Talking about disgusting:
You say Assad killed protesters = bad and he should be toppled no matter what (even if 100,000 others are killed in the process).
Sisi killed 2000 people in 3 days: Yet you defend him like no one.
That's what I also call disgusting and also sheer hypocrisy.
(And before you tell me I support Assad, yes I do support him against his current enemies, but I absolutely support an election with all parties and if Assad(or others close to him) are defeated, they should go and it's totally okay). Forceful toppling of a gov in 21st century ME means death and bloodshed, nothing more.
Although Morsi was no better than Sisi, but it's funny how you hypocritically support Sisi, but want exactly the opposite for Syria: To groups much worse than MB win in Syria. Now give us a lecture about 'disgusting'.