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ISI's covert war wing: Directorate S

For certain they will do all they can to blame us for their failure "cough" "cough" Cambodia, you see it does not serve them well to see their myth of invincibly getting smashed by what they term as sandn*****s.Kudos

Soviets has the same attitude before they enter Afghanistan .. :lol:
@balixd @Jon-Snow @Starlord @Ocean @Maarkhoor @war&peace @Signalian @Ulla @Zibago @MastanKhan Hazrat @Zarvan
Gen Kayani seemed to have handled Pentagon/Langley rather well indeed, great negotiating ploys to maintain national interest, kudos to the man.
From 21:35.
It is unfortunate that all this is being brought to light only now, there are still libtards out there who will not let go of any chance to bash Gen Kiyani......I have always maintained that he was one of the most determined, rigid and resiliant Gen.....same goes for Gen Pasha.....one needs to understand that Gen Kiyani was a grad from US military college, he was DG iSI at the time when TTP , AQ, Taliban......he was the one who had Let , Jud men roughed up as AQ was using their network to move across country......he had worked along with US administration, the US agencies from 2004, when you had your Spec Ops fighting along US Spec ops.....so he was on good terms with cia and us govt......same stands for Gen shuja pasha.....
Books like this and those newspaper reports can be tricky. We are all emotional and patriotic people here in pakistan. Part of these reports is about how ruthless and effective the s-wing - or whatever alphabetical name it has (x wing would be more appropriate given its alleged activities) - is. It make us feel proud that such people are going to any lengths to protect us.

Also embedded in these reports are notions that its rogue and a terrorist-making machine. That it is a threat to world peace. Now we proudly accept the first part and unwittingly accept the second part too. Moreover when in jingoistic mood (which is quite often) we act as tools in perpetuating these myths when we boast about the invincibility of isi and its strength. In this way, I think, we play a part in harming our own national interests.

Secondly western media publishes these reports from time to time. Their readers accept them as facts and this image of isi and pakistan gets embedded in their minds. When its time to turn screws on pakistan propaganda will obviously be the key. But part of their work will already be done courtesy of suchbooks and news articles.
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Its famous for american
When they loose a war than they start to make their people happy by somethin suspensive as the following shts:
The superman
The batman
9/11 secrets
And now finally book on ISI.
Forgot about vietnam
There would be a book on vietnam
Continuous crap.
Go cry CIA.
There is no directorate S shit in ISI. ISI has CAD (Covert Activities Division) which is based on serving SSG Operatives and highly trained civilian employees of the ISI.
Let him make some money people.lies or whatever ! he has written a book on ISI.
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It is unfortunate that all this is being brought to light only now, there are still libtards out there who will not let go of any chance to bash Gen Kiyani......I have always maintained that he was one of the most determined, rigid and resiliant Gen.....same goes for Gen Pasha.....one needs to understand that Gen Kiyani was a grad from US military college, he was DG iSI at the time when TTP , AQ, Taliban......he was the one who had Let , Jud men roughed up as AQ was using their network to move across country......he had worked along with US administration, the US agencies from 2004, when you had your Spec Ops fighting along US Spec ops.....so he was on good terms with cia and us govt......same stands for Gen shuja pasha.....
Totally concur, he had the misfortune of of Abbotabad and Salala during his second tenure otherwise he was very successful especially in his first tenure as chief, before he took over the image of the armed forces had suffered somewhat during the mismanagement of Mushy, Kayani bought it back to what it was and should be, in regards to Gen Pasha just like Kayani he was very highly regarded by the Pentagon, according to American author David Ignatius, Pentagon official informed him that Pasha was remarkably well read and had he have been an American he could have easily been in the highest echelons of the US military.Kudos Sir
Totally concur, he had the misfortune of of Abbotabad and Salala during his second tenure otherwise he was very successful especially in his first tenure as chief, before he took over the image of the armed forces had suffered somewhat during the mismanagement of Mushy, Kayani bought it back to what it was and should be, in regards to Gen Pasha just like Kayani he was very highly regarded by the Pentagon, according to American author David Ignatius, Pentagon official informed him that Pasha was remarkably well read and had he have been an American he could have easily been in the highest echelons of the US military.Kudos Sir
He definitely handled some situations well. The massive corruption in his immediate family, namely by his brother(s). remained a major problem. You can't allow that.
He also made the strategic decision (error in my view) of allowing the US raid on Abbotabad and presenting it as a unilateral US operation while our Armed Forces were snoring... under the thinking that various militant outfits sympathetic to AQ would not be able to blame the PA for its involvement. The flipside was that the entire nation lost serious respect in the Armed Forces' capability.

Just bought my copy let see what it has to say
This is the cardinal rule in Pakistan - whoever controls the ISI, controls Pakistan! In the past, Pakistan suffered when ISI had weak DGs.
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Mazay yaar. I can't think of a better way to spend time. Where did you get it from?
I went to Emporium Mall. There is a stall of Liberty Books there from there I got the book good read until now. Although don't agree with many things author says but still great read.

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