.."your form, your rules"..
in bharath rakshak they don't give +ve ratings for some trolls
Complain on the Management Boards if you have that much of a problem.

It is upto title-holders to decide what rating they want to give to posts, provided they fit a criteria. If you think your post doesn't fit said criteria, you can complain to the mods. There are plenty of Indian nonsense posts on this forum that are upvoted and positively rated by Indian members and title-holders. There is an equal opportunity for both sides.

On this forum there is enough freedom for you Indians to freely, constantly bash Pakistan - can I go and bash India in the same way on Bharat Rakshak?

If you still don't like it here, no one is forcing you to stay.
As if your neg rating matters... anyone can see my original post and decide that... no need for me to whine and cry with mods....
the way i see these kind of things are.."your form, your rules"..
If that was the case, they would be no Indian TTs. But there are. You are welcome to see it however you like, however. Like I said, no one's forcing you to stay.





I wonder what was going on in the mind of the ISPR guy who decided to announce this nonsense.

The first rule of a lie, is that the lie should be believable

As far basic logic goes, how does a drone shot down even by firearm remain so intact?

In the below video remains of quadcopter drone after being shot by gun fire can be seen

Feel really sorry for the gullible masses
India should accept but they never accept.out of three major wars btw pakistan n india , india has lost 2 of them.

is that what your mullahs teach you in your madarssahs ??
As if your neg rating matters... anyone can see my original post and decide that... no need for me to whine and cry with mods....
Then no need for you to complain on this thread either, now is there?
if it means shit getting done on time - we're all for it and it aint your problem to worry about
well, my that post was reply to him.. and i don't care what your military do.. and it don't matter to me if your military general just killed your PM and take control of your country..
may it is good or bad but in india the security forces need permission from ministry to procure anything using the fund allotted to the unit. if BSF buy some equipment then it will only through a open competition and india had put a ban on using Chinese equipment in defense forces. hell, even the use of Chinese phones are banned in security forces.
Yet another thread hijacked for Indian trolling, mental masturbation and Pakistan bashing.

This bull about it being a Pakistani Police drone is bull because the police don't operate so close to the borders, especially not Azad Kashmir and the LOC.

The other bull about it being the Pakistan Rangers drone that crashed earlier is bull because that was a different type of drone.


When Pakistan shoots down an actual drone with a camera on it and claims it's from India, ''oh they must've shot their own drone'' and assorted bullshit.

But when India catches a pigeon and claims its a Pakistani spy, all the Indiots defend that by saying that it is possible that Pakistan was using pigeons for spying.

If it is plausible that Pakistan uses pigeons for spying, it is VERY PLAUSIBLE that India uses commercially available drones for the same purpose.

@WebMaster @waz

I am pretty sure, racist posts like these should not get a positive rating.
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