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ISIL militants seize more Iraq towns

Different ways existed among Sahabas too Mr and when states run away from duty of Jihad than these groups emerge if our states have taken back Kashmir and Palestine and other areas by using Armies these groups wouldn't have emerged you failed and they took advantage

we are no one to compare today situation with shahbah , you should have known that in early decision of shahbah were some what based on arab tribal customs as well .. today the world different .. and as far as i know , our prophet muhammad pbuh hate to use sword .. he always put battle as last option ...
we are no one to compare today situation with shahbah , you should have known that in early decision of shahbah were some what based on arab tribal customs as well .. today the world different .. and as far as i know , our prophet muhammad pbuh hate to use sword .. he always put battle as last option ...
Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW fought 27 battles himself and 84 wars were fought by Sahabas when HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW sent them on missions
Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW fought 27 battles himself and 84 wars were fought by Sahabas when HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW sent them on missions

that doesnt make prophet muhammad pbuh as war lover ..... if he was than you wont be seeing some non muslim still living on arab lands,,, and all the shahbah who follow our prophet tradition , they dont massacre peoples when they conquest their land.. Hazar Omar Ra conquest of Jerusalem was the example of this ... Prophet never like war, but when war was upon him , he never hesitate to fight ..
that doesnt make prophet muhammad pbuh as war lover ..... if he was than you wont be seeing some non muslim still living on arab lands,,, and all the shahbah who follow our prophet tradition , they dont massacre peoples when they conquest their land.. Hazar Omar Ra conquest of Jerusalem was the example of this ... Prophet never like war, but when war was upon him , he never hesitate to fight ..
When I said we should do that
When I said we should do that

you didnt , but you said prophet fights so many battles , and use shahbah as example to wage jihad .. what back what ISIS is doing and their brotheren TTP .. this is wrong in every aspect .. islam was never spread by sword but sword was used to spread islam , peoples have to understand this difference
What happened to the civilian army of Iraq??? I heard Iraq dispatched around 50 thousand to fight the ISIL who are 3 to 5 thousand strong

well , 5 million civilian army of Iraq are equal to 5000 Daeshi ....
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