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ISI Behind Balochistan bombings | Hamid Mir

Wasn't there also this journalist who was also equally secure from ISI? A guy called Shehzad. Whose even mobile phone records went missing and a dead body turned up with torture marks. Wasn't he the guy who was supposed to be so close to spill the beans between the connection between the Pious and the Pak Army in an international journal? He did not end up that safe. Did he now?

there was no evidence which could prove that agencies hand was behind it. mutilated bodies turn up on the streets of karachi, by professional target killers.
BTW you might want to do your homework first and than come here argue with me with the facts.....why not you read into Shezad's death and what was he working on, one thing i can assure you is he wasn't working on anything as you mentioned, so yeah go and read into it first. :)
there was no evidence which could prove that agencies hand was behind it. mutilated bodies turn up on the streets of karachi, by professional target killers.
BTW you might want to do your homework first and than come here argue with me with the facts.....why not you read into Shezad's death and what was he working on, one thing i can assure you is he wasn't working on anything as you mentioned, so yeah go and read into it first. :)

LoL, yeah sure. Mobile phone records go missing with these mutilated bodies in Karachi too. Why don't you read up yourself a little bit on that situation. And rest assured, I am pretty well read and informed on these matters. Let us say...... Just trust me :)
LoL, yeah sure. Mobile phone records go missing with these mutilated bodies in Karachi too. Why don't you read up yourself a little bit on that situation. And rest assured, I am pretty well read and informed on these matters. Let us say...... Just trust me :)
trust someone who doesn't even live on this side of the border ? yeah right! .....I would love to see your source of information on mr. shezad's murder, as you claimed he was about to expose the relationship b/w PA and the pious ones....please i insist as my source of information tells a different story
I think we should be transparent and entertain everyone's point of view; even if this agency or that agency is not involved or is involved transparency would help Pakistan in the long run. Let us not forget that LeJ and many other organisations have contact with the ruling echelons why not focus on that too?
You stuck abt Jinnah drinking and all... it was his personal life... wont it be better if you think about the gandhi who used to sleep naked with his niece,hated blacks (called em kaffirs) and was a homosexual?

Epic fail? No one is burning down Gandhi's house for his perceived (homosexual hope you were not one of his victims) sexual orientation but BLA happily just did that to Jinnah's house over sausages? The GOP strongly forbids mention of pork in any biography of Jinnah. Personally, eating pork does not make Jinnah any lesser muslim in my eyes but the TTP has other ideas so convince them. They say Jinnah's vision of Pakistan does not conform with their vision of Islam and Pakistan.
Epic fail? No one is burning down Gandhi's house for his perceived (homosexual hope you were not one of his victims)sexual orientation

So are you telling me tht gandi was a homo predator who used to forcefully suck dicks? :lol: ... good for you... Besides he was busy "servicing" the south african wrestler and writting him intimate letters when he returned to india:

but BLA happily just did that to Jinnah's house over sausages? The GOP strongly forbids mention of pork in any biography of Jinnah. Personally, eating pork does not make Jinnah any lesser muslim in my eyes but the TTP has other ideas so convince them. They say Jinnah's vision of Pakistan does not conform with their vision of Islam and Pakistan.

First of all there is no of your claims... even if he did... it was his personal matter and the current state of our country has nothing to do with his ideals... the fault lies with the minority... the extremists... not the overall country of 180 million people...

So why dont you eff off... and shove ur indian version of neutrality where the sun doesnt shine..
So are you telling me tht gandi was a homo predator who used to forcefully suck dicks? :lol: ... good for you... Besides he was busy "servicing" the south african wrestler and writting him intimate letters when he returned to india:

First of all there is no of your claims... even if he did... it was his personal matter and the current state of our country has nothing to do with his ideals... the fault lies with the minority... the extremists... not the overall country of 180 million people...

So why dont you eff off... and shove ur indian version of neutrality where the sun doesnt shine..

As I said sexual orientation is not a matter of debate since no religion bans it. If I am not mistaken many religions including Islam encourage it as a form of relief? I as an atheist could not care less and was happy that Gays can suck dick as well as get married here. If Gandhi was what you suggest sucking dicks then his achievements become even greater while Jinnah's achievements wither as days go by. He has been reduced to a mere figurehead for parades and his teachings are long forgotten. No one has burnt Gandhi's house yet but Jinnah's they did happily last week. Now go play with your toys.
As I said sexual orientation is not a matter of debate since no religion bans it. If I am not mistaken many religions including Islam encourage it as a form of relief? I as an atheist could not care less and was happy that Gays can suck dick as well as get married here. If Gandhi was what you suggest sucking dicks then his achievements become even greater while Jinnah's achievements wither as days go by. He has been reduced to a mere figurehead for parades and his teachings are long forgotten. No one has burnt Gandhi's house yet but Jinnah's they did happily last week. Now go play with your toys.

BLA hurnt the residency ... which is an act of terrorism... isnt it? as for achievements... kiddo Jinnah carved a country based on the idea or concept of Iqbal.... and his teaching still live in the hearts of 180 million patriots....while gandhi was shot by his own countryman.... nathuram godse...



TheBaloch ‏@BalaachMarri 1h
Dear Pakistanis, Eid? Happy Eid!
From Balochistan

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Hamid Mir is a total idiot. We all know where the paper trail is coming into Geo HQ, Treacherous dog.
with friends like these media wallas, who needs enemies....

that shows how corrupt and decadent ur agencies,media and society as a whole.have u ever heard of any indian media outlet talking against its army or their agencies?it is true that pakistanis themselves are not united bcoz of various reasons.there are sympathisers of terrorists even in ur army and political establishment(some are sold out too).if not how can you have suicide bombers across ur country?
pakistanis always say that it has a troubled neighbour like afganistan which is the reason for its failure.but iran also shares border with afghan and they have prospered very well in comparison to pak.even india has a troubled neighbour now in pak but we dont have people competing to go to heaven.as long as paks dont admit the mistakes and keep on pointing fingers at others and overlook the wrong doings of their army, they would continue to go deeper and deeper into the abyss
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