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ISI - a big failure?

So to summarize your post, it would be safe to say that leadership both the civil and armed is to blame for the situation Pakistan faces...

I know im being too noob here but then it seems Pakistan is trapped in a hurricane, how do you come out without being thrown off?
All the internal and external problems can be put on leadership of any country and on its Intelligence agency. Enemy will do anything in their power to create problem, you can't ask them to play fair, its upto our agencies to tackle these threats. It will always be their incapability if they fail to defend their nation.
people need to understand that no intelligence agency in the world is by the book.

Nor in the Holy land of justice USA, not in Israel. Intelligence agencies don't work a fair game.

Sure, the ISI has it's failures too, but this missing person thing has been propped up too far by certain people that the perception is that ISI just goes on to pick any random guy off the street. The people caught are indeed BLA
These terrorists are latter captured by ISI and killed. These people are referred as 'missing persons case'.

Why Riaz Basra, Haq Nawaz Jhangvi were not among those missing persons. and now I have to see when Maliq Ishaq is listed in the missing persons by ISI. I hope they are no more Army's assets now.

The answer(which is bitter truth) is at that time military personnel were not in the target list of these outfits but only some Muslims. Well better late than never.

It is a good thread started by the poster---But if asked I would have suggested to write it in two to three seperate posts---it keeps the focus alive.

ISI is something to be proud of--- ( unless you are at the receiving end )---as much as the world screams about its endeavours---the more it means that it is doing its job.

What i would like to change or enforce would be that the chief if ISI after retirement cannot come on the tv for interviews---he would offer any interviews during service either---and would stay as low profile and anonymous as possible---.

Next thing I would recommend is once you are in the ISI---unless discharged---there is no going back.

The most important thing---in the training process---it would be imbeded in the minds of the trainees to remove the word 'HATE' from their vocabulary---actually that would be the most important part of the interview---. Any one showing open hatred for the enemy or others would be rejected straight away.

I forgot the most important item----the media wmust not discuss the role and operations of ISI at random---they would show the same restraint like cnn, foxnews, msnbc shows regarding the agency.
Well ISI is poor in psychological operations:
Pakistani officials say the Indians are way ahead of them in propaganda and psychological warfare. "We don't have the resources to carry out all these operations," says a former ISI chief, Javed Ashraf Qazi. "RAW has a budget 10 times that of the ISI's and it is more effective than the ISI." This mutual admiration may, of course, be nothing more than a sly way to lobby for a bigger budget. The scarier these agencies make the enemy appear, the more cash they can claim to need for their own skulduggery. Their finances are kept secret, but estimates put the ISI's annual budget at $45 million and RAW's at $150 million.

Read more: India vs. Pakistan - TIME

India vs. Pakistan - TIME

It is a good thread started by the poster---But if asked I would have suggested to write it in two to three seperate posts---it keeps the focus alive.

I tried to keep it as short as possible for the same reason.
What i would like to change or enforce would be that the chief if ISI after retirement cannot come on the tv for interviews---he would offer any interviews during service either---and would stay as low profile and anonymous as possible---.
I second that.
I forgot the most important item----the media must not discuss the role and operations of ISI at random---they would show the same restraint like cnn, foxnews, msnbc shows regarding the agency.
Must be adapted strongly.
Right, as I said scapegoat even when they were your allies(I'm not talking about the present)?

Obviously a dozen things can be made out, policies do clash, we also helped SL in clearing their LTTE problem..

No you didn't help them clear LTTE problem, get the facts straight. You created LTTE problem. When Sri Lanka cried out loud at you, you people sent your army in 1987. Now at one hand RAW was controlling Tamil tigers and on the other side Indian Army as IPK Force was fighting with them, and war historians call it India's Vitenam including Indian writers some of which criticize Sunderji and Rajiv for sending army to Sri Lanka to fight with LTTE who was created by RAW
ISI and MI providing illegal corridors to move weapons and no custom paid cars to move around in Balochistan..... Agencies have failed in their mission to Protect the people of Balochistan: Chief Justice

I think they should first decide Arslan Iftikhar case to establish their own integrity which has badly damaged their own repute and then issue such loud messages. once the people sitting on the chair of justice become fond of tickers and beepers then such type of statements come out. They should first go back and see what percentage of pending casese has increased ever since they started off with sou motos.
Actually ISI is one of the major key factors for Pakistans survival in hard times .
The reason of failure of ISI is that its support the terrorism.

Actually this strategy of creating such organisations has been a worldwide problem for intelligence agencies-
-CIA created Taliban, which turned on them
-RAW created LTTE, turned on it.
-ISI aided various Islamic Radicals , which later, you guessed it right turned on Pakistan.
-China aided the Vietnamese communists, and now you can see for yourself on PDF how vietnamese feel about China.

Many such examples exist of Organisations created by intelligence agencies, which later turned upon their parent.........
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