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Exactly! this was the attitude of india blaming pakistan for every failure that occurs in india. You dont need to tell me what parliament is? coz we have 1 too and it means alot for a country. What my point was India did not had any prove about the fact that attact on indian parliament was caused by pakistan even the usa offered assistance in this regard and yet they didnt accepted. Why? coz they got a chance to drag pakistan into.
It has been proved time and again that terrorists infiltrate from Pakistan through the LoC. They have the logistics support and fire cover from the PA, and they are mandated to carry out terrorist attacks throughout the country, apart from Kashmir.

Most of the terrorists comes from pakistan lol. If a guy whos in uk and a british citizen but was a pakistani either in childhood or not even that and he has lived all of his life in uk causes a terror attack in uk does that means it was pakistan's fault? i would leave the answer up to you.
Mate, if he goes to Pakistan some time before the attacks, among other things, or the Mullah at his Mosque is from Pakistan who is a radical, then the finger of blame automatically points to Pakistan. This should be evident to you, thats just how it works. I recommend watching the CNN special report, Pakistan: The Threat Within. They clearly show that the guy was in Pakistan and attended a terrorist training camp there.

Why does Pakistan still have terrorist training camps? India has provided even coordinates for these camps, US did the same, and the result? They were merely shifted elsewhere instead of being bomed! If Pakistan is all so innocent in the world of terrorism, tell me why does invaribly or heck atleast most of the times a Pakistan link crops up? Why are there terrorist camps there?

As for india, pakistan did supported the kashmirs morally and politically but what about india supporting militants in bangladesh in the name of liberation and then in balochistan.
Mate, its a tit for tat game, Balochistan liberation was/is ( i dont know) supported in lieu for the Pakistani involvement in Kashmir.

BD as you know was a completely different affair. You know all about it.

So mate!!! stop accusing others and look into ur self 1st. As for u voting for BJP illustrates exactly my point! God bless us all.
Did you see the reasons i wrote because of which i will be voting for the BJP?
It has been proved time and again that terrorists infiltrate from Pakistan through the LoC. They have the logistics support and fire cover from the PA, and they are mandated to carry out terrorist attacks throughout the country, apart from Kashmir.

Mate, if he goes to Pakistan some time before the attacks, among other things, or the Mullah at his Mosque is from Pakistan who is a radical, then the finger of blame automatically points to Pakistan. This should be evident to you, thats just how it works. I recommend watching the CNN special report, Pakistan: The Threat Within. They clearly show that the guy was in Pakistan and attended a terrorist training camp there.[\QUOTE]
He goes to pakistan but was a uk citizen and how did this thing come into his mind that he wanted to get trained and went to pakistan. Pakistan doesnt followup evey uk citizen abt his wereabouts lets not forget tht recently it was pakistan who informed the uk government abt a possible attack at the airport,if we were so supporting terrorism why the hell would we do that
Why does Pakistan still have terrorist training camps? India has provided even coordinates for these camps said:
India never provided a damn thing all it ever did was to accuse. Let me state a fact here most of the top alqueda leaders are been arrested by pakistan and handedover to usa. If we were so supportive of the taliban regime and alqueda why would we do that? i dont think i need to write the names of ppl captured by pakistan.

Mate said:
yeah it was a completely different game really! you seperated the countries eastern wing and say it was something else.plzzzzz

Did you see the reasons i wrote because of which i will be voting for the BJP?[\QUOTE said:
wht ever may be the reason the fact is BJP is an extremist party and it wont fellow ur agenda but its own. sorry if that feels rude to you
As for the western media like cnn no pakistani gives a damn abt it coz we know how much did we scraifised for this war on terror and we dont need to justify it to any media. Countires who are linked to war on terror knows wht pakistan has done and praises our role in it.That is the only reason that these countries have lifted their embargos on us.
He goes to pakistan but was a uk citizen and how did this thing come into his mind that he wanted to get trained and went to pakistan. Pakistan doesnt followup evey uk citizen abt his wereabouts lets not forget tht recently it was pakistan who informed the uk government abt a possible attack at the airport,if we were so supporting terrorism why the hell would we do that
Its not that Pakistan actively promoted that guy to do that act in UK. It was that the terrorist infrastructure and root in Pakistan that got the best of him. The world media condemned Pakistan because the camps in Pakistan are the ones that are making terrorists. Its not about keeping track of every PPO(Person of Pakistani Origin), but the infrastructure that allows these things is present in Pakistan.

Pakistan helped in that case because it would have been disastrous if Pakistan had been found guilty again and the negative image that would be created of Pakistan if another strike happened with Pakistan in the background.

India never provided a damn thing all it ever did was to accuse. Let me state a fact here most of the top alqueda leaders are been arrested by pakistan and handedover to usa. If we were so supportive of the taliban regime and alqueda why would we do that? i dont think i need to write the names of ppl captured by pakistan.
Thats the great Musharraf balancing act ! Read all about it.

yeah it was a completely different game really! you seperated the countries eastern wing and say it was something else.plzzzzz
The Pakistani genocide in BD was creating a MASSIVE refugee problem in India. India simply could not handle the influx of refugees. And to top it off, you know it was Pakistan who attacked India first, this gave India a perfect excuse to enter. PAF conducted surprise strike missions in Indian mainland ,in an attempt to do what the IsAF did in the ME. They tried to emulate that. It wasnt sucessful though.

wht ever may be the reason the fact is BJP is an extremist party and it wont fellow ur agenda but its own. sorry if that feels rude to you

Dude, they wont follow my agenda, i am voting for them seeing their experience. What they have consistently showed good on.
india and pakistan are allways on the edge of war. Recently I visited the kupwara Poonch and Doda reson and people are happy coz of peace as selling is closed. but if we look the socio-political of both country we would find in India, matter of agresiveness against pakistan is drived to back seat as India is growing both in eco-poltical influence. for it own sequrity India need a peacefull pakistan. so if any chances of mullah taking power would be not tolerated by indian intrest and in that case a limiter or even a wast intervention is possible. Bangladesh can face such type of intervention if condition there remains same.
india and pakistan are allways on the edge of war. Recently I visited the kupwara Poonch and Doda reson and people are happy coz of peace as selling is closed. but if we look the socio-political of both country we would find in India, matter of agresiveness against pakistan is drived to back seat as India is growing both in eco-poltical influence. for it own sequrity India need a peacefull pakistan. so if any chances of mullah taking power would be not tolerated by indian intrest and in that case a limiter or even a wast intervention is possible. Bangladesh can face such type of intervention if condition there remains same.

Well pakistani politics are not going through indian wishes. But majority of pakistanies are liberal and none would like a mullah to come into play but if somehow they do, i dnt think india can do anything abt it neither is india in such a position, a chance of a limited war are coz of other outstanding issues like IOK for e.g
Pakistan and Islam is already at war with India. A war of conspiracy to malign Islam and associate terrorism and extremism with Pakistan.
Sucide bombers comming from Afghanistan killing civilians and ambushing Pak military is nothing less than war.
How long Pakistan will tolerate the killing of its soldiers. If this continues it may lead to full scale war and Indian fanatics are buying already buying weopans for that day.
Very soon some thing huge is comming all because of India and northern alliance nexus.
Pakistan and Islam is already at war with India. A war of conspiracy to malign Islam and associate terrorism and extremism with Pakistan.
Sucide bombers comming from Afghanistan killing civilians and ambushing Pak military is nothing less than war.
How long Pakistan will tolerate the killing of its soldiers. If this continues it may lead to full scale war and Indian fanatics are buying already buying weopans for that day.
Very soon some thing huge is comming all because of India and northern alliance nexus.

I agree with you 100%. We should prepare ourselves for everything is possible. Nothing better can be expected from india.
Sucide bombers comming from Afghanistan killing civilians and ambushing Pak military is nothing less than war.

What the hell, why would Pakistan attack India for aghanis killing Pakistanis?
Seriously, without any offence - I think India does not consider Pakistan worthy enough of attention required to actually manifest such indirect route to strikes within Pakistan. IceCold and others think Pakistan is really that big a thing for India, but seriously - I think you're sadly mistaken

If at all any legacy of such tit-for-tat strikes (started from Pakistan and reactionary from India) still exists - it would probably only like the helping hand to afghanis and not designed/staged that way to cause trouble within Pak territory.

I would like to think prosperity, and economic growth as the forefront of Indian agenda, rather than trying to destablise Pakistan this way. And for all the sense there is out there, that would be the single most astounding route to an actual iron fist over the comparatively lil Pakistan in the long run.
Seriously, without any offence - I think India does not consider Pakistan worthy enough of attention required to actually manifest such indirect route to strikes within Pakistan. IceCold and others think Pakistan is really that big a thing for India, but seriously - I think you're sadly mistaken

If at all any legacy of such tit-for-tat strikes (started from Pakistan and reactionary from India) still exists - it would probably only like the helping hand to afghanis and not designed/staged that way to cause trouble within Pak territory.

I would like to think prosperity, and economic growth as the forefront of Indian agenda, rather than trying to destablise Pakistan this way. And for all the sense there is out there, that would be the single most astounding route to an actual iron fist over the comparatively lil Pakistan in the long run.

dude u need to wake up !!

pakistan is stronger than u think !!


dude u need to wake up !!

pakistan is stronger than u think !!


enzo, I'm not sure if you got the drift in my post. Militarily Pakistan has a good deterrent against India, sizeable and de-motivating enough for India to not screw it as it could, say BD or Sri Lanka.

However, you need to understand for these staged attacks, a big WILL (like that of Pakistan against India) is required, something to PROVE is required, some major BENEFIT is required (like Pak generates of Kashmiri cause et al by creating such furore) - and there is not a lot India gains by these things, apart from maybe a tit-for-tat as I said.

Its economics (and the byproducts a booming economics would bring), that India currently aims at to screw a lil state like Pakistan.

To give you somethin to think about, in current scenario itself - India spends HUGE amount of money on defence, what would happen when India's economic might grows sizeably in next 10 years? Pakistan would not have the stomach to match then.

And its not a match for match game actually, but will save that for some other thread...
Seriously, without any offence - I think India does not consider Pakistan worthy enough of attention required to actually manifest such indirect route to strikes within Pakistan. IceCold and others think Pakistan is really that big a thing for India, but seriously - I think you're sadly mistaken

If at all any legacy of such tit-for-tat strikes (started from Pakistan and reactionary from India) still exists - it would probably only like the helping hand to afghanis and not designed/staged that way to cause trouble within Pak territory.

I would like to think prosperity, and economic growth as the forefront of Indian agenda, rather than trying to destablise Pakistan this way. And for all the sense there is out there, that would be the single most astounding route to an actual iron fist over the comparatively lil Pakistan in the long run.

I completely agree. Indian leaders are busy trying to develop India (and make money on the side). If the infiltration in J&K stopped, Indian leaders wouldn't give 2 shits about Pakistan and focus on more important stuff. War-mongering belongs to the 20th century and should be left there.

Sadly the Pakistanis have been brainwashed into believing that Kashmir should become a part of Pakistan, and their leaders have taken full advantage of this over the years.
Seriously, without any offence - I think India does not consider Pakistan worthy enough of attention required to actually manifest such indirect route to strikes within Pakistan. IceCold and others think Pakistan is really that big a thing for India, but seriously - I think you're sadly mistaken.

You hit the nail right on the head. There's no time for stupid skirmishes or fortnight conflicts especially at time when India's economy is booming at a phenominal rate and our corporate houses are involved in international M&As.

We are in a very comfortable position considering all the arms and nuclear deals in the pipe line. It would only be preposterous to jump the economic wagon just to prove a point to our neighbour, who is unfortunately eternally obsessed with gaurding kashmiri right.
Pakistan is a threat hat we as Indians are worried about. To underestimates them due to the current events like LM/NWFP/Nuke deal would be suicidal. India's effort to destabilise NWFp is a calcualated attempt to make Pakistan concentrate on the west than the east read kashmir.
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