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Islamabad Marriot Terrorist Bombing

Fidaen-e-Islam threatens attacks on US facilitators

Updated at: 1529 PST, Wednesday, September 24, 2008
ISLAMABAD: A militant outfit, Fidaen-e-Islam which claimed responsibility of the Marriott hotel suicide blast, has threatened to target every person working for American army in Pakistan.

In a message sent to Arab TV office in Islamabad, FI spokesman said Pentagon’s claim of two US marine deaths in Islamabad blast was incorrect as large number of foreign diplomats, FBI personnel and US marines was staying at upper storey of hotel.

However, number of people died in Islamabad blast has not been mentioned in the message.
Fidaen-e-Islam threatens attacks on US facilitators

Updated at: 1529 PST, Wednesday, September 24, 2008
ISLAMABAD: A militant outfit, Fidaen-e-Islam which claimed responsibility of the Marriott hotel suicide blast, has threatened to target every person working for American army in Pakistan.

In a message sent to Arab TV office in Islamabad, FI spokesman said Pentagon’s claim of two US marine deaths in Islamabad blast was incorrect as large number of foreign diplomats, FBI personnel and US marines was staying at upper storey of hotel.

However, number of people died in Islamabad blast has not been mentioned in the message.

So definately we should prepare ourself for some more show down, as this group out of nowhere is suddenly dictating us its terms and how we should run our polices. God:tsk:
[Vehicles, especially trucks, were being searched by the police at the pickets, the sources said, adding the police were keeping a close watch on hotels and guesthouses.

I disagree with this part as a day before, there was a documentary going on Dawn in which the reporter was cleary asking questions to the islamabad police about why the trucks are not being checked to which he had no answer. Also the reporter then sat with a truck driver and asked him if he has to face any security checks specially after the marriot attack and he said no, he has been stoped not even once since after the attack. Which clearly shows an absolute security lapse present in the security.
Fidaen-e-Islam threatens attacks on US facilitators

Updated at: 1529 PST, Wednesday, September 24, 2008
ISLAMABAD: A militant outfit, Fidaen-e-Islam which claimed responsibility of the Marriott hotel suicide blast, has threatened to target every person working for American army in Pakistan..
And how they know about every person or how will they find out each and every person working for US Army in Pakistan???

In a message sent to Arab TV office in Islamabad, FI spokesman said Pentagon’s claim of two US marine deaths in Islamabad blast was incorrect as large number of foreign diplomats, FBI personnel and US marines was staying at upper storey of hotel.

However, number of people died in Islamabad blast has not been mentioned in the message.

Rabish as if more foreigners were killed the information would have come out. Not easy to hide such things.

I feel this new name is being used as a bluff.
This is a inside Job
I will say this will work as catalyst to accelerate operations inside tribal areas according to aggrement with US goverment due to which ppp and anp came in government. I will say this is complete Suicide.
God bless Pakistan

It looks like inside job. How come on the last moment the president decides to change location? It is handy to have the world on your side when you have to go to a UN meeting... It means you can cross boundaries. And maybe he thought he could win support national...
What horrible news!

This is certainly the work of AQ and Taliban it is quite similar to the car bomb attack near the Danish embassy in Islamabad.

My deepest condolences go out to all who have lost friends and loved ones.

Editorial: Countering Al Qaeda’s ideology

September 24, 2008

An unknown terrorist outfit calling itself Fidayeen-e Islam has telephoned the Dubai-based Al Arabiya TV office in Islamabad to claim responsibility for the attack on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday. The phone call was made from within Pakistan but not from Islamabad. But that doesn’t mean that Islamabad is free of terrorists and that the dumper truck that brought a ton of explosives to the Marriott came from any distant place. The killers are very much within us.

The investigators have lost no time in concluding that the explosives were brought piece-meal into Islamabad and then loaded onto the truck inside the residential area. The truck was not sent from the Tribal Areas where masked Indian agents may have loaded it with RDX “because Pakistan is free of such quantities of lethal material”. In fact, the truth is that Pakistan is full of lethal material and Islamabad is the centre of the ideology of Al Qaeda; and its exponents include people inside the organs of the state.

The governor of the NWFP, Mr Owais Ghani, visited Lahore on Monday and briefed a gathering of senior media persons about the state of terrorism in the country. He argued that Pakistan should counter the so-called Islamist ideology of the terrorists with the ideology of Pakistan as a bastion of Islam, by which he did not mean the ideology of India’s RAW but the ideology posited by Al Qaeda and followed by the Taliban and the jihadi militias once sponsored by the Pakistan state.

But the problem is not as simple as that. Alas, this ideology of radical Islamists is also partly the propagated ideology of Pakistan, with a vast difference of interpretation. We have problems of deciding what terrorism means, whether jihad is to be practised by the state or by non-state actors, and whether suicide-bombing is illegal, because we share part of the Islamist basis of Al Qaeda’s case-making. So it might be a better idea to expose Al Qaeda’s Islamist ideology with a truer and more genuine expression of Islam in general rather than its particular self-serving national security version as espoused by the Pakistani state that is partly responsible for spawning it in the first place.

Governor Ghani also revealed a fact that most of Punjabis will deny. He said: “Militants in the tribal areas of the NWFP have established firm networking (with jihadi groups) in southern Punjab and most fresh recruits for suicide attacks are coming from there. Militant leaders and commanders are also coming from Punjab. The militants’ field commander in Swat too is from Punjab”. But was Peshawar safe? Even as he spoke, mosques in the posh areas of Peshawar were sounding with calls to jihad. The newspapers named a person allegedly belonging to Lahore-based “banned” jihadi organisation favoured by the agencies making the call for jihad against America in the capital of the NWFP. When people got scared and asked the caretaker of one such mosque to stop the outfit from spreading aggression, he said, “Under what law?” Needless to say, he spoke from the point of view of “Pakistan’s ideology”.

Who is going to counter this trend towards extremism and terrorism? Clearly, it is not just the job of the state but also of the media and opinion writers. And it has to be done in an environment of free discussion, even if it is becoming more difficult to speak out without fearing a violent reaction from the terrorists and those who now fervently believe in an aggressive “reactive” ideology. With all due respect to Governor Ghani, it is not ideology that has to be challenged with another ideology but the facts that are deployed to underpin the anarchic point of view of the extremists. This is where the media must play its role.

Tragically, it is not “unity” that is being created but a “uniformity” of opinion that is dangerous now as it was dangerous on the eve of the separation of East Pakistan in 1971. If the Quaid-e Azam wanted uniformity instead of unity he could have given us the slogan: “Uniformity, Faith, Discipline”, instead of “Unity, Faith, Discipline”.

When an angry viewer rings up in an interactive TV discussion and starts eulogising the isolationist defiance of Iran and North Korea, it is incumbent on us to “correct” the facts. Without being impolite one can state the different situation of Pakistan and its compulsion of avoiding isolation. Similarly, when a caller rings and says “India never accepted Pakistan” and then links the current wave of suicide-bombings to India, one can politely counter him by saying that it is not so much India as Pakistan which never accepted an “incomplete Pakistan” and fought a number of “corrective” wars, the last of which was lost on the peaks of Kargil and was not even a popular war. It is very important to retain a balance of opinion and not allow the “common view” to tilt to one extreme. Already, the rising slogan is “do what the people want” and, according to one argument, there is no other way to go for the government but one, because “the people of Pakistan hate America”.

We can counter the oppressive order of Al Qaeda and its “school-destroying” minions through our freedom and free discussion. Governor Ghani has spoken frankly. More and more politicians must speak what they feel and not what suits their current strategy of toppling the party in power. *
I think this is a good way to tell the the terrorists, F.. off! :pakistan:

Owner vows Pakistan's Marriott will rise from ashes

15 hours ago

ISLAMABAD (AFP) — Sitting next to a half-empty swimming pool dotted with chunks of burnt debris, the owner of the Islamabad Marriott pledges that the devastated hotel will reopen by the end of the year.

Tycoon Sadruddin Hashwani, 68, one of Pakistan's richest men, is overseeing a team of engineers and hotel officials who have spread huge architectural drawings on poolside tables.

The plans show the luxury hotel in its former glory -- before a suicide truck bomber rammed 600 kilograms (1,300 pounds) of high explosives into the outer gates on Saturday night and killed at least 60 people.

"God willing, I will reopen this hotel for the New Year party on December 31," Hashwani told AFP, dressed in traditional Pakistani tunic and baggy trousers and sporting a distinctive mane of silvery hair.

But bringing the Marriott back to life will not be easy.

From the outside, the formerly white, 1970s-style building is little more than a charred shell. Every single room has been incinerated by the fireball that engulfed the hotel.

Walking into the main lobby where Western diplomats once mingled with the Pakistani elite, Hashwani steps around the puddles on the marble floors and points out the broken chandeliers and smashed grand piano.More.
We needs to get help from the sri lankans when i comes to this kind of threat......they have decades of experince.

‘Al Qaeda, Taliban copying LTTE tactics’

By Our Special Correspondent

LONDON, Sept 23: Pointing out a number of parallels between the terrorist tactics of LTTE and those of the Al Qaeda-Taliban combine, Sri Lankan Defence spokesman and cabinet minister Keheliya Rambukwella has claimed that the latter has been drawing extensively from Tamil Tigers’ book of terrorist tricks.

Referring to Saturday’s truck bombing of Marriott hotel in Islamabad, Mr Rambukwella said a similar truck bomb of almost similar intensity had been rammed through the gates of Colombo’s Central Bank by LTTE terrorists in 1996, killing 91 people.

Mr Rambukwella was speaking to the media at the Sri Lankan High Commission where Pakistan’s media representatives and correspondents of Pakistan-based media organisations were specially invited.

He claimed that the current technology of a suicide jacket used by Al Qaeda was actually developed by the Tamil Tigers.

He said the Sri Lankan government had now stopped all peace negotiations with the LTTE.

“You see after every truce agreement the LTTE would regroup, rearm and refund itself more vigorously and come back fighting with redoubled force. Exactly the way the Taliban have been doing in Pakistan over the last three years. This tactic also they seem to have learnt from LTTE’s book,” he said answering a question.

‘Al Qaeda, Taliban copying LTTE tactics’ -DAWN - Top Stories; September 24, 2008

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

10,000 Indian troops are stationed in Afghanistan under the garb of supervising construction of road Jalalabad-Port Chahbahar project that has now been completed. Whereas India has officially declared 14 Indian consulates in Afghanistan, on ground they have 107 in which 20 intelligence units are burning their midnight oil to destabilise Pakistan

After 9/11 CIA bought the loyalties of pro-Pakistan tribal chiefs, leaving ISI and MI behind, those who refused were killed

Nek Mohammad was killed by Americans when he made peace with Pakistan

ISI had once given six figure coordinates of Baitullah and yet no Hellfire missile was fired on his hideout by CIA

Foreign intelligence agents are involved in carrying out gruesome beheadings of security personnel and torching girls’ schools to defame the real Taliban who had a peaceful agenda

Besides CIA and RAW, even Iran and Uzbekistan had developed their tentacles in Balochistan, Swat and Kurram Agency

The nexus in Kabul is working upon a scripted plan to make FATA lawless and beyond the control of security forces, push militancy into settled areas and then into major cities and thus create a civil warlike situation to prove their contention that Pakistan was the most dangerous country in the world and that the extremists were on the verge of taking over power and nuclear weapons.

When Gen. Musharraf submitted to U.S. pressure after 9/11 and ditched the Taliban in Afghanistan, he provided air bases as well as logistics support and shared intelligence with CIA. He allowed CIA and FBI to recruit agents in FATA and other places and to establish their outposts. The focus of ISI and other agencies was shifted towards hunting and nabbing so-called terrorists all over the country, in monitoring dissident elements within the army and in political wheeling and dealings. The CIA acquired all the links ISI and MI had both sides of the Pak-Afghan border and gradually took most agents on ISI payroll within its fold. By virtue of having better technology and means the CIA was able to take over intelligence acquisition and dissemination system. As a consequence the troops operating in FATA became entirely dependent upon CIA inputs. Taking advantage of complete liberty of action, CIA succeeded in buying the loyalties of many tribal chiefs and notables in FATA by doling out dollars in sacks since it knew that the Pashtun could not be crushed by force but could be purchased. Those not falling in line were got killed.

In FATA, Nek Muhammad was first cultivated and provided logistic support. When he entered into a peace deal with Pak Army in July 2005, he was killed using precision guided missile. Abdullah Mehsud, an Afghan war veteran who had also fought the Northern Alliance in October-November 2001 was captured and brainwashed during his two years internment in Guantanamo Bay. He was released after agreeing to work on terms dictated by CIA and he soon was able to takeover the leadership role. His death at Zhob at the hands of Pak security forces was a loss for CIA.

Baitulah Mehsud and Fazlullah had not taken part in Afghan jihad and do not qualify to head Taliban; yet 30 year old Baitullah has managed to create Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Fazlullah calls the shots in Swat. Mulla Omar had never shown interest in establishing any links with Pakistani Taliban and had warned Nek Muhammad not to operate under the brand name of Taliban. It is being questioned as to how come Baitullah, Fazlullah and their spokesmen desperately wanted by Pakistan security forces have escaped the hawk eye of USA, particularly after they have been seen giving detailed interviews to media and using their cell phones? ISI had once given six figure coordinates of Baitullah and yet no Hellfire missile was fired on his hideout by CIA. The TTP that has spread its influence in all the seven agencies of tribal belt and in neighboring settled districts of NWFP has succeeded in making inroads into Punjab, particularly southern Punjab. Large number has been recruited from Chiniot, Bahawalpur, Dera Nawab, Bahawalnagar, Faisalabad, Sialkot and other places.

After Shakai peace deal with the militants in South Waziristan in July 2005, Pakistan was subjected to a calculated slander campaign. Having pushed more than one hundred thousand troops into the furnace of FATA it was scoffed at for not doing enough to control militancy in FATA. Pakistan was also accused of nuclear proliferation and IAEA kept up the pressure to hand over AQ Khan for interrogation. Musharraf accepted the charge and forced AQ Khan to make a confession to defuse the heat. The religious extremist threat was blown out of all proportions and it was repeatedly stated that Pakistan’s nuclear assets had become unsafe. Musharraf accepted this charge as well and promised to fight extremism and terrorism with full force.

After declaring Pakistan as the most dangerous country, FATA was declared as the most dangerous place on earth. Pakistan was blamed for growing turbulence in Afghanistan since in the view of U.S. military leaders and Karzai Pak army was not doing enough to control militancy. The phenomenon of missile attacks by drones commenced in January 2006 when a suspected target in Damadola was attacked killing scores of innocent civilians. Another deadly missile attack was launched on a Madrassa in Bajaur in October that year killing 80 students. Ever since, this phenomenon continues unabated.

Once the ISI was freed from the wild goose chase of so-called terrorists and came under pressure on account of missing persons, it started to concentrate on its primary task in the troubled spots. To its horror it found far too many militant groups and criminal gangs operating under the guise of religious militants and cultivated by foreign agencies.

They were the ones involved in carrying out gruesome beheadings of security personnel and torching girls’ schools to defame the real Taliban who had a peaceful agenda. Besides CIA and RAW, even Iran and Uzbekistan had developed their tentacles in Balochistan, Swat and Kurram Agency. Most of the pro-Pakistan groups had been purchased or neutralized and those not coming to terms were eliminated by groups sponsored by CIA. Things had gone topsy-turvy and ISI found itself at a loss how to differentiate between friend and foe.

It is when the ISI began to recover the lost ground and renewed its old contacts in FATA and started to expose and block clandestine activities of CIA, RAW and RAM that all hell broke lose on ISI. Instead of feeling ashamed of what they were doing, USA had the cheeks to start making hue and cry that ISI was linked with the Taliban and that it must be emasculated. The three colluding partners lost their cool when the Indian Embassy in Kabul was subjected to a suicide attack on 7 July 2008. The trio fumed with anger and blamed ISI without even carrying out preliminary investigations. It was alleged that the perpetrator of suicide attack belonged to Gujranwala. Adm. Mike Mullen and Deputy Director CIA Stephen Kappes came huffing and puffing to Islamabad on 12 July and expressed their concern in strong words. Both Gen Tariq and Gen Kayani were told to bring the ISI to heel and to control militancy on their side of the border. The details of suicide bomber provided by the visitors proved false. It transpired later on that it was a bomb planted in a parked jeep which was detonated with the help of a remote control and was masterminded by Mossad.

The month of September saw intensification of missile attacks and each attack resulted in loss of innocent lives. The idea was to antagonize pro-government Waziris and also to force them to migrate as had happened in case of Bajaur. To further up the ante, Pakistan was declared as a battleground and a first ever ground attack was carried out by U.S. troops on the night of 3 September at Angoor Adda killing 15 men women and children. A deadly missile attack was conducted on pro-Pakistan Jalaluddin Haqqani house in North Waziristan on 8 September killing 25 inmates mostly women and children. He was blamed for carrying out attack on Indian Embassy.

The intruding drone was forced to beat a hasty retreat on 12 September when Pakistani jets got airborne and started to track it. A ground attack on 15th was also thwarted by the troops and locals. So far, 62 border violations have been carried out by U.S.-ISAF forces including 36 after the takeover by PPP government in March 2008. So far 30 missile attacks have been made killing innocent people. In none of the attacks any Al-Qaada operative or militant Taliban was killed.

The nexus in Kabul is working upon a scripted plan to make FATA lawless and beyond the control of security forces, push militancy into settled areas and then into major cities and thus create a civil warlike situation to prove their contention that Pakistan was the most dangerous country in the world and that the extremists were on the verge of taking over power and nuclear weapons. After inflaming South Waziristan, North Waziristan, Mohmand Agency, Khyber Agency, Darra Adam Khel, Kurram Agency, Hangu and Swat, Bajaur Agency was built into a stronghold of militants where huge cache of arms and ammunition was dumped. By virtue of being located at the crossroad of the tribal belt and also linked with Dir, Swat and Afghanistan, it was to act as bulwark and a launching pad to provide reinforcement to other areas.

10,000 Indian troops are stationed in Afghanistan under the garb of supervising construction of road Jalalabad-Port Chahbahar project that has now been completed. Whereas India has officially declared 14 Indian consulates in Afghanistan, on ground they have 107 in which 20 intelligence units are burning their midnight oil to destabilise Pakistan. Many mercantile shops run by Indians have an intelligence office in the rear. In Wakhan, a religious Madrassa run by Indian Muslim clerics is functioning since 2002 under the patronage of Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad. Very young boys, mostly orphans, destitute or homeless are recruited. Recruits are mostly Afghans, Uzbeks, Tajiks and Caucasians. The latter being fair skinned and resembling Europeans are trained to hit targets in Europe or in USA to once again create a 9/11 like situation.

Reportedly, 10,000 ideologically motivated terrorist and suicide bombers have been trained. Besides receiving military training, they have also been made to learn Pashto and customs of the Pashtun. They are regularly infiltrated into troubled spots of Pakistan. Posing as volunteers they join the rank and file of militants to fight the army. They are the ones who are destroying schools, CD shops, bridges and other installations and carrying out brutal beheading of captured personnel. The idea is to create chaos and confusion and also to defame the real Taliban that have not come under their influence. They are also responsible for creating cleavages within the people of FATA and in disrupting peace deals. In Kurram Agency, Afghan officers and soldiers are actively involved in the sectarian conflict by way of providing arms and ammunition to Shias belonging to Tori tribe and physically participating in duels with Sunnis. In Swat, Fazlullah led militants are supplied with war munitions as well as fighters.

Likewise, dissident tribal chiefs in Balochistan including late Akbar Bugti were also taken on board. The CIA helped in reincarnating BLA and providing all sorts of war munitions to Baloch militants belonging to Bugti, Marri and Mengal tribes and establishing over 60 Farari camps in Balochistan. Shamsi airbase that was handed over to USA in October 2001, houses Blackhawk helicopters primarily engaged in monitoring the entire length of Iranian border. CIA has cultivated Sunni Iranian Baloch Jandullah group (not the one that had operated against 5 Corps commander). It is anti- Iranian regime and was utilized by CIA to carryout acts of sabotage in Iran through Zahidan. Iran has now constructed a stone wall all along its border to prevent cross border terrorism from Baluchistan. It has clouded Pak-Iran relations since the latter feels that such activities could not have been undertaken without the blessing of Pak government.

It is now clear that our so-called friends have been playing a double game. Now that USA has bared its teeth and let its intentions known, to pretend that it would stop short of achieving its objectives will be like living in fools’ paradise. It is simply degrading to unashamedly say that we cannot fight the Americans. It is also preposterous to assume that Pakistan may not survive without American support. Pro-American elements within Pakistan on U.S. payroll have been parroting this theme since creation of Pakistan to safeguard their vested interest. North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Iran, Somalia are living examples who have survived despite adopting hostile posture against USA. It is high time that we gird up our loins and put our act together to face up to the challenge boldly.

The army under Gen. Kayani has expressed its resolve to confront the threat and safeguard country’s sovereignty irrespective of the consequences. It is now up to our week-kneed rulers oblivious of the ominous threat and still busy in power game as to how they stand up to the test. It will be naive to expect that the threat will be warded off with diplomacy alone. We must make USA realize that it will become exceedingly difficult for U.S. led allied troops to operate in Afghanistan if Pakistan opts out of fighting U.S. war of terror and refuses to provide transit facility to carry oil and food supplies to its troops in Afghanistan. The magnitude of dependence can be gauged from the fact each day over 400 containers ply from Karachi and Quetta to Afghanistan transporting food, munitions and 300 million gallons of fuel for U.S.-Nato troops in Afghanistan. We may also consider bridling CIA’s unchecked activities and closing down four bases in control of USA.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad has termed Marriot hotel blast a national tragedy, saying it proved there is practically no government in Pakistan since the rulers have badly failed in protecting lives, property and honour of the citizens.

Qazi was talking to news persons at the Lahore airport Tuesday night on his return from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah. He expressed sorrow that after every bomb blast rulers issued a pre-written statement, putting entire responsibility on al-Qaeda and Taliban freeing themselves from any responsibility. They never presented any inquiry report or the culprits of such blasts before the nation, he said.

Holding America as the root cause of all evils confronting Pakistan, Qazi emphasised that implementing the US policies was causing entire terrorism in Pakistan. He demanded Islamabad review relations with Washington and cooperation in the so-called war on terror to protect the security and sovereignty.

To a question, Qazi said several top government officials had told him that Washington and Delhi were behind all blasts and terrorism in Pakistan. He expressed sorrow that rulers never take the nation into confidence about this reality.
Who gave these illiterate monkeys the job of protecting us? All these little treehouse clubs need to cease functioning, SSG needs to be raiding their treehouse NOW.
All operations of TTP were classic example of a large intelligence outfit embedded in the fabric of society. Boarding and lodging of their operatives need millions.
Importing instruments, explosive and their logistics needs an organization lead by professionals.
Their sophisticated operations, simply cannot be the work of an individual or group of religious extremists.
Now this unknown, Fidaen-e-Islam has suddenly emerged as resourceful as TTP but having similar agenda.
Question is how many such independent organizations were sleeping or working from ages in Pakistan?
Who is affording so many independent intelligence networks? Why there financial network is beyond Pakistan’s control?
As far I know, every street of Pakistan is visible through satellites than where do these perpetrators assemble and get necessary trainings?
What routes are they using to import their instruments and explosives? Is it our northern borders or is it our southern borders? There is no other alternative route.
Now, if we assume that those truck loads of explosives are not produce of our neighboring countries than question is why our dear neighbors are allowing import of such explosives at their ports?
Now if we seriously analyze both explosives and their route. IMO, there is no active factory in Afghanistan, at the same time it is also not possible to smuggle truck loads of explosives thorough heavily guarded southern borders.
What is more possible is that explosives / arms are produced outside Afghanistan and smuggled through the wide voids of our northern borders along Afghanistan.(Surprisingly all movements into Pakistan goes un-noticed and movements into Afghanistan never went un-noticed)
Later case demonstrate that Afghanistan is in control of axis of evil.

Now analyzing unfortunate incidence of Marriot hotel and we see some clear patterns:
1- Whenever large explosions were used, targets were civilians and when ever waist bombs were used targets had been directed at certain individuals and installations or group of certain individuals. civilian attacks does not need very much intelligence home work and can be easily done at short notices.
2- We have seen in past, when ever wars had been announced with Muslims countries, it had been done in month of Ramadan (just an observation). I clearly see some resourceful elements who not only hate Muslims but also control actions of NATO, US and Terrorists.
3- New in this attack was that immediately after govt. of Pakistan announced that it was an attempt to kill PPP leadership. This shows dramatic improvement in our investigation cells, a job which shortly before attacks had been entrusted to Pakistan police. In past we have seen similar blitzing case cracking only from Indian police.
4- Whenever there had been a bomb blasts in india it is always reciprocated with a much larger blast in heart of Pakistan. With a difference that blasts in india have no objectives. usually casualties are surprisingly minimal and only low cast are killed.
Whereas bomb blasts in Pakistan are targeted to achieve larger objectives.

Do we see through or do we need more circumstantial evidences?
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Sahara Fund for blast victims

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Daughter of Sadruddin Hashwani, Sara Hashwani, Wednesday launched Hashoo Foundation Sahara Fund to provide financial support to the families of the martyrs of Marriott hotel bomb blast.

Talking to a private TV channel, she said Hashoo Foundation Sahara Fund has been launched. People from across the world are approaching the Hashoo group to contribute to the fund established to support the families of martyrs of Marriott blast.

“We will be a source for those people who wanted to support the affected families. We will chalk out a comprehensive plan that how can we make them self-sufficient”, she added. She said the foundation would continue supporting the affected families till their attainment of self-sufficiency. Sara said the foundation will visit families of blast victims every month to inquire about their needs adding no stone would be left unturned to fulfil their requirements.

Sahara Fund for blast victims

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