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Islamic Eschatology - Strategic importance!

ma sha Allah, very nice. I will have to read that pdf and get that book next time I am in Pakistan. Does he talk about Ghazwa Hind?

interesting take. Have you read Dr. Israr Ahmad's take on it?

It may be possible for the Khurasaan black flag state to be a successor state of Pakistan, which also includes Afghanistan. It seems Ghazwa e Hind will be based on Kashmir. Allahu alim.
Yes !!!!!! But Kashmir will be freed before Ghazwa e Hind.

Is pakistan even part of khorasan?

Pakistan is the heart of Khorasan. Khorasan are the pathans who live in Pakistan.
@Mr ambassador

All messiahs of other religions are false, only Islam is true. The Mahdi is a real guy and is known by several people or scholars in KSA. He does not know them or himself, however. I'll swear on the Quran this is true but better to dismiss me as someone with false claim. Muslims should not perceive that as being a real thing until it actually happens. We will see this happen if we live long inshallah.

Also he will lead a state in Arab land which all Muslims will be part of, but he will not have world government or control over the world. Anyway how he is or who he is will not help us, you can't tell him apart from others just by looks. Best thing as Muslim today is sideline yourself from fitn(un-Islamic trends in society) and make sure to try meeting 5 prayers, even if you're late with some of them.

Not true, he is an Arab and is not an child and does not need protection. He is normal person who is out public scene before Bayah.


You make quite a startling revelation here. Scholars in KSA know him?!? How are we expected to believe that?
dua after masoora.jpg

I recite this dua in the end of Tash'hud in every Namaz(salat), daily, 5 times.

You make quite a startling revelation here. Scholars in KSA know him?!? How are we expected to believe that?

Not just KSA, and they are not known to people and can only be counted on your fingers(Allah SWT guided them to this affair). But view what I'm saying as fake , untrue and don't take it seriously. I could just be delusional. We're not there yet.
Correct, he has no special powers. He is given title 'Mahdi' by Allah(SWT), so prior to his rule, Allah guided him to the truths. 'Truths' meaning divine truths for all matters, he understands them the best or was granted understanding of them. Does not make him 'infallible' as our Shia brothers believe, it does not mean he is 100% with everything. Allah will forgive him(for any past shortcomings) in one night and also he will not be mentally sufficient or prepared for such leadership(as he is civilian) and Allah(SWT) will mentally fix him and grant him leadership qualities all in one hour or less during the night.

Don't believe anyone who is showing pictures of someone or suggests some specific person is the Mahdi. This would make them a group of deceivers. His identity is not relevant and nothing is needed from anyone prior to the bayah in Mecca. And there will be no Bayah before that, no one is going to secretly plan to get someone into power. It's going to happen naturally and only at the right time. Once we all witness it then you need to support him in your heart, or better yet move to his state and support the state.

Anyway we don't need him or wait for him like some believe. Allah(SWT) guided him and he will guide us back into his fold inshallah. What matters is we pray , enjoin good and have patience. But, we are the generation who live these through these events and we are more prepared than we assume.

From my sittings with scholars...I have learnt that Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam will be a Wali....but not just any Wali... he will have great powers. When he comes a new Madhab will be formed and many of the regular ulema will oppose that. However the pious and awliya will give their allegiance to Hazrat Imam Mahdi Alayhis Salam.

About the Mahdi...it is said that they will appear 12yrs after the war in Shaam when a Great War is fought. If I am correct it’s been 7yrs since the Syrian civil war and the Sufyani will also appear after this gr8 war and he will be worse than Assad. He will have this 3 pronged staff/whip which will kill whoever it hits.

However every year it feels like a Great War is abt to happen because the world powers are all involved in Syria.

Also my gut tells me this Idlib offensive is not going to be good for the future of Turkey. Who will be the power that invaded and occupies Istanbul? Russia / US? My gut tells me it will be Russia because all is not well between the two
Gibberish my friend, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are doing well, planning for the future too. The people in the nations are not interested in any war, they are living well and enjoying life. These videos are made a lot nowadays, in Arabic I seem them too, they try drawing parallels and what not. However, most of these prophecies are fabricated, and even the Mahdi is likely fabricated too. That's besides the question if Islam is true or not. One man can't change anything. What is needed is initiative, starting with education and reforming much of religious ministries across Muslim world.
In one of your post, you said Mahdi is here. Any concrete evidence? or any sort of evidence at all?
Yes !!!!!! But Kashmir will be freed before Ghazwa e Hind.

Pakistan is the heart of Khorasan. Khorasan are the pathans who live in Pakistan.

I don’t think Kashmir can be freed before Ghazwa e hind because India has over 500,000 troops in Kashmir and add to that if we do manage to surprise and overwhelm them (?!?), India has nuclear weapons.

Hazrat Naimetullah Shah Wali’s works are a great a read/listen in regards to this...they say that there will be a war in the North of Pakistan which will be won by us (is this when there was an army operation in Swat?)

The river Attock will turn red with blood 3 times (points to an alliance between Afghanistan & India or Foreign powers invading from Afghanistan). When Ghazwa e hind occurs...nuclear weapONS will be used and Lahore especially will be devastated.
From my sittings with scholars...I have learnt that Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam will be a Wali....but not just any Wali... he will have great powers. When he comes a new Madhab will be formed and many of the regular ulema will oppose that. However the pious and awliya will give their allegiance to Hazrat Imam Mahdi Alayhis Salam.

About the Mahdi...it is said that they will appear 12yrs after the war in Shaam when a Great War is fought. If I am correct it’s been 7yrs since the Syrian civil war and the Sufyani will also appear after this gr8 war and he will be worse than Assad. He will have this 3 pronged staff/whip which will kill whoever it hits.

However every year it feels like a Great War is abt to happen because the world powers are all involved in Syria.

Also my gut tells me this Idlib offensive is not going to be good for the future of Turkey. Who will be the power that invaded and occupies Istanbul? Russia / US? My gut tells me it will be Russia because all is not well between the two

He'll be a normal man and not a saint if that's what you mean. You can't distinguish him by social status(like Imam or saint). He's of course not normal in terms of being rightly guided, he's rightly guided at a much higher level than common people. Allah(SWT) will support his efforts, but he will have no powers.

In one of your post, you said Mahdi is here. Any concrete evidence? or any sort of evidence at all?

I believed then didn't believe for a short period then believed again. Anyway I could be lying or am delusional. It doesn't help if we know him as we can't change Allah's qadr, what was meant to happen is meant to happen at a certain time Allah decrees. Don't take my word for anything and don't take it seriously. :)

Unless I come back on this thread and suggest otherwise at a later time. I'm honest and won't mislead people. But, still don't believe me unless you see it happen yourself and carry with normal life otherwise.

Anyway, sorry for getting off topic and let's get back to the original discussion.
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From my sittings with scholars...I have learnt that Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam will be a Wali....but not just any Wali... he will have great powers. When he comes a new Madhab will be formed and many of the regular ulema will oppose that. However the pious and awliya will give their allegiance to Hazrat Imam Mahdi Alayhis Salam.

About the Mahdi...it is said that they will appear 12yrs after the war in Shaam when a Great War is fought. If I am correct it’s been 7yrs since the Syrian civil war and the Sufyani will also appear after this gr8 war and he will be worse than Assad. He will have this 3 pronged staff/whip which will kill whoever it hits.

However every year it feels like a Great War is abt to happen because the world powers are all involved in Syria.

Also my gut tells me this Idlib offensive is not going to be good for the future of Turkey. Who will be the power that invaded and occupies Istanbul? Russia / US? My gut tells me it will be Russia because all is not well between the two

He'll be a normal man and not a saint if that's what you mean. You can't distinguish him by social status(like Imam or saint). He's of course not normal in terms of being rightly guided, he's rightly guided at a much higher level than common people. Allah(SWT) will support his efforts, but he will have no powers.

I believed then didn't believe for a short period then believed again. Anyway I could be lying or am delusional. It doesn't help if we know him as we can't change Allah's qadr, what was meant to happen is meant to happen at a certain time Allah decrees. Don't take my word for anything and don't take it seriously. :)

Unless I come back on this thread and suggest otherwise at a later time. I'm honest and won't mislead people. But, still don't believe me unless you see it happen yourself and carry with normal life otherwise.
Anyway, sorry for getting off topic and let's get back to the original discussion.

I personally believe that Mahdi will not be here for long long period of time. But Allah knows better.
Is pakistan even part of khorasan?

Khorasaan was the eastern part of the ancient Persian empire. Modern-day Khorasan province in Iran (just like Sistan/Seistan/Sakastan) moved West as Iran lost territory to Afghan and Turkic dynasties ruling Pakistan and Afghanistan.

At maximum eastern length, Khorasaan included Balochistan, KPK, parts of Punjab, parts of Sindh, and all of Afghanistan. There have been different historical definitions of Khorasaan, some scholars saying its heart is Herat, Afghanistan.

Definitely, Eastern Iran, all of Afghanistan, and Western, NW Pakistan are in Khorasaan.

Correction : Shaykh Asrar Rashid

Thanks brother. I will check it out.

Yes !!!!!! But Kashmir will be freed before Ghazwa e Hind.

In sha Allah, I do hope so as well. In these kinds of prophecies, facts become clearer after events happen, and not before. So we don't know for sure.

From my sittings with scholars...I have learnt that Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam will be a Wali....but not just any Wali... he will have great powers. When he comes a new Madhab will be formed and many of the regular ulema will oppose that. However the pious and awliya will give their allegiance to Hazrat Imam Mahdi Alayhis Salam.

About the Mahdi...it is said that they will appear 12yrs after the war in Shaam when a Great War is fought. If I am correct it’s been 7yrs since the Syrian civil war and the Sufyani will also appear after this gr8 war and he will be worse than Assad. He will have this 3 pronged staff/whip which will kill whoever it hits.

However every year it feels like a Great War is abt to happen because the world powers are all involved in Syria.

Also my gut tells me this Idlib offensive is not going to be good for the future of Turkey. Who will be the power that invaded and occupies Istanbul? Russia / US? My gut tells me it will be Russia because all is not well between the two

Interesting stuff. I'll have to look up more on that Sufyani. However, the symbolism is interesting. Hazrat Ali and Imam Hussain lost their rightful khilafat to the usurpers Muawiyya and Yazid. Now, as the pendulum swings, Imam Mahdi (Hashemi) will gain victory over a Sufyani (Ummayyad.) Allah swt already had their whole family massacred by Abu Muslim of Khorasan and the Abbasis.
Dajjal will appear between Shaam & Iraq

Also Dajjal will come when Lake Tiberius becomes empty...if you check now it is at a dangerously low level

Also the precursor to WW3 will be that Turkey will be conquered by a foreign power? (Russia / US?)

One narration I read stated that Istanbul will become ‘red’.

Also regarding Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam...I have read that he will have a shawl which is not Arab but is similar to what the Afghanis wear.

The last one is not written in any sahih hadith or even in any reputable hadith book

I am going to let you guys in on something. Muslim Brotherhood is another secret society modeled after Freemasons (and their higher form, Shriners.) It used to be called 'The Society of the Muslim Brothers.' Note, this does not necessarily refer to the one in Egypt, but all the independent Muslim Brotherhood sects around the world.

The one in the US is closely linked to KSA and the US establishment. They are the farthest in the causes of gay rights and pushing for regime change in Arab countries. They helped the US build domestic support for intervention in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Many of them are pushing for an invasion against Iran.

Muslim Brotherhood has taken over most American Muslim organizations and many masajid in the US. They censor khutbahs and cooperate with law enforcement to entrap other Muslims. Mostly in the beginning they were competing with Jamat e Islami and W. Deen Muhammad, but have since marginalized those two groups in the US.

Many of the Muslim Brotherhood branches have become quasi-religious political groups expounding secular Arab nationalism and Arab supremacy with a tough Salafist stance, far removed from the original one in Egypt which is a religious group.

Muslim Brotherhood in Syria effectively hijacked the Syrian National Coalition, which was originally a student-based revolt. US funneled arms to Syrian groups using the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

We are surrounded by enemies, internal and external.
Thanks for sharing i didnt know anything about them
The Messiah for Christians+Muslims is same but for Jews it is different.

"Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognise him (Muhammad SAW or the Ka'bah at Makkah) as they recongise their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it" 2:146

"Those to whom We gave the Scripture know him as they know their own sons. But indeed, a party of them conceal the truth while they know" 2:146

Arsalan bai parhay likhay admi ho, kahan truck ki batti k peechay lag gay ho. Moses told his followers about the Messengers who will come in future, but when the time came very few of them accepted, and rest preferred waiting for another to appear (stories got created). Jesus told his followers who is going to come in future (he even told them the name), again when the time came very few accepted and rest preferred waiting for reappearance of Jesus (stories got created again). Muhammad never told his followers about coming of any other messenger or messiah. But Muslims stopped following Quran and started believing in fairy tales, and see what that brought us, Many amongst Muslims themselves claimed to have received the divine revelation, they have claimed the status of promised Messiah the Mahdi, some like Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza went ahead and claimed to be reincarnation of Jesus.

The awaited Messiah for both Jews and Christians have already appeared, but they refuse to accept. However, Muslims were never foretold about coming of a Messiah in Quran, but somehow they are hell bent on waiting for one. Let the Jews and Christians wait and believe in what they want, it has got nothing to do with us.
I am NOT a strictly religious person but an avid reader of history. Ones you have mentioned apart from Dr Israr & iqbal is nothing noteworthy. Iqbal made a mountain of a mistake, the biggest of all. Masood is condemned by court of law as a liar. Most of the work in eschatology apart from imran hosein does not come from the islamic world, it comes from the christian world as far as back as the schism of christian church in 1054.
Can you be specific about iqbal's mistake ... Iqbal life changes over time ... He happened to be a non-religious person initially but he changed with time and therefore his initial poetry changes alot with time ... For example, he wrote national anthem of india but later on, he became an anti nationalist ... For example: in taza khudaon mn bara sb sy watan hai. Jo perhan is ka hai wo millat ka kafan hai

Dr. Israr Ahmed is a remarkable person and has a very geniun understanding of Islam and QUran ...

"Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognise him (Muhammad SAW or the Ka'bah at Makkah) as they recongise their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it" 2:146

"Those to whom We gave the Scripture know him as they know their own sons. But indeed, a party of them conceal the truth while they know" 2:146

Arsalan bai parhay likhay admi ho, kahan truck ki batti k peechay lag gay ho. Moses told his followers about the Messengers who will come in future, but when the time came very few of them accepted, and rest preferred waiting for another to appear (stories got created). Jesus told his followers who is going to come in future (he even told them the name), again when the time came very few accepted and rest preferred waiting for reappearance of Jesus (stories got created again). Muhammad never told his followers about coming of any other messenger or messiah. But Muslims stopped following Quran and started believing in fairy tales, and see what that brought us, Many amongst Muslims themselves claimed to have received the divine revelation, they have claimed the status of promised Messiah the Mahdi, some like Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza went ahead and claimed to be reincarnation of Jesus.

The awaited Messiah for both Jews and Christians have already appeared, but they refuse to accept. However, Muslims were never foretold about coming of a Messiah in Quran, but somehow they are hell bent on waiting for one. Let the Jews and Christians wait and believe in what they want, it has got nothing to do with us.

Unfortunately, your knowledge of Quran and Hadiths is incomplete and you are misguiding others by matching apple with oranges. The above Ayat is about Hazrat Muhammad SAW, how does this mean that there is no other messiah? Furthermore, are you in denial of Sahih hadiths? then please answer my question from where did you get method of offering namaz?

You are also denying the Quran who is unambiguously saying that Hazrat Issa A.S. was not crucified:


Quran also indirectly refers to the second coming of Jesus in the below ayat:


Manhood word is generally used for an elderly man near about 40 years old at the age where the man gains mental maturity. Hazrat was called at heavens at age of 33 but Quran is saying that he will speak at manhood stage means he (AS) has to come back to make the statement true.

Furthermore, predictions about Gog and Magog are also from Quran that they will be released on earth. We have not seen any nation named Gog and Magog since last 14 centuries. So Quran is also wrong about that?

Gog Magog, Hazrat Issa AS and Hazrat Imam Mehdi AS all are from sahih hadith and pertains to same timelines.
"Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognise him (Muhammad SAW or the Ka'bah at Makkah) as they recongise their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it" 2:146

"Those to whom We gave the Scripture know him as they know their own sons. But indeed, a party of them conceal the truth while they know" 2:146

Arsalan bai parhay likhay admi ho, kahan truck ki batti k peechay lag gay ho. Moses told his followers about the Messengers who will come in future, but when the time came very few of them accepted, and rest preferred waiting for another to appear (stories got created). Jesus told his followers who is going to come in future (he even told them the name), again when the time came very few accepted and rest preferred waiting for reappearance of Jesus (stories got created again). Muhammad never told his followers about coming of any other messenger or messiah. But Muslims stopped following Quran and started believing in fairy tales, and see what that brought us, Many amongst Muslims themselves claimed to have received the divine revelation, they have claimed the status of promised Messiah the Mahdi, some like Mr Ghulam Ahmed Mirza went ahead and claimed to be reincarnation of Jesus.

The awaited Messiah for both Jews and Christians have already appeared, but they refuse to accept. However, Muslims were never foretold about coming of a Messiah in Quran, but somehow they are hell bent on waiting for one. Let the Jews and Christians wait and believe in what they want, it has got nothing to do with us.

Maybe I got confused with what you are saying. Are you asking about return of Hazat Isa? It is in the Quran and Sahih Muslim, Sahih Bukhari.

And indeed, Jesus will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path. 43:61
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