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NO no its not true. F 15 is realy good aircraft but know that US give this fighter to Pakistan.
@ America:-

Sell F-15 to Pakistan and say bye-bye to any defence deal with India for the next 25 years.
^^ bohat roonto koom he ye ahahahaa

you guyz are already trap in US finger lol!

u pressurez MMRCA countries lol and now adays France, UK, US all those countries who have aircraft tender in MMRCA against Pakistan but u guyz forget u r going for 1 not all. If u choose European jet thn America will give a superb lesson lol if u go for American Europe will give u soo sweet lession .. if u go for Russian others will give u sweet treatment ....

u guyz already trap and continously delay and given BS reasons... still not decide which aircraft u actually want.. 10 bn $ deal dosnt mean u need 100 years for decide lol now indians itself laughing and even joke on MMRCA deal... your statement about "No deal with US for next 25 years" show u guyz already traped and lost many things in upcomming days.. if this MMRCA more delay next year thn all those tender will show thr true colors lol. Truth is what you guys actually fear for many things now.. if u go for Russian MMRCA, European especially US will tel u ... "putar kiday naal panga laya way" hahahha
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@ America:-

Sell F-15 to Pakistan and say bye-bye to any defence deal with India for the next 25 years.

Sir please don't cry like a kid. US is NOT giving F-15s to Pakistan.:D
Sir please don't cry like a kid. US is NOT giving F-15s to Pakistan.:D

Well, if you knew what an F-15 is capable of, you wouldn't have called my statement as "crying".

US should keep Pakistan happy with F-16's only.....

Some Indian members have even objected to the sale of F-16's but I do not. I have no problems with F-16 but I do have concerns with Pakistan getting F-15's.
Well, if you knew what an F-15 is capable of, you wouldn't have called my statement as "crying".

US should keep Pakistan happy with F-16's only.....

Some Indian members have even objected to the sale of F-16's but I do not. I have no problems with F-16 but I do have concerns with Pakistan getting F-15's.

another statement shows how much u r capable to become super power or even regional power :rofl:
:lol: Dont go on my statements, I am just doing time pass here. :lol:

good work :lol: u think US india Pakistan making and taking decisions through our discussion ? :D

good work :lol: u think US india Pakistan making and taking decisions through our discussion ? :D


Who knows ? You might just have Zardari, Obama and Singh operating under some usernames. :rofl:
Well, if you knew what an F-15 is capable of, you wouldn't have called my statement as "crying".

US should keep Pakistan happy with F-16's only.....

Some Indian members have even objected to the sale of F-16's but I do not. I have no problems with F-16 but I do have concerns with Pakistan getting F-15's.

Do u think F-15 is more capable than PAK-FA and FGFA?:azn:
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