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Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant: “We Will Conquer Istanbul”

given the vast gap of intelligence between me and you turkic beasts, my being on this forum for but one hour balances out all the stupid panturkicism you animals collectively propagate for a whole month. just like how one injured chinese policeman balances out scores of dead turk terrorists in xinjiang. how sad that no amount of ban on this forum, and no amount of bestiality and terror in xinjiang, helps tilt the balance in turk favor.

now wash yourselves and await patiently your brutal deaths at the hands of other rootless animalistic terrorists. being this petty-minded about small insults from a racially superior chinese is no way to prepare for your demise.

I will support them up to the conquest of Bagdad, Erbil and Tehran. :lol:

On a more serious note, ISIS wants their black banner to spread around the whole world. It is an ultimate dream for them. Their strategy looks more different though. They won't attack Sunni Turkey after we helped them. They want to consolidate power in Iraq and Syria to kick out Shia influence and then go after the "head of the snake" as they say which is "Tehran" according to them.
they will conquer USA for sure ... or not :D

given the vast gap of intelligence between me and you turkic beasts, my being on this forum for but one hour balances out all the stupid panturkicism you animals collectively propagate for a whole month. just like how one injured chinese policeman balances out scores of dead turk terrorists in xinjiang. how sad that no amount of ban on this forum, and no amount of bestiality and terror in xinjiang, helps tilt the balance in turk favor.

now wash yourselves and await patiently your brutal deaths at the hands of other rootless animalistic terrorists. being this petty-minded about small insults from a racially superior chinese is no way to prepare for your demise.
you' re racially superior to say cheat ... congrats
"we will conquer Istanbul ", "we will rise our flag on London" ..... they are just giving an excuse to Brittan and Turks to deny their connection with ISIS ....
just when they will announce Jihad against Israel and attack it !? ( the answer is : never !! )
gutting, beheading, shooting, skinning, drowning, garroting, strangling, stoning

If you ever decide to play World of Warcraft in the downtime while you are banned, rogue is the right class for you. It has gutting, shooting, skinning, garrote.....i'm sure Turks play it too, so you can vent some anger there.
given the vast gap of intelligence between me and you turkic beasts, my being on this forum for but one hour balances out all the stupid panturkicism you animals collectively propagate for a whole month. just like how one injured chinese policeman balances out scores of dead turk terrorists in xinjiang. how sad that no amount of ban on this forum, and no amount of bestiality and terror in xinjiang, helps tilt the balance in turk favor.

now wash yourselves and await patiently your brutal deaths at the hands of other rootless animalistic terrorists. being this petty-minded about small insults from a racially superior chinese is no way to prepare for your demise.
Your probably one of those who was bullied in school by others because you was ugly like an Orc, and now your so hateful that you need to vent it out in internet where nobody can beat you like in your old School days.

Looking from this perspective your insults and racism isnt that bad, all i see is a little ugly individual who was bullied, now he is hateful to humanity and rises his mouth from safe distance. :rofl:
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If you ever decide to play World of Warcraft in the downtime while you are banned, rogue is the right class for you. It has gutting, shooting, skinning, garrote.....i'm sure Turks play it too, so you can vent some anger there.

Blasphemous basterd, it was not the rogue class but the Hunter class. Über noob :)
I would say that Bill Clinton lobbing a couple cruise-missiles into Afghanistan in a half-hearted attempt to kill Bin Laden is a more accurate example. He was right in the middle of a major sex-scandal in an otherwise peaceful and prosperous era of US history. "Wag the dog" is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot.
"With monica lewinsky on his nut sack"?
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