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ISI's desperate bid to save Musharraf

So much so for the credibility of Mr Abidullah

I am copying my post from another thread for you Mr maqsad.

i knew why you were twisting illogical argument again and again and i also knew that you will come up with this link of Abiduallah uncle.

Due you even know who he is and from where he is operating now and with who's funding ???

I bet you dont know him.

But let me tell you who this man is.
Its such a pitty that this man has out of his hate just like Nawaz Sharif and you had dragged everyone into blam game who has any praise for Musharraf.

This man was a rag tag journalist who's column used to appear in a local English newspaper of Peshawar. He was interogated by intellegence agencis for something (gues what that something could be) after which he ran away to USA.

currently he is in USA and is running a web portal from there, guess what who is funding this propaganda site

and do you think sitting in the US Mr abidullah has the guts to speak against CIA and expose the assests of CIA ?????

ahh my dear as soon as Zaid sahab started exposing the CIA game plan to harm ISI, Army leading to capturing our nukes, this abiduallh got alarmed and started the propaganda that too sitting in the US.

:lol: if you go and check all his propagana from US, it is only revolving arround three persons one 1. zaid sahab, 2. Ahmed Qureshi and 3. another person who is in Karachi and an analyst who writes in The News, ahh everyone know Jang group, Geo, The News have much love for Musharraf :P this media group is 200% against Musharraf.

i hope you wont start calling Geo, The News and Jang as Musharraf agents ;)

Anyway one needs not a rocket science to understand things keeping in view the development arround us who is exposing whome and who is sincer with the country.
I do agree with you that some journalists are working for ISI, not only in Pakistan but in every country agencies do have their paid journalists.

Zahid Hamis and Ahmad Qureshi and many others are actually working for CIA....just like Musharraf. They talk against CIA to just like Jamat i Islami do or Osama Bin Laden talks against Americans.......can any body in senses believe that Osama against USA ?

ISI recruits unemployed people and pays them good, they would sit on computers and paste propaganda articles all the time, some about the so called "khalipha' to be, Zahid Hamid and some against politicians.

You can talk to any journalist and they will tell u names of people working for agencies.

Easy to identify these black sheeps from responsible journalists.

Still there are media people every where in world who command respect, but you can easily identify them working for agencies.. .. a so called journalist who is all the time posting on every forum on internet:smitten: ....what is their caliber in copying and pasting video and news items .......if you still consider them journalist, it's up to you!

Dude stop posting crap over and over again in every thread without solid proofs to back them up. Infact you are so delusion that at one hand you are saying that people like Zahid Hamid and Ahmad Qureshi are working for the CIA and on the other saying that ISI recruits such people and pay them good. Let me ask you whats the connection between the two? Or are you suggesting that both CIA and ISI are working together to spread dis information. What purpose will that serve, why would ISI join in hands even if we agree that they are hired by the CIA. Infact if you missed the recent events, let me refresh your memory, ISI is cleary blowing CIA cover and their proxy war into Pakistan, ISI would be more then happy to arrest these two and blow one more. Not sponsor them.
Right......and the Politicians you're supporting are Hero of Pakistan..:rofl:
All of these politicans like (Nawaz, Zardari, Yusuf Raza) are like ants when compared to a person of Mush's stature, capability & loyalty to Pakistan.

I am not supporting any politicians at all. Go through my last 275 posts and find one post, paragraph or even line where I support any politician. You cannot. By the way Zardari the ant was supported by Musharaf. He was saved from prison and his prison was turned into a mini palace by Musharaff. Also his corruption charges were mysteriously dropped. So you just accused me of supporting someone that your hero Mushy actually supported, rescued and put in power.
Interesting note by Abid Ullah Jan. But rethink keeping in mind following:
> Are Asif Zardari & Rehman Malak are not more closer to US then Musharaf?

> Who sufferred great loses after killing of BB?
No idea. Who?
> Who got gains after BB killing?
Zardari, Bilawal Bhutto, Taliban too maybe?
> Who demoted ISI?
Nobody. Gilani/PPP tried to demote the ISI but that was a joke--nobody would have thought it would work so quickly. Who knows if he was even serious?
> Who defended ISI in UK when it was critisized, even asked to shut down?
> Why US is aggressive in tribal area then before?
Because that was the plan. Now after Mushy has helped put in Zardari maybe it is easier? But we also see the Pakistani Parliament getting very angry over this and they are for the first time demanding an end to US invasions. My question is that while Mushy was in power why was nobody in the military getting angry when predators were bombing and killing innocent pakistanis?
> Why PM Gillani last visit to US failed?
Failed how? He said he got $15 billion and it succeeded. I really don't know. Please tell us.
> Who/Why enjoys close terms with Zalmay Khalilzad (total anti-Pakistan)?

Seeking your comments on these. :pakistan:

Zardari. The same man who Mushy pulled from jail and brought to power over his rulerhsip after eliminating all his corruption charges.
So much so for the credibility of Mr Abidullah

I am copying my post from another thread for you Mr maqsad.

i knew why you were twisting illogical argument again and again and i also knew that you will come up with this link of Abiduallah uncle.

Due you even know who he is and from where he is operating now and with who's funding ???

I bet you dont know him.

But let me tell you who this man is.
Firstly, you don't have much credibility with me because all I ever see you doing is writing simpleminded statements in terrible grammar usually backed up with nothing but your own opinion, such as now. Secondly although his background might be interesting why are you avoiding the facts that he is putting forward. To me his facts and his logic are more important than why the ISI harassed him in the 1990s. And I am not twisting an illogical argument I am simply pointing out with 100% clarity the contradictions in Zaid Hamid's interview with Ahmed Qureshi.
Its such a pitty that this man has out of his hate just like Nawaz Sharif and you had dragged everyone into blam game who has any praise for Musharraf.

This man was a rag tag journalist who's column used to appear in a local English newspaper of Peshawar. He was interogated by intellegence agencis for something (gues what that something could be) after which he ran away to USA.
Nawaz Sharif? Was this English newspaper the Frontier Post? I just found an article about the Frontier Post and it turns out it was shut down during Nawaz Sharif's regime. It had nothing to do with Mushy. Like I said before, to me his facts and his logic are more important than why the ISI harassed him in the 1990s. Anyway who told you he was picked up by the intelligence agencies anyway, he never mentions it anywhere and there is nothing on the web to indicate that. And how do you know exactly what he was picked up for under the Nawaz Sharif regime by "Intelligence Agencies"? Do you have some contacts in intelligence agencies for them to give you this inside information or do you have a source like a newspaper report of TV programme? :cheesy:
currently he is in USA and is running a web portal from there, guess what who is funding this propaganda site

and do you think sitting in the US Mr abidullah has the guts to speak against CIA and expose the assests of CIA ?????
He is in Canada not the US. Why do you make things up like this which are so easy to prove false? Do you not think me or anyone else will check whether he lives in the US or not after someone with your credibility says that? And I do not know who is funding him, it could be the ISI or the CIA or someone private or he could be working at a job and making money from his website. Or he could be on welfare, who knows? Why don't you tell us where his funding is coming from--how much that funding is and what he needs it for?

ahh my dear as soon as Zaid sahab started exposing the CIA game plan to harm ISI, Army leading to capturing our nukes, this abiduallh got alarmed and started the propaganda that too sitting in the US.
This is more nonsense. Why do you keep making things up which can be proven to be false in seconds? Abidullah Jan was exposing Mushy's CIA connections years before anyone had ever heard of Zaid Hamid. Why do you make things up which you cannot back. And in fact why do you make nonsense up which not only can you not back but which can be proven to be false? Abidullah Jan in fact is accusing Mushy of leading Pakistan into a trap where the nukes can be captures by the US based on an excuse of Pakistan being a "rogue state" overrun with militants.
:lol: if you go and check all his propagana from US, it is only revolving arround three persons one 1. zaid sahab, 2. Ahmed Qureshi and 3. another person who is in Karachi and an analyst who writes in The News, ahh everyone know Jang group, Geo, The News have much love for Musharraf :P this media group is 200% against Musharraf.

i hope you wont start calling Geo, The News and Jang as Musharraf agents ;)

Anyway one needs not a rocket science to understand things keeping in view the development arround us who is exposing whome and who is sincer with the country.

I did go and check his work a few days ago and about 1% of his "propaganda" is revolving around three people. The man has written seven books which are on Amazon and guess what, I don't think these three people are mentioned in that book. Sorry I think if rocket scientists try to understand things it is a lot better cuz if idiots try to analyse situations and I listen to those idiots--well idiots are a lot easier to fool than rocket scientists so I will trust a rocket scientist over an idiot.

And Abidullah Jan claims to be sincerely for the integrity of Pakistan and his writings say that the ISI and PA is infested with traitors who collaborate with the CIA against the interests of Pakistan. This sounds pretty sincere to me if it's true. Can you prove it is false? Nope..you just make up nonsense.
I think there is a high bar for evidence when making allegations of "ISI involvement', and Jan has come nowhere close to meeting that.
Abid Ullah Jan has written seven books a couple of which detail interactions between the CIA and ISI over a period of decades and involve the BCCI affair, WTC#1 starring Ramzi Yousaf and WTC#2 starring Osama Bin Laden. I am not sure if your bar is just measuring his performance in the amusing character assasinations of Ahmed Qureshi and Zaid Hamid but those books appear to be quite well researched and I intend to acquire them both eventually. I would suspect those books may very well meet and exceed the high bar.

Ahmed Qureishi has always been a strong, vocal Musharraf supporter - I believe he started during Musharaf's regime.
Indeed. He doesn't budge and is in fact a Mushy worshipper through thick and thin. If you read my timestamped analysis of his youtube videos starring Zaid Hamid you will notice that he is such a staunch Mushy advocate that when he tries to play "devil's advocate"(against mushy) with his guest Zaid Hamid that attempt is almost laughable in of itself.

His opinions haven't changed since then so I fail to see how it can be argued that all of a sudden he is now an "ISI agent" - if anything, he has shown himself to be consistent in his support for Musharraf and his beliefs, regardless of how much Musharraf was dragged through the mud - like some of us on this forum.
It is not being argued that he is an ISI agent "now all of a sudden". It is being argued that he is one of multiple ISI agents who were in the pro-Mushy ISI camp right from the start. It is being argued that his entire career was meant to be devoted to Mushy advocacy as an ISI agent. It is being argued that his consistent behavior is a sign of him just being a mouthpiece for Mushy/CIA/ISI or whatever that combination is in whichever proportions. In other words it is being said he is not an independent journalist but rather works for Mushy.

The article reeks of the paranoia and pseudo-journalism we often see in Pakistan - it panders to everyones fears of the 'establishment' and the 'ISI' manipulating things, when the truth is that there continue to be some people who remain loyal to Musharraf's vision and his accomplishments, and do not have faith in the current political setup.

Rather than acknowledge the different opinions that exist in Pakistan, hacks like these argue that it is an 'ISI conspiracy' - just rubbish, and sad.

It is absolutely quite possible and indeed very plausible that there are countless numbers of Mushy fans all over pakistan and the pakistani diaspora. There is no doubt that these people exist. The suspicions and assertions are however that lurking inside this fan club of the deluded is a hidden hand, exploiting sentiments and covering up the grand treasons that Mushy allegedly is part of against the state of Pakistan and it's wellbeing.

This "hack" must be very painful and irritating for Mushy fans and at the same time delightfully entertaining for Mushy critics but lets leave aside any sentiments and and concentrate purely on facts. Lets look at the facts that Jan and others bring to the table. Jan has a tidal waves of facts, references and spins on recent Pakistani history, geopolitics and the war on a noun.

His works are masterpieces when you compare them to the sloppy party line on CNN, GEO, BBC et all which so many people are just starting to not believe. This man is the antithesis to Zaid Hamid/Ahmed Qureshi and to people like me who want to further their understanding it makes his work an invaluable addition.
=maqsad;191195]I am not supporting any politicians at all. Go through my last 275 posts and find one post, paragraph or even line where I support any politician. You cannot.

Being anti-musharraf just for nothing doesn't make it more credible.

By the way Zardari the ant was supported by Musharaf. He was saved from prison and his prison was turned into a mini palace by Musharaff.

Now this is a huge accusation. Weren't you blaming Musharraf for supporting PML-Q? How could he support PPP at the same time???

Also his corruption charges were mysteriously dropped.

His cases are being disposed off in courts NOT by Musharraf. Sell this to the Judiciary.

So you just accused me of supporting someone that your hero Mushy actually supported, rescued and put in power.

You mean - Musharraf supported, rescued & put Zardari in Presidency; and kicked himself/resigned as President?

The 10 million VOTES given to PPP by our stupid public - supported, rescued and put him in power.

Musharraf leaving the Presidency means he refused to work & go along with Zardari government.
Yes, Ahmad Qureshi is as much a supporter as I am! And, I personally know he doesn't work for ISI or CIA. Musharraf has MANY die-hard fans!

Ahmad also gave rare views & coverage to Sarmad Khurrum (who's well known supporter of Lawyers movement and very much anti-musharraf) .... later it emerged that Sarmad Khurrum was anti-musharraf and had many anti-musharraf blogs.

Ahmad Qureshi was very broad minded and till today that article praising Sarmad is availbale on his website.
^^very briefly i can say, Musharraf was the best thing happened to Pakistan since last many decades.
He came out victorious out of many daunting challenges in brief amount of time.
He is a living example of leadership.
People support his views because they trust him.

He is the only hope we have.
Jana is ISI operative....... visiting India on "special missions".

anyway, here is an interesting description about Jan
Mr. Jan believes that Pakistan and Afghanistan was one state, which still doesn't have a recognized border and the union of Pakistan and Afghanistan into a "Greater Afghanistan" is "inevitable and possible."[3] Mr. Jan also edits DictatorshipWatch.com
lol so All Musharraf supporters are ISI Agents?I made a tribute video of Mush and now i am ISI agent..wah lol..
lol i do the same so it means me toooooo!! yaeee it was so ezz to be ISI ahahhahahaha lmfao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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