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Islam is Growing Fast

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What purpose does bragging in of course a one sided biased way for a religion serve?

Religion is a personal not a corporate thing.
Islam doesn't have this western concept of personal life and Islam covers every thing from politics to economy and all of your life style
Islam is the best only religion favored by Allah(s.w.t)

people are responsible for their deeds and we should care what we say & what we do

let peace prevail everywhere
Islam is the best only religion favored by Allah(s.w.t)

people are responsible for their deeds and we should care what we say & what we do

let peace prevail everywhere

I think, Allah does not know that other religions exist and the followers of this favoured religion"Islam" should respect other beliefs too. I hope he knows that all religion is to reach godliness and not violance provoking agents
But talking about the Whole world overall ISLAM is Getting more cheers then any other Religion and you know why......

Because there is a lot of goons in the religion to call themselve holy warriors and create more problem to the way of human life more than the Nazi's did.
Very stable.

Christianity is growing fast.

Only today, three US evangelists have been asked to leave India as they were trying to convert some Muslim people in Kerala!

Christian missionaries in India are mostly converting low cast Hindus not much Muslims. this case was also one of them.
I think, Allah does not know that other religions exist and the followers of this favoured religion"Islam" should respect other beliefs too. I hope he knows that all religion is to reach godliness and not violance provoking agents

Allah is God and He knows everything that happens.

I don't know about other Muslims but you won't see me putting down other religions. I haven't studied any other religions before so i can't give my comment on them as of yet.

But the words of my grandpa, a very pious Muslim till the last days of his life still rings in my ears till today. He did comparative study of all major religions (Islam, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist) during his old age and he told me once "When you look at all this religions, it's basically the same thing with some minor changes. All religions teach people to be good people."

We're not all radical and intolerant people as the media portrays us :)
I think, Allah does not know that other religions exist and the followers of this favoured religion"Islam" should respect other beliefs too. I hope he knows that all religion is to reach godliness and not violance provoking agents

if you mean terrorists by followers, then i understand. if not, i dont understand what you mean!

i and many other muslims with brain have respect to other religions, and if you are going to take it that way, there is a lot of people in the world that hates muslims and islam. why dont they show respect to islam then?
Stick to the topic.. any more posts with even a perceived insult by anyone for anyone will be served a double shot of infraction.
Religion is a personal issue. It's funny seeing people jump up and down thinking their religion is the best. lol

Besides if I'm not mistaken, it seems as if Buddhism is growing at a rapid rate particularly in the US and parts of Europe and Australia.

I'm actually very intrigued with the teachings of Buddha. My father's side is Christian as well as my mother's. However I consider myself Atheist with a touch of Buddhist spirituality.
Wow Santro your atomic EMP wave took out even my sincere and logical post! That's why atomic's bad you see.
Darn.. first time since i joined PDF a post by me got deleted :P

Anyway, moral of this thread is live your life, believe in your own religion and let others belief in theirs and we'll all be happy :D
Religion is a personal issue. It's funny seeing people jump up and down thinking their religion is the best. lol

Besides if I'm not mistaken, it seems as if Buddhism is growing at a rapid rate particularly in the US and parts of Europe and Australia.

I'm actually very intrigued with the teachings of Buddha. My father's side is Christian as well as my mother's. However I consider myself Atheist with a touch of Buddhist spirituality.

I agree Buddhism is showed in positive light in the western Media ... Some celebrities there are openly Buddhists and I think it is the only thing that is being encouraged other than being an atheist
I'm actually very intrigued with the teachings of Buddha. My father's side is Christian as well as my mother's. However I consider myself Atheist with a touch of Buddhist spirituality.
Err which Buddha? Gautam Budh said 'I am a Buddha'!

I understood you the first time, but just wanted to put this piece of Buddhist in front of you. Well congrats, Buddhism will do a lot of good to you as a person, but it will be difficult to implement in your life if you're serious about pursuing it. Society unfortunately doesn't treat do-only-gooders-even-risking-self-annihilation well.
Islam's growth.. and the growth of terrorists using Islam is entirely unrelated..
Especially when it comes to conversions..
now, when it comes to kids..
Well.. not all kids born in a Muslim household will become practicing Muslims..
Those that do.. how many of them will be attracted to terrorism??
its just a number that is based on the prevailing socio economic conditions..
Nothing to do with the growth of Islam itself.. as some demented ones would have us believe.
Darn.. first time since i joined PDF a post by me got deleted :P

Anyway, moral of this thread is live your life, believe in your own religion and let others belief in theirs and we'll all be happy :D

As long as some people decide that their religion & God is the only perfect one and does not accommodate the views of others, there can be no World Peace.
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