1 Ummah
thanks a lot for sharing such a wonderful book on funds in khilafah state.I'll definitely read it for more in-depth information.
Islamic economic system, is not a separate entity from Islam.For a successful Islamic system we have to implement all systems of Islam i.e. Economic system,Judiciary,Foreign Policy,Education system,Social system.
If we will try to implement Islams economic system only and not other systems.we'll fail terribly because in QURAN,ALLAH(SWT) says that, You accept some parts of deen and rejects others.so for such people there is humiliation in this world and punishment here after.so If Islam needs to be implemented,it has to be implemented fully.
Islamic economic system is different because of the definition between Capitalism and Communism.
Capitalism says that resources are limited so earn as much as you can before it runs out and this led whole basis of Capitalist economics.
Islam says that resources are immense and will not end and ALLAH has taken responsibility to feed every single living creature on this earth.ALLAH will provide the sources and we just have to administer it and for that too ALLAH has given the laws that leads to Islamic economic system.
Also Capitalism and communism has many things from Islam but that doesn't mean that we compare Islam with thee evil ideologies.Communism and Capitalism arose by constant subjugation by church and both are failing or have failed.It is only a matter of time when khilafat will come and world will witness a new economic system free of interest.
I'll answer your questions but you have to think out of the box. Islam can never fit in this Capitalist ideology.Islam is unique and its structure is different than whole world.Our values are different.Our freedoms are different and we don't share any values identical to the world so if you want us to change our religion in a way to suite this 21st century sorry we cant do that.however we can bring khilafat and can show the world that Islam can solve each problem of this human race.