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Is the “Pakistan Military” truly Pakistani in origin?

لگتا ہے مسئلہ یہیں سے شروع ہوا ہے۔
It was a reply to his personal attacks.
As a pti supporter it's part of the training isn't it?
I'm sure low IQ, dumb, jerking off etc are okay for you guys.

Same is the case with abusing mother's?

Don't expect the other person to turn the other cheek.
Because no matter where I go, I will always be a Pakistani, and my extended family is mostly in Pakistan, and we pay our dues in remittance. Anyways, I doubt a low IQ person like you can comprehend anything outside of your bubble. You are too busy jerking off the Napak fauj. Dumb and dumber is apt for Napak fauj, and its followers
And than came the bastard @Sal12 using abusive lingo and swearing at mother's, not his fault.. that's the brothel's he grew up in. Showing what his c... of a mum taught him.
Abey *****...Chal nikal idher se and ja ke maa chudwa apni..
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It was a reply to his personal attacks.
As a pti supporter it's part of the training isn't it?
I'm sure low IQ, dumb, jerking off etc are okay for you guys ain't ? Same is the case with abusing mother's?

Don't expect the other person to turn the other cheek.

And than came the bastard @Sal12 using abusive lingo and swearing at mother's, not his fault.. that's the brothel's he grew up in. Showing what his c... of a mum taught him.

Yes all PTI supporters are bad. PMLN supporters are angels.

PS: He didn't curse you. Saying you're low IQ is a jab at best.
Yes all PTI supporters are bad. PMLN supporters are angels.

PS: He didn't curse you. Saying you're low IQ is a jab at best.
Been on this forum for almost 2 decades.. shit on PMLN way more than even most rabid PTI supporters. Cant accuse me of that. But your lot is indeed the worst. Whoever criticizes Imran Khan the farishta is a patwari, jayala etc etc right ? Liable to the worst abuse.

Afterall IK is an angel from heaven. And any criticism blasphemy.

As for low IQ, dumb etc being a jab... how about jerking off someone ? Should I google that for you or is it selective amnesia you guys suffer from ?

What's that? Regular everyday conversation for you? For me it ain't.

In real life if somebody said something like that too me, id shove my boot up his. And trust me I can pull that off.
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Criticisms of Imran Khan need to be backed up with some rationale.
IK made a lot of stupid decisions, no doubt.

Sticking to Punjab CM, going with electables, Reham Khan, blooper statements about women, not enough pressure on Bajwa / cronies, making too many statements about opposition corruption (let NAB do their job), letting Nawaz go, should not have relented on DG ISI, not focusing on Sindh, focusing too much on oil subsidies.

As opposed to the PDM and Establishment that have done so much damage, that it will take a good decade for Pakistan to recover.
IK made a lot of stupid decisions, no doubt.

Sticking to Punjab CM, going with electables, Reham Khan, blooper statements about women, not enough pressure on Bajwa / cronies, making too many statements about opposition corruption (let NAB do their job), letting Nawaz go, should not have relented on DG ISI, not focusing on Sindh, focusing too much on oil subsidies.

As opposed to the PDM and Establishment that have done so much damage, that it will take a good decade for Pakistan to recover.
That is what they don’t want to understand. Majority of Pakistanis agree Khan has made mistakes. But these faujeets and patwari trying to compare Khan’s mistakes to PDM and establishment is nuts. he made judgmental errors which he himself confessed, the other lot are pure haramkhors.

Comparing someone who is actively trying to fix the country while being given 0 support from establishment (they are a reality and majority of the world has loyal army- we are specially blessed with haramkhors) to PDM which is actively trying to increase their bank balance is indeed a sign of rare mental illness found in Pakistani lot.

Criticisms of Imran Khan need to be backed up with some rationale.
Na, all they have to say is he was dangerous. Economy wasn’t doing good. You ask for proof and they disappear. They sit in western countries and if they make the same statement about their local government without giving proof they will be laughed at but regarding Pakistan they are experts.
Chup Beth

You will do a potty if you were asked to fight on Afghanistan border (not even Indian border)

Stop barking at our army just because your favourite politician isn’t in power

Do you remember when your kind used to proudly say one page? Now army is bad

Chup Beth ab. Your day will come and then you will bark one page proudly again

We have been seeing this since Pak was made, why whine everyday. Just shutup yar and enjoy ramadan

The army leadership has shown that they have ZERO regard for Pakistan's constitution or the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

We will see your great traitor army leaders do a 180° turn when they see America begin crumble this year.

Also the pack of traitors in sitting in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, are NOT the leaders of the Muslims of Pakistan, Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam IS the leader of all Muslims. Those who dispute this FACT, are but traitors to Pakistan.

There is NO POWER greater than Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah .... you want to challenge this, please go ahead and you will find out just like the nations of Aad, the Quraish, Banu Israeel have in the history of humanity.

Go read about what the Romans did to the Jews when their Rabbis murdered Prophets of Allah and attempted to crucify the Messiah Isa Alaihi Salam. When you do read about this, take it as evidence what will happen to those who challenge the Authority of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
niazi is a pure Pakistani he should be made the Pm and army chief then he can hire pute Pakistanis
plz respecting of Pakistan Fauz.
Pajeet personified
There was a great post on facebook.

I have 1000 rs
I pay my security guard 700
I have 100 for education
I have 100 for food
and I have 100 left for business.
This continues:

  • The Rs 100 on education are spent on sending my children to the universities run by the guard. To ensure my children get a seat there, my guard was kind enough to send his own children for higher studies abroad.
  • The Rs. 100 on food I spend is produced by the company owned by the guard. (That company is supplied with free gas/water electricity.)
  • Out of the Rs. 100 meant for business, I spend Rs 25 on security provided by the company owned by my guards retired colleagues
  • Due to lack of utilities in the city. My guard gives me preference in supplying water, gas and other utilites from his other company.
  • The guard lives in a beautiful mansion right in front of my house.
  • Whenever, I ask him about the mansion, he responds that my neighbours want to destoy my house. But I should not worry because he is always there to protect me, even if that means sacrificing my own children. (Remember his children are abroad for higher education)
  • Now that I feel safe from my guards words. Its time for me to watch Asim Neelum Munirs item number produced by my guards PR dept.
The army leadership has shown that they have ZERO regard for Pakistan's constitution or the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

When they selected druggie liar, they loved constitute and justice right?

What a clown
When they selected druggie liar, they loved constitute and justice right?

What a clown

The only clown here is biryani troll boy.

This topic is now more relevant than ever.
Our current Army structrue is that of the Colonial Era , beatup your own citizen FAUJ

1857 , instead of Angrez , we got our "Inner Circle" who enjoy same Perks as Colonial heads

A polite request to the army: It is very embarrassing when on TV, a few, five or ten people are seen raising flags and shouting slogans in support of the army and for the martyrs - even school children are used - that's it. K's drivers have also added, why do you make fun of yourself - everyone respects the army, but when you force a small mini rally on TV, you feel sorry for your state of mind - if you have to, then a rally in Minar Pakistan. Do it where not the soldiers, call the common people and give speeches to all the generals and see the reaction of the people
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