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Is the World War 3 Coming?


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
History tells us that zionist / jewish banking practices are well associated with causing wars and destruction. Quran tells us that yahood or nasara see war as a business for profiterring. Quran also tells us to refrain from Intrest and riba in finance as it leads to war and destruction. Today if we looked towards united states, the situation is not much different than WW2 nazi Germany. Armed to teeth with weapons and industrial might but economy in total chaos with national debt climibing high everyday and national sense of pride total humiliated. The only way to wipe the debt is to take everyone down with them that is laying the foundation for World war three.
All historic conflicts from colonial era are being spurred up. NATO bombing in Libya, possible military engagements with Syria, Arab oil sheikhdoms comfortably serving Zionist goals, Pakistan and Afghanistan being cornered while India flooding with lucrative investment..much like the British came for trade. Why do I have a feeling that world war is coming just around the corner and UN will be dissolved as a impotent organization much like the League of Nation? And the whole fool making drama will continue under a new name and game of peace!
No, all the countries in that scenario would have a lot to lose.
There is no simple answer.

It is a yes, but not soon. It must be minimum a decade away.
A lot of things are clear, if you try to look for them. But for some ignorant people,
who do not believe in this stuff, it is never gonna happen.
Isnt it sick, that some sickos blame jews for everything, jews didnt cause the two world wars, they were peaceful,but when some people started to treat them as vermin, jews had to vouch for a different state.
Ya WW III is just round the corner. And I am playing Age of Empires. I am going to win this time too. :taz:
History tells us that zionist / jewish banking practices are well associated with causing wars and destruction. Quran tells us that yahood or nasara see war as a business for profiterring. Quran also tells us to refrain from Intrest and riba in finance as it leads to war and destruction. Today if we looked towards united states, the situation is not much different than WW2 nazi Germany. Armed to teeth with weapons and industrial might but economy in total chaos with national debt climibing high everyday and national sense of pride total humiliated. The only way to wipe the debt is to take everyone down with them that is laying the foundation for World war three.
All historic conflicts from colonial era are being spurred up. NATO bombing in Libya, possible military engagements with Syria, Arab oil sheikhdoms comfortably serving Zionist goals, Pakistan and Afghanistan being cornered while India flooding with lucrative investment..much like the British came for trade. Why do I have a feeling that world war is coming just around the corner and UN will be dissolved as a impotent organization much like the League of Nation? And the whole fool making drama will continue under a new name and game of peace!

superb observation....

but arabs cant fight the world wars, only some nations who have that will and power, i-e china, russia and japan and korea
It's typical of muslim members of this forum to spread this kind of rubbish on here.

we are also taught how aussies got into place called australia ........ and how brits colonised it
we are also taught how aussies got into place called australia ........ and how brits colonised it

I thought they used to send criminals down there?

Anyways ww3? yeah right... okkkkkay.. cool.
Our dear friends are telling us that Jews are the most powerful people in the world. Instead of teaching Chinese in Indian and US schools, we should ask our kids to learn Yiddish.
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