Stoning fornicators to death and chopping people's hands for theft is not the ONLY thing in Sharia. What about interest free economic model? Why isn't that given any thought?
Troll Post. You are derailing the thread. You can go make another thread about it.
A honest question to all my Pakistani friends here, How many of you consider yourself pure Muslims? I mean have you not done anything that's consider bad in Islam and if you did then does that not go against the basic concept of the nation of Muslims.
Another thing, I read somewhere that the Only 2.75 million Pakistanis, or mere 1.6 percent of the country’s population pays taxes. How many agree with me that for improving Pakistan's health, apart from other things citizens need to pay their taxes timely? In my opinion, better tax collections and good democratic governance can really help Pakistan move towards peace and prosperity. my two cents.
Troll Post. You are derailing the thread. You can go make another thread about it.