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Is the BJP hacking EVMs to win UP election?

Indian Muslims will never abandon India. Nor the hinduwadi fascists can force them out.

So your opinion does not matter.
I literally just said I didn't want that either lmao, you suggested that
Yogi has alienated OBCs, Dalits and even Brahmans. He is very arrogant and high handed.

Even alienated people can still vote for the BJP just 'cause of the fear factor, the fear instilled in the hearts and minds of the Muslims in particular and OBC's and Dalits. Like they, the Muslims fears the persecution and further high handedness if they, the Yogi to other hardcores got the wind that they lost 'cause of Muslims not voting for them.

This happens in Sindh interior in Pak too, poor Haris and Kisans hate the PPP, but end up voting for them(fake votes too), why because of fear of waderas and police walas, all supporting the PPP.

Yes if you think EVM's were hacked, than this would start a pandora box...or Yogi's fear and power will prevail. The latter seems to be true.
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I watched exit polls of many news channels. Most exit polls are predicting BJP victory in Uttar Pradesh.

I know most news channel are on the payroll of the RSS.

But I don't understand how the BJP can win the most important Indian state.

* OBC and Muslim population is around 35 percent and 20 percent respectively. OBCs are angry with the BJP. Most OBCs went for Samajwadi Party this time. Muslims won't vote for the BJP.

* Dalits are angry with the BJP to due to rise in anti Dalit Hate crimes. Most of them would have voted for BSP. Dalits form around 25 percent.

* Brahmins are around 9.5 percent. Yogi (a Thakur) has irked Brahmins by favouring his caste over them. Atleast half of them would go with the Congress and the BSP.

* Farmers protest has turned agrarian castes like Jaats and Gujjars who are form a significant chunk of the population of western up anti BJP. Most Muslims of the state are concentrated in the Western Part.

* Thakurs who form around 7 percent of the state population would support Yogi (a thakur). Who would else vote for BJP? Some Brahmins. Some minor OBCs castes. Some minor Dalits castes. In short BJP wouldn't be able to garner more than 18 percent votes.

So how the BJP would cross the majority mark?

@jamahir @Joe Shearer @xeuss @N.Siddiqui

There is a great deal of scepticism about Exit Polls. Some opinions have begun to circulate that these are deliberate plants, intended to legitimise extra-legal actions by the BJP to win the polls without winning the votes.

We can only wait and see.

Media being on BJP's payroll and exit polls predicting BJP victory are totally unrelated things. Can't understand why you are forcing a connection here. Results will be out in a few weeks. Then exit polls will be worth less than toilet paper. Exit polls do not make victors. Elections do. Exit polls are for entertainment of public who can't help scratching their itch till the actual results.

No need to hack the EVM's, the Hindutva radicalization has hacked and indoctrinated the minds of a large percent of feeble minded people, there is always a bigger propensity that gullible people in huge numbers will fall for the BJP.

I agree with Joe and disagree with DrJekyll. And DrJekyll, if Yogi wins now the tragic and unscientific nature of the Indian political system declares that any anti-Yogi anti-BJP party and CM candidate has to wait five years before attempting to attain power by trying to convince a public who will include large fickle-minded sections and again Yogi might become the CM then if he's not presented as the PM. All this voting-shotting drama is unneeded and is anti-democratic. Please read this post of mine from earlier in the day as to how to achieve true democracy in India.

N.Siddiqui, though there has been Hindutva radicalization it is also true that there has been a revelation on NDTV ( a good channel for Indian news ) that people going to voting booths in UP are being told that their vote has already been cast through postal ballot and who is the party in power in UP but BJP. And then it seems BJP is going to residential areas and inking people's fingers and then maybe doing some crookery in the EVMs to grab the votes for themselves. And there was a report on NDTV that in another state under election, Uttarakhand, there has been happening some crookery with some vote record documents in the voting booths themselves after the votes, and the party in power there is again BJP. So, whether EVMs or the entire system of parties, elections and votes is a fraud against democracy. Please read the post I linked to DrJekyll just above, but before that please read this earlier post of mine on EVMs.

EVM Rudali Wilap on :pdf::rofl:

Ah, a new Adarsh Bhakt on PDF. Old in membership but renewal in trolling. And look who thanked your post.
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I agree with Joe and disagree with DrJekyll. And DrJekyll, if Yogi wins now the tragic and unscientific nature of the Indian political system declares that any anti-Yogi anti-BJP party and CM candidate has to wait five years before attempting to attain power by trying to convince a public who will include large fickle-minded sections and again Yogi might become the CM then if he's not presented as the PM. All this voting-shotting drama is unneeded and is anti-democratic. Please read this post of mine from earlier in the day as to how to achieve true democracy in India.

N.Siddiqui, though there has been Hindutva radicalization it is also true that there has been a revelation on NDTV ( a good channel for Indian news ) that people going to voting booths in UP are being told that their vote has already been cast through postal ballot and who is the party in power in UP but BJP. And then it seems BJP is going to residential areas and inking people's fingers and then maybe doing some crookery in the EVMs to grab the votes for themselves. And there was a report on NDTV that in another state under election, uttarakhand, there has been happening some crookery with some vote record documents in the voting booths itself after the votes, and the party in power there is again BJP. So, whether EVMs or the entire system of parties, elections and votes is a fraud against democracy. Please read the post I linked to DrJekyll just above, but before that please read this earlier post of mine on EVMs.

Ah, a new Adarsh Bhakt on PDF. Old in membership but renewal in trolling. And look who thanked your post.

Do I have any control over who's liking my Post or Replying? I logged in to PDF, saw the thread & commented as it made me laugh. I expected this to be a thing of Past.

I am apolitical now. You won't be seeing me participating in any Political Threads. Apparently, shouldn't have posted in this thread, neither replied to your post.

I returned to PDF after years to see what's happening between Russia & Ukraine. :agree:
Do I have any control over who's liking my Post or Replying? I logged in to PDF, saw the thread & commented as it made me laugh. I expected this to be a thing of Past.

I am apolitical now. You won't be seeing me participating in any Political Threads. Apparently, shouldn't have posted in this thread, neither replied to your post.

I returned to PDF after years to see what's happening between Russia & Ukraine. :agree:

How are you apolitical when you see talk about BJP doing EVM fraud and you post "EVM Rudali Vilap on" ? Couldn't you post a non-snarky and considered reply for the OP ?

And did you clarify to the person who thanked you ( @Sudarshan is a Modi bhakt ) that you were apolitical ?
Even alienated people can still vote for the BJP just 'cause of the fear factor, the fear instilled in the hearts and minds of the Muslims in particular and OBC's and Dalits. Like they, the Muslims fears the prosecution and further high handedness if they, the Yogi to other hardcores got the wind that they lost 'cause of Muslims not voting for them.

This happens in Sindh interior in Pak too, poor Haris and Kisans hate the PPP, but end up voting for them(fake votes too), why because of fear of waderas and police walas, all supporting the PPP.

Yes if you think EVM's were hacked, then this would start a pandora box...or Yogi's fear and power will prevail. The latter seems to be true.
Pakistan is 98 percent Muslim. Minority vote does not matter over there.

India has a huge Muslim population whose vote matters.

Uttar Pradesh is most caste riddled state in India. If you meet some one from there, they will introduce themselves as Thakur, Jaat or Brahmin. They hate other castes. In short Caste comes first Hindutva latter.

PPP can win Sindh without rural Hindu vote. Feudalism is still alive over there. So they can extract revenge.

But things are different here. Nehru destroyed feudal lords.

Let's say a seat has 20 percent Muslim population. 10 percent are upper caste. 45 percent are OBCs. 25 Dalits.

BJP has to win support of OBCs and SCs to win. Muslims won't vote for it anyway. Upper caste votes will get split between the BJP and Congress. BSP will win Dalit votes. Samajwadi Party will major chunk of OBC and Muslim vote.

In the end Samajwadi party is the clear winner.

Note : The Congress and BSP are very weak atm. Muslims know that voting for them will help the BJP like last time. So they threw their support behind Samajwadi party.
I agree with Joe and disagree with DrJekyll. And DrJekyll, if Yogi wins now the tragic and unscientific nature of the Indian political system declares that any anti-Yogi anti-BJP party and CM candidate has to wait five years before attempting to attain power by trying to convince a public who will include large fickle-minded sections and again Yogi might become the CM then if he's not presented as the PM. All this voting-shotting drama is unneeded and is anti-democratic. Please read this post of mine from earlier in the day as to how to achieve true democracy in India.

My point was different. About EVM tampering. BJP may come to power due communal divide, but that is not the same as saying that EVMs are tampered. One needs to be consistent. When BJP loses elections no one talks about EVM tampering.
So you mean to suggest that BJP did this just in UP and not in Indian Punjab where AAP got more than 70 seats and BJP hardly 5-6, so as to make it look less suspicious and more acceptable.

As UP is 'The' state which makes or breaks the govt. Yes could be like this, probable enough...
You forget, there has to be state assistance to pull off this kind of highway robbery.

In UP, the Yogi may be cursed by common people, but he has a stranglehold on the officials.

In the Punjab, the BJP has nothing but Captain Sahib.

They cannot do that in states like Punjab where BJP has no base. Or West Bengal where Mamta Banerjee is too popular among Bengalis. Or Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
I just don't see how the BJP would win in UP.
Awful wording, awful English.

"I just don't see how the BJP would legitimately win in UP."

Indian Muslims will never abandon India. Nor the hinduwadi fascists can force them out.

So your opinion does not matter.
Calm down. @Bleek is cashing in his chips, and will re-enter once he has had his jollies.

I literally just said I didn't want that either lmao, you suggested that
My point was different. About EVM tampering. BJP may come to power due communal divide, but that is not the same as saying that EVMs are tampered. One needs to be consistent. When BJP loses elections no one talks about EVM tampering.
Largely because (1) EVM tampering; (2) buying up elected representatives of some other party are branded BJP manoeuvres.
My point was different. About EVM tampering. BJP may come to power due communal divide, but that is not the same as saying that EVMs are tampered. One needs to be consistent. When BJP loses elections no one talks about EVM tampering.

If BJP loses then the unguided-by-true-progressives masses did something sensible for a change and even then their sensible act may be temporary because they have been imposed with a wrong system and they feel compelled to change their voting opinion every election. This was the same masses that voted Yogi in majority the last time.

But we must acknowledge that whatever the contemporary political conditions at the time of the election it is certain that BJP will use every crookery to win in what is a crooked political system.

Stop tagging me liberandu commie

Well, you stop posting and doing ha ha reacts and I may think of stopping tagging you.
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