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ISI aiding taliban or maintaining contacts?

"I wouldn't support the Taliban, but I won't support the Canadians either."

No passive acquiescence permitted as it takes on the appearance of a "nod and wink".

Bad GoP.

We've a U.N. mandate and forty nations in Afghanistan. That's the family of nations directly impacted by your choices and support. These nations have committed to the stabilization of Afghanistan and your government likely interferes with that, Asim, to this day, by permitting FATAville to run rampant as a land and laws unto themselves.
"I wouldn't support the Taliban, but I won't support the Canadians either."

No passive acquiescence permitted as it takes on the appearance of a "nod and wink".

Bad GoP.

We've a U.N. mandate and forty nations in Afghanistan. That's the family of nations directly impacted by your choices and support. These nations have committed to the stabilization of Afghanistan and your government likely interferes with that, Asim, to this day, by permitting FATAville to run rampant as a land and laws unto themselves.
Who cares about the UN anyway.

We have the UN resolution to conduct a plebiscite in Kashmir since the 1940s they never acted in ours and Kashmir's favor! I think they owe us something first. For now we have to look at our own behind's first. If your NATIONs are interfering with my right to LIVE and not be bombed by terrorists being supported from American (and yes the lame UN) controlled Afghani soil, then we got to do what we got to do.

Pakistan should do EVERYTHING necessary to get the war out of Pakistan. If that means more war for you, then you should send more soldiers to Aghanistan. Spend some money. If it was upto us we'll drive every terrorist out of our country and leave it for you guys to handle. Let the 40 nations deal with it.

Maintaining contacts, doesn't have to mean we're aiding your enemies. I would oppose my government from giving them weapons, giving them intel, giving them anything useful that could be used against you guys.

But a few nudges of encouragement to remind them that their war is against you guys, not us. So go fight you guys, not us. To see how we can influence them to take out Indian embassies, would be another motive. To disrupt whatever India's doing in Afghanistan. For that matter, I'm sure we're not JUST dealing with Taliban, but dealing with all capable parties that can give an input.

Or YOU can help us out instead, get rid of the Indians and we won't need to deal with the half a dozen warlords.
Read A Rahman's posts.

He's clearly an enemy of the U.N. mission. That includes, of course, the country he lives in-Canada. He's the enemy of their soldiers. Do you think the taliban distinguish their targets on this matter? I sure don't. They, in fact, seem eager to kill Canadian soldiers. Especially so. Nobody's army has suffered more by it's size than the Canadian army.

I'd sure not be happy to have my son die in Afghanistan and Mr. Rahman's attitude next door to mine.

And I'd sure not live in such a nation were I Mr. Rahman. My conscience couldn't abide living among the heinous enemy against whom I cheer the taliban may kill.

He should be ashamed of himself. You too if you feel the same way about the Canadian mission in Kandahar.



living in one country is different than opposing ur own country policy. as alot of american do diffrentiate on sending troops to afghanistan.

this is not difficult to understand, n u can not suspect any body`s loyality:disagree:
"Rehman made a comment suggesting Pakistan should have supported the Taliban in the context of neo-con's unjust war and occupation of Afghanistan and its spill-effects in Pakistan."

Context this- we've a U.N. mandate and forty nations. You've got a proxy army on your soil.

You bore me.

I know the enemy when I see him and no amount of attempted duplicity can hide the fact that he rues not sending taliban across the border with Pakistani support to kill Canadian soldiers earlier.

We are all there by invitation of the Afghan government and the U.N. Simple.

There's no "suggestion". His words ring clear. Yours hollow.

Go join the other "hollow men".

Sure you don't mean Reagan...idiot?

S2......to resolve the issues of the coflict in this region means being tactfull and sincere. It is a legitimate goal of Pakistan to keeps its area of influence from potential adversaries (Pakistani neighbours - those near and far). The US has let down Pakistan on numerous occassions and basically left it in the S***!

Therefore, the US has to look at Pakistan's security perspective.....everything was on the balance fine...until the US invasion of Afghanistan.....which was essentially perpetuated by the STUPID NEO-CONS (Arrogant B******S! and supported by the right wing Zionist and fundamentalist christian lobbies - which happen to control the media in the US). America is a beautiful country but controlled by a minority of arse holes, who are bent on bringing instability in the world.

If the US is not willing to change its policies and interests...why expect this from others?
Mr. Rahman didn't profess a hint at opposition to Canada's mission. Not once did he say that Canada should withdraw.

What he DID say was that he should have supported taliban attacks earlier.

Let us not get too fixated on Canada alone, although it is I that introduced it. I did so as it was the most obvious transgression within Mr. Rahman's comments.

Also enclosed, of course, in his desire to leap on the taliban bandwagon was the war made by the taliban upon the afghani people and all of ISAF.

"Who cares about the UN anyway."

Asim, the forty one nations performing the U.N. mandate care about the U.N. We're trying to do a job and your desire for strategic space there is killing afghani and ISAF people. We'd like that to stop before we become terribly upset.

That's fair, isn't it? Would you stop attacking Afghanistan with your proxy armies please?

ASIM, nobody kills more afghanis than the taliban. Google HRW and read their thoughts on the taliban's impact on afghani deaths. They have a complete study of such. You may also read about the impact of our airstrikes and other actions as well in a separate study by HRW.

However painful those events always are, we are squeaky clean in both the numbers killed as compared to the taliban and the incidence of intentional targeting of civilians.

We don't. They do. Often.

This has been a painful insurgency but NATO/ISAF/ANA are not responsible for the bulk of the deaths. The militants are. There'd, of course, be none were there not an insurgency. Alas, with sanctuary available in Pakistan, we've suffered grievously. So too others.

You rant wrongly and it'd be easily researched were you so inclined. You're presently not inclined but I hope that may change.

It's wrong for you to de-stabilize Afghanistan while seeking "strategic space". Pakistan should stop supporting the taliban so that more Afghanis and others aren't made to needlessly suffer while trying to raise forth their nation from the stone age.

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.:)
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It's wrong for you to de-stabilize Afghanistan while seeking "strategic space". Pakistan should stop supporting the taliban so that more Afghanis and others aren't made to needlessly suffer while trying to raise forth their nation from the stone age.

If you want to stabalize Afghanistan then you should get out of that country , hold a free election and support the elected gov through economic aid but you guys wana have fun there rit and you people want a regime which dosent supports taliban .

Stabalizing Afghanistan is a task which can take a period of more than 50 years its not just a 5 year wargame.:agree:
I am not a supporter of Taliban but i do support the fact that these elements can be best utilized in worst case scenarios like they were utilized in the coldwar era..
How about we stop all this argument and for once come to a conclusion that "we have to destroy these animals" :angry:. These people dont deserve to be called human beings because they terrorize innocent people as a living.
How about we stop all this argument and for once come to a conclusion that "we have to destroy these animals" :angry:. These people dont deserve to be called human beings because they terrorize innocent people as a living.

Destroy the animals behind this network, killing the ones who are paid to blow themselves up will not solve anything it will create more once civilians are killed in the war.

You kill one, 50 new ones emerge. Kill the mastermind...then you win the war and Osama Bin Laden is not the mastermind...its amazing how much younger he looks each time a video is released of him.
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Who cares about the UN anyway.

apparently quite a few nations do especially for their aid programs (which have been life giving in many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa) and Pakistan (who borrows very frequently from IMF which was created under the aegis of UN Monetray & Financial Conference of July 1944) is no exception. In fact the latest pay out helping Pakistan was from IMF when even their natural allies, the Chinese, backed out from helping out monetarily.

IMF approves $7.6 billion loan for Pakistan - International Herald Tribune

We have the UN resolution to conduct a plebiscite in Kashmir since the 1940s they never acted in ours and Kashmir's favor! I think they owe us something first. For now we have to look at our own behind's first.

The UN resolution called for withdrawl of all concerned armed forces of Pakistan namely the "tribals" sent by Pakistan and PA as also IA (after verification of withdrawl of PA and tribals) from all territories of J&K and the said plebiscite was to be conducted by local authorities (ie the J&K authorities with help needed if at all of UN forces in form of Police forces from member countries). Now read the salient points and then first verify if Pakistan did even begin to take the step-1 needed for its implementation. It seems distorting the facts and the perpetuating them is a pass time with GoP and general people of Pakistan. That pakistan itself could not afford the said plebiscite at the time is well known as under Sheikh Abdullah the people of J&K would have wanted independence before attack by Pakistan backed tribals and PA and post-attack they would have wanted to be a part of India. By changing the demographic nature of areas under Pakistan by encouraging settlement by ex-servicemen of PA and marriage to local women over 2 generations, you have changed the identity of people whereas people in valley proper are still the original kashmiris with intact culture and traditions.

Read here about the Resolution and first tell if Pakistan has met any conditions in those years

U.N.Resolution on J&K August 13, 1948

If your NATIONs are interfering with my right to LIVE and not be bombed by terrorists being supported from American (and yes the lame UN) controlled Afghani soil, then we got to do what we got to do.

None is interfering with your right to live. Infact, we want you to live in peace as also let us live in peace. ISI is not US and ISI is supporting Taliban since ages and its them you should bother about and take the bold steps to untangle the alliance of ISI with terror groups.

Pakistan should do EVERYTHING necessary to get the war out of Pakistan. If that means more war for you, then you should send more soldiers to Aghanistan. Spend some money. If it was upto us we'll drive every terrorist out of our country and leave it for you guys to handle. Let the 40 nations deal with it.

oh pakistan would love that .... but the NATO presence in afghanistan has meant lesser freedom for terror groups there and ISI is anyways backing them so they get all freedom in Pakistan they want to target practise ......

Maintaining contacts, doesn't have to mean we're aiding your enemies. I would oppose my government from giving them weapons, giving them intel, giving them anything useful that could be used against you guys.

as if ISI asks your permission for same ...... maintaining contacts does not mean aiding? whosoever heard of maintaining friendly relations with terrorists ... a concept unique to paranoid people and delusive polity I guess ......

But a few nudges of encouragement to remind them that their war is against you guys, not us. So go fight you guys, not us. To see how we can influence them to take out Indian embassies, would be another motive. To disrupt whatever India's doing in Afghanistan. For that matter, I'm sure we're not JUST dealing with Taliban, but dealing with all capable parties that can give an input.

I agree ... as it is Pakistan has made development in only one field and dominates only one export field - terrorism .... so if your neighbour is being developed with Indians helping in building roads, dams, hospitals and they are slowly but steadily trying to creep back to normality, it is but inherent upon you to ensure that does not happen - how can someone attain something that Pakistan will take forever to attain?

Or YOU can help us out instead, get rid of the Indians and we won't need to deal with the half a dozen warlords

how has india threatened you sir by being in afghanistan? you have your nukes so why are you worried? and if you say RAW is behind terror in Pakistan ... then am proud RAW is so good and am truely happy you give it that much respect .... for us they are bunch of blundering fools .... and I have great respect for ISI, CIA, Mossad etc for professionalism ...... If RAW is behind every attack ... then you can imagine that all your top brass ie President, PM, Chief of Army Staff, Police Chiefs, DG-ISI etc ... all are RAW agents? For only by such high moles can we get away with acts of terrorism every alternate day and you are unable to prove it on India and take strong measures to dismantle the terror we give out .......
If you want to stabalize Afghanistan then you should get out of that country , hold a free election and support the elected gov through economic aid but you guys wana have fun there rit and you people want a regime which dosent supports taliban .

Stabalizing Afghanistan is a task which can take a period of more than 50 years its not just a 5 year wargame.:agree:

oh you would love afghanistan back in ISI hands and through Taliban being controlled .... wont you
I am not a supporter of Taliban but i do support the fact that these elements can be best utilized in worst case scenarios like they were utilized in the coldwar era..

which apparently even ISI thinks only you can not simply use such groups without a quid-pro-quo. you have to nurture them, which ISI has been doing, and that is the whole point. With US pressure on Pakistan, they had to reign in the group and limit them to NWFP/FATA and these people have tasted power, so they have no intention of being a simple pawn in game of chess, they want to be atleast a king now. So the vicious cycle of supporting terror is being faced by Pakistan now.
Afghan Strikes by Taliban Get Pakistan Help, U.S. Aides Say
March 26, 2009

Dont take such articles seriously.ISI has become a nightmare for the people who are talking about Safe Aghanistan or Pakistan.(means safe afghanistan at the cost of Pakistan).
There are several foreign journalist who are involved in Illegal Gem Trade from Afghanistan and Afghan government allows them to smuggle precious GEM Stones outside Afghanistan AND in return they write articles maligning the ISI and Pak army.
All these stories are concocted in Northren AFghanistan which is a centre of Gem business and so called foreign journalists are making frequent tours and making illegal earnings by trafficking of Gem Stones.
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