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Islamists destroy 15th-century Timbuktu mosque

Nature of Islam. Omar destroyed the library of Alexandria because 'everything of importance is stated in the Quran', Taliban destroyed those Buddhist statues and Khalkhali (Iranian Mullah) wanted to destroy Persepolis and other pre-Islamic sites in Iran. Only thanks to the Iranian people, who could stop them, those sites are still standing.

The largest university in the ancient world - Nalanda, a fountainhead of knowledge was burnt to the ground by Bakthiyar Khilji because it supposedly did not have a copy of Quran in it...:rolleyes:
We need to do something about the source of this intolerant ideology that is destroying history and tradition of all Muslim people around the world, not to mention historic world heritage sites. This is not acceptable. Islam is not the religion of cave men.

how can this be intolerance?? if islamists destory the mosques than there is some thing fishy about them being islamists
I am amazed at the obsession of international propaganda brigade with Muslims...
If they don't want certain buildings in their country it shouldn't be anybody ease's problem...

I thought Pakistanis were obsessed with a rundown structure called Babri Masjid and last checked it was in India --

we have experienced the true nature of both abrahamic religion ..trust me they were not as intolerant as islamic invaders ..they still recieve welcome in our part of world

Have you read about Goa Inquisition -- there is nothing like less intolerant in either of the Abrahamaic religions....Coz for them it is not intolerance..its their god mandated duty to spread their faith...how...it doesnt matter.
Come out of denial pls. In your own sources you have said not to pass an image without obliterating it. where does it say only Islamic images??? Infact there is no image making in islam, then why destroy others images??? How is that not intolerance, supremacism?

How is that not a problem, a fault???

In case Muslim, like today, start making Images then i may not go in India and Tear of Ghandhi Jee's portraits. If you build an Islamic society then you must follow its rules and it implies on Muslims first. In Quran Allah Said in Surah Baqrah "Do not abuse other Gods". In an Islamic society if Non Muslims don't want to revert you are not allowed to abuse their religion or Gods or Worshipping places. If you are considering Today's Muslims Ideology to be on Mark which Blow themselves up in the name of Jihad then you are wrong. Yes There are some restrictions for Non Muslims in Islamic society but its is not like you will be stoned for being non Muslims. Also If you took these saying as a free act for every Muslim then it is wrong, Muslims did not allowed to do any of such act in Makkah while living in minority but they performed it after conquering Makkah when they established a Islamic society.

P.S. Thats why i told that comment was not for Non Muslims as you may not understand.
It would be the same if he burned a thousand year old, exotic quran which had enlightened millions over the centuries.
Putting the issue of damage done by by M. Ghaznavi, i can see one fundamental common point between the 2 guys, they are both intolerant and bigots.
Yes you are right. But unfortunately I feel the opposite is happening now. Terrorists are indoctrinating their beliefs in other moderate mulsims even they themselves remain unaware of this. The wahabi ideology is getting the benefits of their investments in large number of madrasas.

We need a global committee of Ulema from all Muslim communities of the world to meet, reach collective consensus and create a standard and specification for different Madhabs of Sunni and Shia Islam. What is happening currently is intolerance borne out of little knowledge is being spread by stealth through funding and propaganda by the Mullah's. This needs to stop. Once a standard is specified, all Mullah's/Imam should go through training to adopt this standard, failing which they should be fired from their job, enforced by all govt.'s in countries where there is any Muslim population. Unless we take it in our own hands to "manage" our own religion, somebody else will do it for us with disastrous result.
Keep religion out of politics and gov, it will solve a good number of our problems.
Nature of Islam. Omar destroyed the library of Alexandria because 'everything of importance is stated in the Quran', Taliban destroyed those Buddhist statues and Khalkhali (Iranian Mullah) wanted to destroy Persepolis and other pre-Islamic sites in Iran. Only thanks to the Iranian people, who could stop them, those sites are still standing.

Omar's (RA) order was not accepted as a historical fact by many renowned Historians:

Library of Alexandria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward Gibbon tells us that many people had credulously believed the story, but "the rational scepticism" of Fr. Eusèbe Renaudot (1713) did not.[38]
Alfred J. Butler himself, Victor Chauvin, Paul Casanova, Gustave Le Bon[39] and Eugenio Griffini did not accept the story either.[28]
Bernard Lewis has argued that this version, though untrue, was reinforced in mediaeval times by Saladin, who decided to break up the Fatimid caliphate's collection of heretical Isma'ili texts in Cairo following his restoration of Sunnism to Egypt, and will have judged that the story of the caliph Umar's support of a library's destruction would make his own actions seem more acceptable.[40] Kelly Trumble[41] and Roy MacLeod[42] reject the story as well.

So you are making sweeping generalizations about Islamic history and Muslims with this debatable piece of "historical fact" and comparing Omar (RA) with today's Taliban jokers to present your case.

Keep religion out of politics and gov, it will solve a good number of our problems.

In a democracy, people get to decide the level of involvement of religion in politics and govt. I may personally support your view, but in a democracy people make that decision collectively.
I thought Pakistanis were obsessed with a rundown structure called Babri Masjid and last checked it was in India --

Have you read about Goa Inquisition -- there is nothing like less intolerant in either of the Abrahamaic religions....Coz for them it is not intolerance..its their god mandated duty to spread their faith...how...it doesnt matter.

No baburi masjid was in use and still being used....so it wasnt a run down structure..
The ones in timbuktu are disused old momument of no use for locals,or so i think.
Don't you think that the concept of 'days of ignorance' is stimulating muslims, or at least the more extremist muslims, to destroy many pre-Islamic sites in muslim countries?

Conjecture and wild guess.
War? You mean those monks had declared a war on Khilji and his home in central asia? Interesting, although the historians - muslim historians of the time do not record that angle. infact the following guy says nothing about war but everything about converting people by force.

Whereas danger zone''s post very clearly with authentic muslim sources tells us how there is a categorical command in mainstream beliefs not to pass an image without obliterating it. Now show me how many mosques were destroyed by marathas when they finally took back land from mughals in WAR.

Why do you want to ignore that and keep looking for excuses like ''''war'''', ''''idiots'''' etc etc. Does it hurt your ego too much to accept the reality? Do not worry, all religions have faults.

LOL You need to calm yourself down I am talking about the Muslim Invaders during that time and how they did injustices. I never said anything about the monks and I said it is not religion that causes this but people and I gave examples how the communists who believe no God destroys others cultures as well. What exactly is this reality why don't you tell me because I guess you who doesn't happen to know about my religion must know more than me who happens to be a Muslim.

Omar's (RA) order was not accepted as a historical fact by many renowned Historians:

Library of Alexandria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you are making sweeping generalizations about Islamic history and Muslims with this debatable piece of "historical fact" and comparing Omar (RA) with today's Taliban jokers to present your case.

In a democracy, people get to decide the level of involvement of religion in politics and govt. I may personally support your view, but in a democracy people make that decision collectively.

That is exactly what he was doing he read the beginning parts to the excerpt and completely disregarded the rest.
It is not about faith it is about human nature.
It is about both. We do not live in our lives in intellectual and moral vacuums. Even eating is justified by hunger, drink by thirst. So when a man destroy, he does it out of some internal compulsion that is formulated by those intellectual and moral justifications. Theological gymnastics to create those justifications require -- what else -- a religion, correct? And if the man is of religion A, those theological gymnastics would not be of religion B or C, correct?

What this mean is that NO RELIGION is immunized somehow from being examined regarding the ability and capacity of its believers to peacefully coexist with other religionists. It is this CONSTANT process of critical self examination that lead to evolution in religions and usually take some members out of their comfort zones and compelled them to resistance.
In case Muslim, like today, start making Images then i may not go in India and Tear of Ghandhi Jee's portraits. If you build an Islamic society then you must follow its rules and it implies on Muslims first. In Quran Allah Said in Surah Baqrah "Do not abuse other Gods". In an Islamic society if Non Muslims don't want to revert you are not allowed to abuse their religion or Gods or Worshipping places. If you are considering Today's Muslims Ideology to be on Mark which Blow themselves up in the name of Jihad then you are wrong. Yes There are some restrictions for Non Muslims in Islamic society but its is not like you will be stoned for being non Muslims. Also If you took these saying as a free act for every Muslim then it is wrong, Muslims did not allowed to do any of such act in Makkah while living in minority but they performed it after conquering Makkah when they established a Islamic society.

P.S. Thats why i told that comment was not for Non Muslims as you may not understand.

A lot of these people think they know more about our faith than we do.
They didn't destroy the masjid as the thread's title incorrectly states, they did however destroy the entrance door. As far as sources are reported the masjid is still there.
In a democracy, people get to decide the level of involvement of religion in politics and govt. I may personally support your view, but in a democracy people make that decision collectively
but is democracy in harmony with a religious based gov?
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