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Islam is defined by its followers. We moderate Muslims must act

So after destroying all the religions now it's time to destroy Islam by implanting fake ideology (Wahhabi/salafi / deobandi/ahle hadees) first finance and arm them and make them ruler and then export their belief system to different part of the world and keep them like sleeper cell to be activated for later use the west has done everything to malign Islam and with their Jew media .
But if the muslim are all follower of these fake sect then they would have blown everything one can imagine but that is not the case .
Then why don't blame the particular group who spread haterate .
What is "moderate muslim" ? and what is "Extremist muslim" ? Define it by two examples.
Paris Charlie Hebdo massacre: We moderate Muslims must act - Telegraph

Islam is defined by its followers. We moderate Muslims must act

Paris Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack: It’s vital should a religion be ‘hijacked’ in any way, that the majority of its followers at least discuss the problem, argues Shaheen Hashmat

“Allah Akbar!” was the cry from two gunmen, armed with Kalashnikovs, who burst into the offices of French magazine Charlie Hebdo yesterday, opening fire and killing 12 people.

It’s widely suspected that brothers Said (34) and Cherif (32) Kouachi, both French nationals, were acting to ‘avenge the prophet Muhammad’ after his image was depicted in satirical cartoons published in the magazine.

The incident has been described as France’s worst terrorist attack in 50 years.

We are all too familiar with the narrative that follows atrocities of this nature: anger about the damaging effects of poor immigration policy, calls for ‘moderate’ Muslims to condemn the actions, followed by #NotinMyName social media campaigns (‘Je suis Charlie’ in this case), designed to clarify that the perpetrators were not in fact acting in the name of ‘true’ Islam.

If I sound a little weary, it’s because I am.

Like all of us, I’m heartbroken by yesterday’s events. But it was with an even greater sadness that I realised I wasn’t at all surprised to hear of yet another act of Islamist terrorism. I believe it will be some time yet before we hear of the last.

I am not religious myself, but I do come from a Muslim background. I know how widely beliefs and values can differ within the same family. And I have first-hand experience of how difficult it can be to express criticism, or opposing viewpoints, to those who are conservative in their outlook. Especially when they are close relatives.

It’s this feeling that, many agree, has led to the identity crisis currently occurring within Islam. There is much disagreement among Muslims themselves about which is the true interpretation to follow.

Of course the actions of radical sects are unacceptable by any moral code that values basic human rights - and it's important to understand that the majority of Muslims find them as abhorrent as the rest of us. But, despite the rejection of such extremists as ‘true’ Muslims, I believe it’s important to accept that there are some hardcore, right-wing sects of Islam that do adhere to literal interpretations of the Q'uran.

Acts of terrorism, preceded by cries of ‘Allah Akbar' (God is greatest), are now being carried out by a growing body of religious fundamentalists, who are successfully claiming their version of ‘Muslim’ as the only true definition of the term.

Having personally endured, within my own family, the abuse that is so often justified in the name of Islam, I am continually frustrated to see this replicated at an international level and denied as being an issue within moderate religious groups.

By acknowledging this, I am emphatically not dismissing the equally worrying issue of anti-Muslim bigotry. I’m just as committed to fighting that as I am to combating terrorism.

But a religion is defined by its followers. They are the ones who interpret scripture and incorporate it into everyday practice. So it’s vital, should that religion be ‘hijacked’ in any way, that the majority at least discusses the problem.

Shaaz Mahboob, Trustee of British Muslims for Secular Democracy, is calling for reform within Islam.

He told me: "Muslims must start actually thinking about their religion in order to counter the narrative of extremist ideology. As things stand, Muslims are not supposed to even consider the morality of Islamic scripture - it just isn't questioned. How can you begin to change things when you're not even allowed to question them?"

Mahboob goes further and states that Muslims and non-Muslims alike, who know of terrorist activity occurring in their communities and families, have a duty to report to the police. Failure to do so, he adds, is a "betrayal of trust".

Because when it comes to tackling fundamentalism, the personal is political. A 47-year-old Muslim woman, Gina Khan, who works as a researcher and activist, has taken the step of reporting members of her own family suspected of terrorist activity. She told me: “I reported a relative involved in a group who think they are the religious police over Muslims in Birmingham, halting behavior that they think is un-Islamic.

“One group stopped dancing and music. Although there may be a backlash as a result of reporting family who are pro-Taliban or ISIS, we are just guilty if we maintain a silence and allow them to normalize aggressive jihadism.

“I wouldn’t think twice about reporting family again.”

Of course, no individual in a democratic society should be punished for simply practicing their faith. But the gunmen involved in the Paris shooting (or those involved in incidents in Sydney, Boston, Woolwich and so on) are not interested living according to the principles of democracy while doing so.

Their actions threaten the basic freedoms that form the bedrock of our society. Muslims in the West are protected by these principles and would otherwise have been branded as heretics, historically. Yet calls to curb extremist ideology that seeks to impose decidedly non-democratic rule here are met with accusations of racism.

I am, in no way, placing the burden of responsibility for such atrocities as that which occurred in Paris yesterday on the shoulders of peaceful, law-abiding Muslims. However, there are issues they must address within their communities.

But the job isn’t theirs alone.

I’m glad to see development of detailed efforts in this country at government and local authority level to address extremism. There are clear procedures in place for reporting terrorist activity and the level of detail outlined in the UK government’s Prevent strategyhighlights the scale of effort required to tackle this growing problem.

I believe that more can be done at an international level in terms of imposing sanctions on countries that do not adhere to basic human rights – those who permit stoning a woman to death if she is found to have had sex outside of marriage, for example, or the cutting of hands in cases of theft. And that’s without even touching on the horror visited upon those in the LGBT community.

But I believe that without the same level of effort from the religious communities directly affected by extremism, we are treating the symptoms and not the cause of an ideology that is permeating our society. Unless meaningful, practical action is taken to wrest control of their faith from murderers, people will likely continue to die.

As arrests are made in the hunt for the gunmen responsible for yesterday’s horrific attack, one thing is very clear: free speech – and the freedom to speak out against extremist, non-democratic behaviour, whether in the press or your community – is our most precious resource and must be protected at all costs.

The Muslim community must step up to the plate, along with everyone else.

The women's an apostate but makes a few sensible points

@TankMan @T-Faz @waz @Jungibaaz
In any accident on Road, you blame Car Manufacturer or Driver??

we all left the Guidance of our Creator , which is for how to live in world.
Religion Means " Way of Life"! and Islam is religion of Peace, and please dont associate any human nature with Islam! Islam control Human nature.

Worship Allah, and do not associate with Him anything, and be good to parents and to kinsmen and orphans and the needy and the close neighbor and the distant neighbor and the companion at your side 20 and the wayfarer and to those (slaves who are) owned by you. Surely, Allah does not like those who are arrogant, proud, (36) Surah 4 Nisa!

This is what Islam needs!
What is "moderate muslim" ? and what is "Extremist muslim" ? Define it by two examples.
There is no such thing as moderate Muslim and extremist Muslim. Just Muslim and non-Muslim. Yes within our ranks there do exist some people who have strayed and have transgressed the boundaries. These people who are claiming that "moderate Muslims" should save Islam, and use words like "Islamists" are idiots. Islam needs no saving nor reformation...merely adherence. If we adhere to the teachings of Islam we will not be doing these stupid things.
Paris Charlie Hebdo massacre: We moderate Muslims must act - Telegraph

Islam is defined by its followers. We moderate Muslims must act

Paris Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack: It’s vital should a religion be ‘hijacked’ in any way, that the majority of its followers at least discuss the problem, argues Shaheen Hashmat

“Allah Akbar!” was the cry from two gunmen, armed with Kalashnikovs, who burst into the offices of French magazine Charlie Hebdo yesterday, opening fire and killing 12 people.

It’s widely suspected that brothers Said (34) and Cherif (32) Kouachi, both French nationals, were acting to ‘avenge the prophet Muhammad’ after his image was depicted in satirical cartoons published in the magazine.

The incident has been described as France’s worst terrorist attack in 50 years.

We are all too familiar with the narrative that follows atrocities of this nature: anger about the damaging effects of poor immigration policy, calls for ‘moderate’ Muslims to condemn the actions, followed by #NotinMyName social media campaigns (‘Je suis Charlie’ in this case), designed to clarify that the perpetrators were not in fact acting in the name of ‘true’ Islam.

If I sound a little weary, it’s because I am.

Like all of us, I’m heartbroken by yesterday’s events. But it was with an even greater sadness that I realised I wasn’t at all surprised to hear of yet another act of Islamist terrorism. I believe it will be some time yet before we hear of the last.

I am not religious myself, but I do come from a Muslim background. I know how widely beliefs and values can differ within the same family. And I have first-hand experience of how difficult it can be to express criticism, or opposing viewpoints, to those who are conservative in their outlook. Especially when they are close relatives.

It’s this feeling that, many agree, has led to the identity crisis currently occurring within Islam. There is much disagreement among Muslims themselves about which is the true interpretation to follow.

Of course the actions of radical sects are unacceptable by any moral code that values basic human rights - and it's important to understand that the majority of Muslims find them as abhorrent as the rest of us. But, despite the rejection of such extremists as ‘true’ Muslims, I believe it’s important to accept that there are some hardcore, right-wing sects of Islam that do adhere to literal interpretations of the Q'uran.

Acts of terrorism, preceded by cries of ‘Allah Akbar' (God is greatest), are now being carried out by a growing body of religious fundamentalists, who are successfully claiming their version of ‘Muslim’ as the only true definition of the term.

Having personally endured, within my own family, the abuse that is so often justified in the name of Islam, I am continually frustrated to see this replicated at an international level and denied as being an issue within moderate religious groups.

By acknowledging this, I am emphatically not dismissing the equally worrying issue of anti-Muslim bigotry. I’m just as committed to fighting that as I am to combating terrorism.

But a religion is defined by its followers. They are the ones who interpret scripture and incorporate it into everyday practice. So it’s vital, should that religion be ‘hijacked’ in any way, that the majority at least discusses the problem.

Shaaz Mahboob, Trustee of British Muslims for Secular Democracy, is calling for reform within Islam.

He told me: "Muslims must start actually thinking about their religion in order to counter the narrative of extremist ideology. As things stand, Muslims are not supposed to even consider the morality of Islamic scripture - it just isn't questioned. How can you begin to change things when you're not even allowed to question them?"

Mahboob goes further and states that Muslims and non-Muslims alike, who know of terrorist activity occurring in their communities and families, have a duty to report to the police. Failure to do so, he adds, is a "betrayal of trust".

Because when it comes to tackling fundamentalism, the personal is political. A 47-year-old Muslim woman, Gina Khan, who works as a researcher and activist, has taken the step of reporting members of her own family suspected of terrorist activity. She told me: “I reported a relative involved in a group who think they are the religious police over Muslims in Birmingham, halting behavior that they think is un-Islamic.

“One group stopped dancing and music. Although there may be a backlash as a result of reporting family who are pro-Taliban or ISIS, we are just guilty if we maintain a silence and allow them to normalize aggressive jihadism.

“I wouldn’t think twice about reporting family again.”

Of course, no individual in a democratic society should be punished for simply practicing their faith. But the gunmen involved in the Paris shooting (or those involved in incidents in Sydney, Boston, Woolwich and so on) are not interested living according to the principles of democracy while doing so.

Their actions threaten the basic freedoms that form the bedrock of our society. Muslims in the West are protected by these principles and would otherwise have been branded as heretics, historically. Yet calls to curb extremist ideology that seeks to impose decidedly non-democratic rule here are met with accusations of racism.

I am, in no way, placing the burden of responsibility for such atrocities as that which occurred in Paris yesterday on the shoulders of peaceful, law-abiding Muslims. However, there are issues they must address within their communities.

But the job isn’t theirs alone.

I’m glad to see development of detailed efforts in this country at government and local authority level to address extremism. There are clear procedures in place for reporting terrorist activity and the level of detail outlined in the UK government’s Prevent strategyhighlights the scale of effort required to tackle this growing problem.

I believe that more can be done at an international level in terms of imposing sanctions on countries that do not adhere to basic human rights – those who permit stoning a woman to death if she is found to have had sex outside of marriage, for example, or the cutting of hands in cases of theft. And that’s without even touching on the horror visited upon those in the LGBT community.

But I believe that without the same level of effort from the religious communities directly affected by extremism, we are treating the symptoms and not the cause of an ideology that is permeating our society. Unless meaningful, practical action is taken to wrest control of their faith from murderers, people will likely continue to die.

As arrests are made in the hunt for the gunmen responsible for yesterday’s horrific attack, one thing is very clear: free speech – and the freedom to speak out against extremist, non-democratic behaviour, whether in the press or your community – is our most precious resource and must be protected at all costs.

The Muslim community must step up to the plate, along with everyone else.

The women's an apostate but makes a few sensible points

@TankMan @T-Faz @waz @Jungibaaz

Thank you for the article temujin, the article makes solid and quite valid points. The problem is whenever there has been a march against extremism, when ordinary (non Imams or leaders) Muslims have spoken up, when Muslims have fought terrorists and their apologists for years, no one has been interested. This has pretty much been the trend for the past 20 years. There are many Muslims who speak up, many who work day and night to curb the cancer within our communities, but their work is not known about.

I have personal experiences of inviting press organisations to various activities and events, for them to not bother responding or state they were too busy. However if someone states that they are recruiting for ISIS, or that they wish to establish Shariah here, they run faster than Usain Bolt to interview and publicise such "representatives" of the faith. Sometimes myself and others involved in the effort should just state something crazy, have the media turn up and give the complete opposite message.
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There is no such thing as moderate Muslim and extremist Muslim. Just Muslim and non-Muslim. Yes within our ranks there do exist some people who have strayed and have transgressed the boundaries. These people who are claiming that "moderate Muslims" should save Islam, and use words like "Islamists" are idiots. Islam needs no saving nor reformation...merely adherence. If we adhere to the teachings of Islam we will not be doing these stupid things.

I think if you claim you are Muslim and you also drink alcohol, this makes you a "moderate Muslim" : )

and if you claim you are Muslim and you are defending to kill people those who insults your belief, this makes you a "extremist Muslim".

No guys, neither.
I think if you claim you are Muslim and you also drink alcohol, this makes you a "moderate Muslim" : )

and if you claim you are Muslim and you are defending to kill people those who insults your belief, this makes you a "extremist Muslim".

No guys, neither.
In my opinion if you drink alcohol and kill people...you are committing sins. You are still a Muslim...just a sinful Muslim.
Islam is supposed to be about moderation. These terms "moderate" and "extremist" were applied to Muslims by non-Muslims who don't know any better.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. . .Always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course, whereby you will reach your target (of paradise)." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Hadith 470

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The good deeds of any person will not make him enter Paradise (i.e., no one enters paradise only through his good deeds)." The Prophet's companions asked: "Not even you?" The Prophet replied: "Not even myself, unless God bestows His favor and mercy on me. So be moderate in your religious deeds and do what is within your ability. None of you should wish for death, for if he is a doer of good, he may increase his good deeds, and if he is an evil doer, he may repent to God." - Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Hadith 577
So in summary, if you are close to the Western kind of degenerations and distortion, this makes you a "cute moderate Muslim". They are trying to impose this concept in Muslim societies and been successful on some groups, you can observe in this Forum that some Muslim friends use it. They manages the public consciousness by these kind of word games. Even the most anti-Islamic persons, authors, politicians exert effort to emphasize the cuteness of "moderate Islam", to remove you step by step from Islam.

In my opinion if you drink alcohol and kill people...you are committing sins. You are still a Muslim...just a sinful Muslim.
Islam is supposed to be about moderation. These terms "moderate" and "extremist" were applied to Muslims by non-Muslims who don't know any better.

Then, according to your logic, Satan is also Muslim, Satan knows Allah and his power, but doing things forbidden by Allah and Allah calls him as "Kafir" in Quran.

You cannot be a Muslim while drinking alcohol, being a Muslim does not mean you say "I believe in Allah", or "I pray 15 times a day." If you want to be a Muslim, you have to follow every single rule set by Allah. Drinking alcohol makes you a non-muslim, same goes for killing innocent people too and many other things.
Putting myself in a ordinary muslim's position. What are the options available?
people who say moderate muslims must do more, give some realistic suggestion.
I know many Muslims are secretly giving up faith to Islam. What to them?
Islam is only what Muslims actually do. Any religion is what its followers do.
What a childish thing to say. What if some secret agent grows a beard and pretends to be a Muslim going around killing people saying he's a Muslim would that make all the actual Muslims wrong? A man can be called a Muslim only if his actions are according to the teachings. Religion doesn't become what its followers do right or wrong. It stays what it is. Its up to the people to follow it rightly or wrongly.
What if some secret agent grows a beard and pretends to be a Muslim going around killing people saying he's a Muslim would that make all the actual Muslims wrong?

Secret Agent with a beard? Like OBL? :D
. .
So in summary, if you are close to the Western kind of degenerations and distortion, this makes you a "cute moderate Muslim". They are trying to impose this concept in Muslim societies and been successful on some groups, you can observe in this Forum that some Muslim friends use it. They manages the public consciousness by these kind of word games. Even the most anti-Islamic persons, authors, politicians exert effort to emphasize the cuteness of "moderate Islam", to remove you step by step from Islam.

Then, according to your logic, Satan is also Muslim, Satan knows Allah and his power, but doing things forbidden by Allah and Allah calls him as "Kafir" in Quran.

You cannot be a Muslim while drinking alcohol, being a Muslim does not mean you say "I believe in Allah", or "I pray 15 times a day." If you want to be a Muslim, you have to follow every single rule set by Allah. Drinking alcohol makes you a non-muslim, same goes for killing innocent people too and many other things.
A Muslim is basically anyone who believes in لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله (There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah), prays in the direction of the Qibla and eats our meat.

“Whoever prays as we pray, faces our qiblah, and eats our slaughtered animals is a Muslim who is under the protection of Allah and His Messenger” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

There has been a long standing debate in Islam whether committing a sin makes you a non-Muslim or not. The mainstream viewpoint is as follows: Committing a sin (apart from shirk) does not make you a kafir nor does repeatedly committing those sins (this makes you a fasiq [evildoer]). However to openly and knowingly declare that a certain sin is not a sin...this is considered to make you a kafir.
Sis I agree with you that these non-Muslims and their lackeys are trying to change our deen into some mutated form under the guise of "moderate Islam"...that is why I said that there is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim".

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