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Is there any supersonic / hypersonic missile being developed by Pakistan?

The wiki article you refer to is old..Newer INS systems are more accurate...WHy do you think that even the Eurofighter Typhoon has INS?
For an inertial navigation system, drift error increases over distance and time and whenever we have a closed loop system, we are inherently prone to internally created biased errors, component noise, for example. Improved accuracy from improved technology does not equate to elimination of those errors. It mean we just make smaller the factors that contributed to those errors. As a closed loop system, an INS must be periodically correlated against external indicators, such as astronavigation method where stars' position is used to verify INS estimated claims. Satellite positioning signals (GPS) is another method. As a standalone method, an INS is the method of last resort.
IRU/INS on military aircraft is there more for its gyroscopic output than navigation, although it does both. The IRU's stabilize the radar antenna, provide artificial horizons, etc, AND they are integrated into the NAV system, but GPS normally handles that chore, and does so with greater accuracy.
GPS is a 1980's technology still holding good..But with current technology cheaper alternatives may be already out there...Although i have yet to come across one that has a global or atleast continental coverage...
But on small scale,which is the need of Pakistan.. i.e..on a regional basis...if looked into thorougly..Pakistan may well be able to build a navigation system of their own.
A proper response to BrahMos is not any ICBM/MIRV or Supersonic/Hypersonic cruise misille.

A proper response to BrahMos is developing/procuring an anti missile system which is capable to detect and stop BrahMos.

Pakistan developing a supersonic cruise missile is retaliation and not a solution against BrahMos.


bhaiiii ggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii apni finger zara se niche karo naak mei na chali jaheeeeeeeeeeeeee :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
We already have cruise missile technology for hypersonic we need to invest in scramjet engines and turbojet-assisted ramjets. :devil:
GPS is a 1980's technology still holding good..But with current technology cheaper alternatives may be already out there...Although i have yet to come across one that has a global or atleast continental coverage...
But on small scale,which is the need of Pakistan.. i.e..on a regional basis...if looked into thorougly..Pakistan may well be able to build a navigation system of their own.

Safriz. GPS is not from 80s, it is thousands of year old technology.
In principle it is exactly same as looking up to the stars and finding your way.

secondly gyroscope does NOT mean navigation. gyroscope is an instrument used to detect change in 3D.
A Tank's gun and turret position are managed and stabilized with gyroscopes.
Will you call it navigation ?
A aircraft's control surfaces are actuated based on gyroscope input.

So please do not confuse navigation (technique) with a gyroscope (instrument).

btw, do member just google uptil wiki only and think their debt to science is paid ?
Safriz. GPS is not from 80s, it is thousands of year old technology.
In principle it is exactly same as looking up to the stars and finding your way.

secondly gyroscope does NOT mean navigation. gyroscope is an instrument used to detect change in 3D.
A Tank's gun and turret position are managed and stabilized with gyroscopes.
Will you call it navigation ?
A aircraft's control surfaces are actuated based on gyroscope input.

So please do not confuse navigation (technique) with a gyroscope (instrument).

btw, do member just google uptil wiki only and think their debt to science is paid ?

INS is calles "Inertial Navigation system" because its used for navigation?
Gyroscopic stablization is a bi product of INS because it incorporates gyroscopes...

By comparing GPS receiver with Astro navigation,if you mean triangulation then you are right..But both are very different in Principal...
Ok GPS receiver uses the position of satellites to calculate it's position,same as we use position of stars to calculate ours in Astro nav..But unlike Astronav..GPS also uses doppler shift and calculations of the time it took for the signal to reach from the satellite to the receiver...
We already have cruise missile technology for hypersonic we need to invest in scramjet engines and turbojet-assisted ramjets. :devil:

Why do you think that there is one and only one nation in the whole wide world who is investing in Hypersonic cruise missiles..and none other?

If the idea was that good,we should have seen many other countries jumpimng on the band wagon? But we havent seen any.
for hypersonic cruise missiles pakistan need scramjet engine.

Tell me one thing...if scram jets were that useful for any type of weaponry...why don't we see any other nation investing in the concept...except the inherently over ambitious India?
were not talking about ICBM/IRBM. Your ABM is for ballistic missiles only, not for cruise missiles, China can still strike India it has the DH-10 cruise missile with >4000 km range.

if you really think their so called ABM can be put into practical work, then you must be eat too much curry.
the reason is :
1.the foundation of india industry is so weak, from technique level to management,from diligence and discipline of workers to infrastructure, they always have the ability to astound chinese engineers and enterpriser who visited indian.
2.indians are very good at one things:brag. it is so different from east asian whom belive humility is a virtue
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if you really think their so called ABM can be put into practical work, then you must be eat too much curry.

Mate..Curry rocks..Try it sometimes :P

So you are saying that India's ABM is useless,or still prototype? I didnt really understand you..Please elaborate....
Mate..Curry rocks..Try it sometimes :P

So you are saying that India's ABM is useless,or still prototype? I didnt really understand you..Please elaborate....

Buddy let them believe whatever they want, we all know how much our Indian friends love to brag. The US has spent hundreds of billions of dollars and boast the finest technological and research base in the world, but are yet to field an ABM system thats 100% effective. The Indians have just started working on their ABM project and they possess a fraction of the technological base that the Americans possess but they have started to boast. Pakistan's missile technology is something that we all Pakistanis could be proud off, you would be surprised how advanced it is. Trust me if there was ever any chance of India intercepting all our missiles successfully, there would have been a huge fuss at the GHQ right now. Here's an old article but a very effective one, give it a read.

Pakistani Strategic Missiles Can Penetrate Proposed Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Shield: Gen. Musharraf

July 26, 2005: President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said on Monday Pakistan has the potential and the missile capability to meet any challenge anywhere from the world. In his second high-profile meeting with the Lahore’s media here at the Governor House on Monday, President Musharraf set aside the general perception among the people vis-a-vis growing Indo-US overall cooperation and its fallout on the balance of power in the subcontinent, saying Pakistan was aware of the potential threat and was taking concrete measures in specific areas where it felt necessary to counter any threat. Punjab Governor Lt-Gen (retd) Khalid Maqbool, Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi and Federal Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed were also there. Earlier, speaking on the Indo-US agreement and overall relations, the president said Pakistan had nothing to worry about the developments in this connection. He said Pakistan had its own independent relations with the US. "We are a powerful nuclear country, having 150 million people. We have a status in the Ummah and the world. We just cannot be ignored. Pakistan is aware of its defence needs, and will never compromise on it. We have the missile capability, which enables us to meet any challenge from anywhere in the world."

Responding to a query vis-a-vis the chances of induction of Patriot Missile System in the Indian forces, Musharraf said the probable acquisition of Patriot Missile System by India was not a concern for Pakistan for neither the system had high accuracy kill-ratio nor the capability to neutralize the effectiveness of Pakistan’s missile inventory. Speaking about the possible induction of Patriot batteries as a professional soldier, the president established Pakistan had the technology to penetrate even if India acquired the Patriot System from the United States. Explaining his point, the president said the Patriots had a kill-probability of around 40 per cent, which implied 60 per cent of the fired missiles could sneak through. Secondly, he maintained, the Scud missiles fired by Iraq evaded Patriots in the Gulf War. Moreover, he said while explaining the technical features of the Patriot System, the system had been developed during the Cold War era. It had a specific response time, keeping in view of the distance between the two Cold War adversaries. It has a response time of 15 to 18 minutes for locating and shooting down the incoming missile. In Pakistan’s case, the response time of the system would not be appropriate for the capability Pakistan had would not give the opponents more than five to six minutes. "And, to top it all, our capability, which we have tested and is no secret, goes in the atmosphere. And when it drops down, it sheds its body in the air. The remaining part is the warhead, which is as small as ten feet, and hard to hit."

In addition to this, the president said it would be quite difficult for India to install such an expensive system for defending multiple targets. For defending say 20 targets, it would have to deploy 1,000-2,000 missiles. Even if that defence mechanism stopped five incoming missiles, another five would penetrate. "So, there is no danger to Pakistan. We are aware of the developments in the region. Where we feel we have problems at our hands, we will rectify. We will not compromise on our defence. Moreover, he said, "The US has assured me the agreement it has signed with India is energy-related. It is not weapon-related. There is a clause in this agreement that it would not be put to effect till the time India clearly divides its weapon-related nuclear projects from the energy-related ones. It’s not an easy job. "Responding to a question about possible Indian backtrack on the gas-pipeline issue, Musharraf said Pakistan itself was interested in purchasing gas from Iran at this point in time. He explained Pakistan was not interested in buying the gas two years back, but the rapid growth in the country warranted more gas supplies. "So, if India is still interested, welcome. If not, we don’t have any worries. Whether or not India is on board, it doesn’t matter to us." The president said he had some information on the possible shift in the Indian position with regard to the same issue.

Speaking about Afghanistan, Musharraf again regretted the statements originating from there. He said Pakistan was concerned about the situation in Afghanistan for it had suffered along with it. Pakistan wished to help, and move together towards a better future. However, Pakistan would neither take nor needed any advice from any side. He said Pakistan had enough of dictations. "Don’t push us to retaliate. Mind your own country. Don’t tell us what to do. We will not tolerate wrong accusations from anywhere." When asked if some western plans were in place to make Pakistan compromise its nuclear program, especially in the backdrop of the ongoing blame-game, President Musharraf said, "If you believe me, zero. No pressure, whatsoever. Not even with regard to Dr Khan." He said the country’s atomic and nuclear program was moving ahead ten times faster than before. The President added Pakistan had the resources. "We will not accept any pressure from any side." However, he said the world had suspicion, regarding the chances of the capability going in the wrong hands. He said if Pakistan proved to them that would never happen, they would have no objection to the country’s nuclear and missile program.

Pakistani Strategic Missiles Can Penetrate Proposed Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Shield: Gen. Musharraf
Mate..Curry rocks..Try it sometimes :P

So you are saying that India's ABM is useless,or still prototype? I didnt really understand you..Please elaborate....

i mean, if indian brag at something, you'd better to water it down. you already have enormous example.be it LCA, arjurn, agni,etc.
the reasons are:
their industry and technique is very weak and they are good at brag.

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