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Islamic and Western thought in Turkey - A problem yet not solved

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I guess Developereo although you can accept a reform in the Muslim community, but you are against a thoroughly secularized, right?

I prefer the inclusive, American-style of secularism rather than the oppressive, European style of 'hide your religion' secularism.

This is still a laissez-faire, I personally will keep the view at this point.

Of course, a stable and effective governance, but I personally think that the problem of Muslims is not adapted to the industrial age, if it has a stable and effective governance, and that you have adapted to the industrial era, Iran and Turkey. The key is how to get a stable effective governance? laissez-faire, I do not think can get, at least it did not happen in history.

I don't understand. Are you saying effective governance is impossible in Muslim societies (because of the strength of religious conservatives)? Are you suggesting that Iran and Turkey's success is due to their Shah/Ataturk eras, respectively, which undertook critical reforms without which the countries would not be where they are?

Perhaps you are right. I don't know the detailed history of Iran and Turkey to comment. I do agree that religious scholars need to be balanced by secular forces. (Not secular as in against religion, but secular as in worldly focused.)
I prefer the inclusive, American-style of secularism rather than the oppressive, European style of 'hide your religion' secularism.

I don't understand. Are you saying effective governance is impossible in Muslim societies (because of the strength of religious conservatives)? Are you suggesting that Iran and Turkey's success is due to their Shah/Ataturk eras, respectively, and that the current Islamic regimes are simply riding history's coattails?

Perhaps you are right. I don't know the detailed history of Iran and Turkey to comment.

The condition of a premise, Muslims will adapt to the industrial era, Saudi Arabia can also be a stable and effective government, but no one thinks they will become an industrial countries in a short period. However, the majority of people believe that, although there are still some issues, Iran and Turkey have demonstrated this ability, I think, from the present results, Iran and Turkey almost have adapted to the industrial age. So, what is" stable and efficient management"? I think it needs to give the Muslim countries competitiveness in the industrial age.
I prefer the inclusive, American-style of secularism rather than the oppressive, European style of 'hide your religion' secularism.

I don't understand. Are you saying effective governance is impossible in Muslim societies (because of the strength of religious conservatives)? Are you suggesting that Iran and Turkey's success is due to their Shah/Ataturk eras, respectively, which undertook critical reforms without which the countries would not be where they are?

I did not suggest, In fact, today, Iran's regime is a theocracy, but they still show adaptability in the industrial age, as a Muslim society and the State, which is very interested.
What is secularization? Secularization is a surgical cut, a cut can solve the problems of Muslims? Difficult to answer, because it also has other problems, such as follow-up to restore. Can or can not, just the facts will show, in any case, Turkey and Iran are two very interesting show.
I do agree that religious scholars need to be balanced by secular forces. (Not secular as in against religion, but secular as in worldly focused.)

I personally think that the general balance is always good, you are against the secular forces, but there are other forces to strike a balance to the religious scholars? If you have, you do not need the secular forces.
No offence to Ataturk admirers, but Ataturk wasn't a great leader. He forcefully enforced his views and opinions on a whole
nation and took turkey away from her roots. These are deeds of dictators. It seems the CHP ideology still hasn't changed much.
Compare this with a leader like MA Jinnah. He was secular but he didn't forcefully enforced his views on Pakistan knowing
that it would be a disaster. Many people compare Jinnah with Ataturk but Jinnah unlike Ataturk was truly a great leader.
Armstrong I love the way you write! however, as you know in Nietzsche's works emphasis was placed upon the ontological status of language! nietzsche's critique of (Christian) morality-ethics is mainly the critique of "so called" immaculate origin(s)

so in "fact" this thread is all about the war of immaculate origin(s); God V.S. Reason! which are equally .........

anyway have fun guys and girls

And yet people like Hume, Locke and Descartes, to name three, would argue that reason in itself isn't of an immaculate origin either so like I said...its a never ending chasm ! But by God is it fun to ponder these things.
Humans should be individuals with their own identity and ideas and fallowing in the steps of thausands of years ideas... By weakness of human mind I mean, a person needs moral strengh to break away from the chains that holds him/her to reach free and objective mind... Religion is of the main chains.

But Deno thats exactly what I'm saying : Using words like 'morals', 'freedom' and 'objectivity' is mere rhetoric if we can't even define them to begin with. Minds vastly greater than yours or mine have been battling each other on the meanings and relationships of these terms in the field called Epistemology, since time immemorial and yet we use them with such careless abandonment !

Additionally if religion can be a chain...so can any thing out there. In each of those cases where civilizations haven't progressed you're going to find causation in religion, in their system of governance, in their ethno nationalism, their superstition and a myriad other things....but what all of them have in common is a refusal to think critically. If Muslims were able to ponder over things like the origins of this universe, of God and what not and the Non-Muslims were able to do the same after the age of Enlightenment...then one may argue that their respective socio-political belief systems weren't intrinsically 'thinking averse'.

What you are talking reaching a point of perfection in human ethics and morals... That is simply impossible and thats why for thausands of years people are debating that...
What I am talking about is this, a moral and avarage person figure out the basic human ethics and morals without religions rules... Which is true...
History of freethougt is less than 200 years and it created nearly the same amount of scholar maybe even more and history of Abrahamic religion is more than 3000 years.....

I'm not talking about perfection at all...I'm simply saying that if I were to assert that 'it is the fundamental right of every child to get quality education' and I didn't know what the word 'right' in itself implies...then who am I kidding, its just rhetoric...its all hollow because the rest of my assertion becomes completely redundant. In fact Nietzsche asserted that the secularization of Europe may eventually lead to nihilism - that nothing has any intrinsic value, and though I do not prescribe to that view, I partially prescribe to what came later : Perspectivism, ie - that there are no absolute truths but there maybe different perspectives in which judgements about truths can be made and hence there are no absolute epistemological and no ethical truths, i.e - reason isn't absolute and neither are ethics or the rights that we talk about. As such..where do you draw the line ? And how suitable are they to be used as a yardstick to measure everything else by ? And could the 'rights and wrongs' that we talk about be little more than a consensus of opinion of a said society in a said point in time ? Or is the answer found in 'Logical Atomism' which states that certain facts can't be further broken down into something even smaller and if that is indeed the case then who decides that what those facts are...again where do you draw the line ?

My lady I'm not in any way against free thought (by the way....neither Aristotle, Socrates or the Dionysian and Apollonian philosophy much before them, were only 200 years old) but I would argue that when we don't even know the origins or nature of reason, knowledge, morality etc. than any sweeping statement like religion limits creativity or is a 'main chain' are very irresponsible.
No offence to Ataturk admirers, but Ataturk wasn't a great leader. He forcefully enforced his views and opinions on a whole
nation and took turkey away from her roots. These are deeds of dictators. It seems the CHP ideology still hasn't changed much.
Compare this with a leader like MA Jinnah. He was secular but he didn't forcefully enforced his views on Pakistan knowing
that it would be a disaster. Many people compare Jinnah with Ataturk but Jinnah unlike Ataturk was truly a great leader.

I don't agree with Mr.Ataturk either but by God I respect the man for what he did for Turkey and I do not, for a moment, doubt his sincerity to 'His People'. He may have taken religion out of the public sphere but he also ended up giving liberalism, emancipation to women, democracy, national cohesion and most of all an aim for the future, to a nation that was just beaten to a standstill. Better nations than Turkey would have fallen into despair and disintegration after seeing their world crumbling around them...Ataturk gave them an alternative - pride to get back up again. And for that Mostapha Kemal Pasha is rightly called 'Ataturk' by the Turks.

P.S Mr.Jinnah was a great admirer of Mr.Ataturk and so am I.
Really? you are giving Nazis and Soviets as Secular examples?! Seriously Armstrong... just showing the worst possible thing won't get you anywhere... Why don't you look at Norway, Switzerland, Netherland, Germany, UK, Luxemburgi Monaco?

Romans/Greeks/Chinese? Medieval Islam as nothing to do with todays Islam and muslims... Medieval Islamic scholars were more humanist than Islamic scholars now and some of them even supported secularism.

What is the link between imperialism and secularism?

I was merely trying to impress upon you that it is not a socio-political belief system that is intrinsically flawed but rather its abuse.

And what of Norway, Switzerland, Luxemburg and Monaco ? What do all of them have in common - Good Governance because all of them are Welfare States. It doesn't matter whether the Govt. on top is Secular, Islamist or Wicca because none of those things are going to make a difference when an old Norwegian or an old Pakistani is going to go to the bank to get his pension or medical treatment at the Government's expense because neither the Hospital Administration nor the Bank Officer is going to ask them about their religious affiliations. So again I reiterate...the difference is Governance ! And by the way...in the Netherlands their Secularism didn't stop right-wing politicians like Geert Wilders from sprouting hate speech about Islam and Muslims. It certainly didn't stop a plethora of other right-wing politicians across Europe from behaving with Muslims with the same exclusivity and racism as they did against the Blacks. The age of Enlightenment certainly didn't stop people like Sarkozy from pandering to the wishes of the French Armenians when he signed that Bill nor was the Freedom of Speech up held when Germany, Austria, Poland and a couple of other countries legislated against Holocaust Denial by actually threatening people with jail time. So all of those so-called Secular States have many contradictions of their own but what makes them worthy of emulation is not whether the President of France can talk about religion on National TV or not, but rather whether their institutions are working or not - in short...Good Governance.

Besides, what the heck are any of those Scandinavian Countries and the likes of Monaco going to do ? You got have some power for it to corrupt you to begin with. And that is essentially the link between Imperialism and Secularism, the latter doesn't exist in a bubble and it, like everything else, has a massive potential for abuse if your willing to do, just like Islamism or Communism or Capitalism all can be made into instruments of shear exploitation...so in essence when we talk about employing such and such an 'ism' as our system because its so wonderful in theory...we're actually side stepping the issue because unless the underlying problems in the society are solved - that moral compass realigned - a top-down approach (to use a management term) isn't going to work. And thats where Good Governance comes in.

P.S What did Rwanda, most of the Arab world, India, Turkey, Central Asian States, South Africa, Latin America and the Far East have in common ? None of them are based on either the Sharia, Talmudic or Justinian Laws and yet at one time or the other (if you listen to their critics) they've done enough to blemish their records.

And what does Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, the other part of the Arab world, Sudan, Bangladesh have in common - at the very least a tacit support for the Sharia and yet our records are anything but spotless.

So maybe the thing worth pondering isn't - Secularism vs Islam...but that something else, somewhere in either types can and have indeed gone terribly wrong when they've stifled free speech, liberalism, discriminated against a certain group, treated the women terribly and engaged in incessant war mongering.
My personal view, for some Turkish members, we have a word, you feel full when you eat - NO.8 buns, so you can say, I do not need to eat in front of 7 buns, I just want to eat a bun- NO.8 buns. it is definitely more to save things? I personally think that Kemal president's reform is successful and useful.

By the way, My bad, too embarrassing, Atatürk is an honorific surname given to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, please forgive my ignorance.
Besides, what the heck are any of those Scandinavian Countries and the likes of Monaco going to do ? You got have some power for it to corrupt you to begin with. And that is essentially the link between Imperialism and Secularism, the latter doesn't exist in a bubble and it, like everything else, has a massive potential for abuse if your willing to do, just like Islamism or Communism or Capitalism all can be made into instruments of shear exploitation...so in essence when we talk about employing such and such an 'ism' as our system because its so wonderful in theory...we're actually side stepping the issue because unless the underlying problems in the society are solved - that moral compass realigned - a top-down approach (to use a management term) isn't going to work. And thats where Good Governance comes in.

Correct, at least partially correct, this is why Turkey some changes recently, but, sir, do you have any idea in Iran? Iran's way more interesting.
haola :) haha good point, no.8 bun hm...

I'd like for people to at least respect the dead Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the effort he made, but some people seem incapable of doing so. I don't know if it's because they can't see the greater good or because they're stubbornly holding on to what they believe.

It shouldn't be so difficult to respect a person.
haola :) haha good point, no.8 bun hm...

I'd like for people to at least respect the dead Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the effort he made, but some people seem incapable of doing so. I don't know if it's because they can't see the greater good or because they're stubbornly holding on to what they believe.

It shouldn't be so difficult to respect a person.

Because there are a number of complex reasons, I think, but again with our common, which is a natural historical process.
haola :) haha good point, no.8 bun hm...

I'd like for people to at least respect the dead Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the effort he made, but some people seem incapable of doing so. I don't know if it's because they can't see the greater good or because they're stubbornly holding on to what they believe.

It shouldn't be so difficult to respect a person.

As ironic it seems, there is nothing surprising here. The feelings towards Gandhi in my country changed very fast and his death stands out. The deeds at a certain point of time can never be justified to all at another point of time. You have to take it that these persons are still discussed about in a good or bad way is like paying homage to them (even negative one is valid). I say this because someone like me will not be discussed even when i am living other than within my known circle. I hope u get the drift here...
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